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#1 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] No exit from sleep after devuan installation » 2024-05-27 16:36:22

Some progress

[    3.746627] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x00000000000004B0-0x00000000000004BF conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000480-0x00000000000004BF (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.SIOR.GPIO) (20220331/utaddress-204)
[    3.746637] ACPI: OSL: Resource conflict; ACPI support missing from driver?
[    3.746639] ACPI Warning: SystemIO range 0x0000000000000480-0x00000000000004AF conflicts with OpRegion 0x0000000000000480-0x00000000000004BF (\_SB.PCI0.SBRG.SIOR.GPIO) (20220331/utaddress-204)
[    3.746644] ACPI: OSL: Resource conflict; ACPI support missing from driver?
[    3.746645] lpc_ich: Resource conflict(s) found affecting gpio_ich

This has gone away after I run Xorg -configure, copied xorg.conf to /etc/X11 (it was probably not there for obvious "suggested" things) and after having set modesetting in Device=intel and after having removed xorg-input-video-driver rebooted... prompt. No slim login, good!!!

Reinstalled xorg driver mentioned, logged in, and it goes some sort of broken hybernate instead of suspend.

Than I checked the dmesg. ACPI warning gone. Perfect. Went to remove xorg.conf, rebooted, suspend, and if I plug in something usb flavored device going away for say 30 min I gotta kill xfw4. And its good. Better than suggested. I kinda like it. For me it is solved, don't know exactly what I did but... mmm

#2 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] No exit from sleep after devuan installation » 2024-05-24 13:41:13

Well... if I am here trying solve a vital problem without running away is because I like this project, so as long as I have time and this is also helping others I'm happy with that.

I've never looked into gnome. Maybe you can instal xfce4, it wont do any bad. You can than follow that xfwm4 problem above, and see.

Gnome AFAIK is not so happy with wildly killing processes to test or solve things but I don't know much of it.

#3 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] No exit from sleep after devuan installation » 2024-05-24 10:02:23

So i looked upon and found out your laptop seems to have issues with ACPI.

Are you on xfce?

If yes (and if it is a xfwm4 related problem like mine is) the only process of xfwm4 present is the one I mentioned above. For me it solves the problem and I can get it to sleep many times before it reoccurs. I agree it has to do with peripherals (usb probably), I'm not an expert, and for now it is good like this.

I would try to automate a killing of that process while suspending the system. That 's the only thing I can tell you.

#4 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] No exit from sleep after devuan installation » 2024-05-23 11:27:28

Let me understand...

Either you can't use at all the monitor after suspend, or you see and move a mouse with black screen and nothing else.

If the second case: I was the same as you untill I reduced the power manager do almost nothing but  pop the screensaver and suspend instead of hibernate. After that I got finally the desktop but freezed up every time I came back from a sleep state. Then I did the search in a different tty with htop to find out the problem (which I have not managed to solve anyway, I just do this every freeze).

If the first case (Monitor unaccessible): that is not my case. Mine was as described.

For now is just this. I'm on a old 32 bit desktop, so I thought maybe a hardware related issue.

#5 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] No exit from sleep after devuan installation » 2024-05-23 10:19:09

I can confirm that: on freeze ttying htop and stopping just

xfwm4 --display :0.0 --sm-client -id [alfanumeric-value-blahblah]

in my case works.

But randomly the freeze reoccurs (a bit less frequently), even though I can not explain why I noticed on boot a NFS error which adresses another id related problem, could this be something?

I don't have u5 version of xserver packages but I have u2 and u7 from daedalus-security.

Do I have to change to devuan-security to find out them?

#6 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] No exit from sleep after devuan installation » 2024-05-22 16:12:53

I have probably the same or similar issue. Sometimes after suspend (xfce4-session-logout or pm-suspend script) desktop freeze or blank and everything stops. It occurs somehow randomly.

Today at given freeze, after resuming, I ttyed with root to htop to see what was going on, selected sort by MEM and found out this:

xfwm4 --display :0.0 --sm-client -id [alfanumeric-value-blahblah]

I stopped this service and all --sm-client other related stuffs and everything worked back on the main tty sys.

And now the problem has just stopped for a while... I don't know let's see if it comes back later.

So what could it be? Too old hardware?? Services not stopping or delaying??

I didn't install any additional xscreensaver theme or else, I have just what was in the iso.

Maybe this helps out

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