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I did install all gvfs files, but I am not sure about thunar-volman. That could be the culprit. I also did install thunar-volman.
@stargate-sg1-cheyenne-m: Actually, I do have notes, I will find them and post them here.
So, first I installed:
sudo apt install xfce4-panel xfdesktop4 xfwm4 xfce4-settings xfce4-session xfce4-terminal xfce4-appfinder xfce4-power-manager thunar thunar-volman xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin ristretto cinnabar-icon-theme gvfs policykit-1 lightdm xfconf xinit xorg
sudo apt install ntfs-3g
Then network (and appimage-capability):
sudo apt install gvfs-fuse fuse3 libfuse3-3 gvfs-backends
If anyone sees what's missing, it would be a great help.
I found out that the problem is present if I install manually a so-called minimal Devuan XFCE. Regular XFCE installation doesn't have this issue. I guess, this is a lesson for me not to fiddle too much with minimal installations.
I would like to know which missing package(s) gave this issue, but I will mark this topic as solved, even though it technically isn't. Thank you all for your help.
When I restart thunar (thunar -q), I get this error:
(thunar:23463): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 16:35:36.930: g_signal_handler_disconnect: assertion 'G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
I will try netdev in my fstab.
I have installed Nemo file manager, and when the computer loses connection to my NAS, it doesn't freeze as Thunar does. It does get slower when browsing through Nemo, but it's functional at least. Thunar just freezes.
On the left side is functional Nemo, on the right frozen Thunar.
I have now tried to install autofs.
Then I have edited /etc/auto.master with this line at the end of the file:
/- /etc/auto.misc
I edited /etc/auto.misc with my NFS info:
/mnt/Backup -fstype=nfs,rw
But Thunar still freezes (and acts the same) after Synology is shut down.
So I came back to Devuan from Debian. I have installed Daedalus with XFCE. I connect to my Synology with NFS, and I have a bookmark for it in Thunar. My issue is that when my Synology NAS is shut down, my Thunar freezes, it gets unstable or rather it doesn't respond, and I can't use it. It looks like this:
Now, I've read somewhere that I might use soft option in my fstab, but it doesn't change anything. My fstab looks like this at the moment: /mnt/Backup/ nfs auto,defaults,soft,nofail,nolock 0 0
So, the question is what is wrong with this, and/or what can I do, so that Thunar doesn't freeze when the NAS shuts down? Thank you for your time.
Well, welcome, Mr. Swanson. I hope you will have a nice time with Devuan.
Work in progress
(foot is the name of the terminal)
Now, this is cool. Could you share the whole code of this? I'd like to to something similar.
ANDROMEDA [LIVE in Vietnam] - Slaves of the Plethora Season (YT)
At the moment I play EU IV, Sniper Elite 4 and Generation Zero. GZ is an amazing coop game with beautiful scenery and huge, open world.
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