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You are correct. You can change to "managed" by editing /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf but yeah, you need to delete the wifi references.
Yeah, I was doing something very similar. I actually chose to install "standard network utilities" on the first run, without installing a desktop. Then, in the second go, install LXDE, but then go in and fix after logging into the desktop. This entailed uninstalling connman-gtk, then setting up wpa_supplicant, then installing WICD.
Yeah, I was wondering if I could install LXDE and network-manager-gnome at the same time. I suspect I really don't need WICD. I've read about it, and it seems to offer some additional options, like writing my own connection routines. But I'm not planning to do that, so...
Useful info, thanks!
Good for you! If something works, then use it. I'm happy with my own choices.
Wow. I'm glad I'm not alone.
EDIT: I really don't know what to say at this point. It seemed to me that Daedalus was somewhat systemD-like. I''m guessing that it's becoming harder and harder to strip systemD out of Debian, and I was wondering if Devuan would ever break away and go independent.
There seems to be a need for an alternative pathway that is not dependent on Debian.
Actually, I went back and installed Chimera. I've never been comfortable with Debian Bookworm, and Daedalus, which is based on Bookworm: both distros seem boated and cumbersome. Chimera was noticeably faster than Daedalus, and the 5.X kernel is smaller and faster.
Interestingly, connman-gtk worked, after a fashion: the wireless networks quickly populated the app window, but my WiFi connection was flaky. So I uninstalled connman-gtk, and proceeded to install WICD, which is based on network-manager-gnome, network-manager, etc. The connecting was effortless, and the connection is stable.
Ahhh, it's been ages since I've played with mixed repos 😁
I had even considered going back to Chimera, as I don't need anything state of the art...
Maybe Firefox. Cool beans hahaha
Thanks for your reply. WICD seems not to be in the repository. I'll see if it's on a GitHub somewhere.
When you say accessibility software, you can skip over that step.
Which media do you recommend installing with? The live CD?
Glad to hear from someone "down under" as we say in The States.
What is broken is the setup. When you reach tasksel, when doing a netinstall, if you *only* choose to install LXDE, and not, for example, XFCE, then you end up with connman-gtk as the WiFi manager.
The first time you log into the desktop, you have to click on Preferences, Connman Settings, and then it sets up in the tray. So you click on the tray icon, and the window opens, which shows that WiFi is off. So you click on the button, and turn WiFi on. But instead of the window populating with nearby WiFi networks, it remains empty.
I've read about some people turning it off and on several times until it works. But as far as I can determine, connman-gtk is deprecated. I read somewhere that it's been abandoned since 2021. So, we've lost WICD and connman, and all that's left is good ole network-manager!
Here's where the story gets even stranger: I uninstalled connman-gtk and installed network-manager-gnome. After rebooting, and logging into the desktop, the network-manager-gnome was sitting in the tray. But it was "divorced" from the network hardware. The message I saw when I hovered over the tray icon was something about it being unattached. I'm sorry, now I can't remember the exact wording.
The only way I could get network-manager-gnome to work, was to start completely over, and *this time* choose to install "Devuan Desktop Environment" and/or "XFCE Desktop Environment". Then, when I log into the desktop, network-manager-gnome is sitting in the tray, and I'm connected to the WiFi network, and I can scan for other networks nearby!
Evidently, tasksel knows some tricks I don't, or there's some missing dependencies I don't know about, but tasksel does. Once I'm up and running with XFCE, then I can install LXDE, and everything works!
By the way: I am not complaining about Devuan at all! Debian Linux has the same issue: if I *only* install LXDE at the tasksel point, I get connman-gtk, etc, just as I described above.
I don't need any help getting up and running, everything is good. But my curiosity has definitely been piqued. There may not be as much info about LXDE because it's not a popular desktop anymore, and it does require a little but of tweaking. But it's not difficult, and works very well for my purposes.
Thanks for any feedback, and have a nice day! ~James
I have an HP OfficeJet 4630. After installing system-config-printer and hplip, and clicked on Preferences, Print Settings, Network Printer.
The program automatically found my printer, at the correct IP, however, the list of connection settings did not include HPLIP.
So then I clicked on Find Network Printer, typed in the IP, and it found my printer, showed HPLIP as the connection setting, and then I clicked Forward.
At this stage, I had to select HP, then scroll down a list of hundreds of drivers until I found OfficeJet 4630. Everything got set up correctly.
However, I know that in the past, I was able to get this setup nearly automatically after clicking on Network Printer, and the correct HPLIP driver got installed.
So I'm really curious what make the network printer setup magically work on some Linux installs.
You're running into the changes made to su in buster/beowulf. See the release notes for fixes. … _notes.txt It's in the "What's new" section near the top.
The print server task includes cups. You could set up the printer by going to localhost:631 in a web browser. When you do any admin tasks, it will ask for root login.
Thank you once again, Admin. I used
You could have tried:
su system-config-printer
Thank you!
While installing Beowulf using the NetInst ISO, I chose "Standard Utilities" and "Print Server" from tasksel. After rebooting, I installed alsa-utils, xorg, wicd, lxde-core and a handful of other lxde packages. After adding a sound driver to modconf and firmware, I rebooted once more. Note: this is an Acer Chromebook 11, model C740.
Now I added system-config-printer. On the LXDE menu, I chose, under Preferences, Print Settings. The dialog was locked, and clicking unlock had no effect. So I was unable to add a printer.
So I executed
su -
The error message was, "cannot open display". I had no choice but to install sudo, add my username in /etc/group, logoff and login, then setup my printer with
sudo system-config-printer
Comments, anyone?
I think the answer lies in the udisks package. When I roll my own, it likely never gets installed. So when I try one more time, I will check for this. The name of the package is udisks2.
Update: I downloaded the netinst.iso and installed the default desktop. (Normally, I roll my own install after booting to a command line.)
So after opening in XFCE, I installed LXDE. Everything works fine except for dynamic brightness control. No problem at all accessing attached storage. For brightness control, I added the following line in .config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart:
xrandr --output eDP-1 --brightness .85
which was a very comfortable level.
After a reboot, the xfce4-power-manager slider easily controlled the brightness.
After uninstalling LibreOffice and several multimedia programs, I was only using 3 GB, which is great!
Here's a live-iso I made today. It's a proof-of-concept, experimental, unofficial, and it looks like it works just fine.
Beowulf, LXDE, it has both lxdm and lightdm with lxdm the active display manager. I forgot to remove lightdm. To change the default, run dpkg-reconfigure lightdmThere's not much more than what comes with lxde. Just a few apps. No gimp or libreoffice. … 2_0818.iso
Login: Password
6d4247852ea41865b0f1977ea88f8399f6ddab4b55c91da079ce1536c443b859 snapshot_beowulf_lxde_amd64-20210312_0818.iso
Thanks, Admin! This is rather nice. I booted it up on my Chromebook. I had to edit the boot text to include i915.fastboot=1 because of a somewhat incompatibility which causes a flashing screen, but after this, I came to the desktop.
After inserting a MicroSD card, I was able to browse the media using pcmanfm. So right now, I'm clueless as to why I had a problem earlier. I will try installing from the netinst.iso again soon, and will let you know.
I just installed lxde in beowulf to see how it is. Starting with just a standard (no-X) system, apt refused to install the lxde metapackage or any individual parts until I tried intsalling lxde and policykit-1 together. Then it worked.
I did not test removable drives because I'm testing in a qemu VM. But the user could not shutdown or reboot from the desktop without entering the root password and not at all from the lightdm login screen. All the polkit and elogind stuff was there. Turned out that udisks was missing. When I added that, shutdown and reboot were active on desktop and login screen.
I installed Lubuntu, now I don't have this problem.
Is the gvfs-backends package installed?
A 4 TB HD is plugged into a USB port. When I boot up and log on, it appears in PCManFM. However, when I click on it, I get
Not authorized to perform operation
So then I can mount it manually to a local folder, so no problem. However, it should "hot mount", right?
When I was running ASCII, I had to replace LightDM with LXDM to solve problems like this. Under Beowulf, this doesn't help.
I have chrome-remote-desktop installed on this computer. Could this be interfering? I may try uninstalling it, just to be sure.
This How-to assumes you have a computer running Devuan which can "host" media files for other computers on the network. The other computers will be running a Kodi client, which could even be a Kodi app installed from the Android play store. Sorry, I know nothing about Apple Store apps.
1. Preliminary steps:
a. Create a folder in your home directory called Media. (This will be referenced later)
b. Create 2 sub-folders in Media called Albums and Movies. Albums will hold music extracted from your CD's using asunder or some other CD ripping package in conjunction with picard (MusicBrainz) or some other music tagging software. Kodi prefers MusicBrainz tags. Movies will hold videos in the form Movie Name (yyyy).mp4. This can consist a series of flat files all inside Movies, or each movie can be in its own sub-folder. Kodi recommends the latter; however, it is your choice.
2. Install SAMBA. As root:
apt-get install samba
3. The samba package includes a rather complex configuration file /etc/samba.smb.conf. As root, move this out of the way:
cd /etc/samba
mv smb.conf smb.conf.bkp
4. Use an editor to create a new configuration file. For example, as root:
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
5. You can copy and paste this configuration text for smb.conf:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = hostname
mangled names = no
path = /home/username/Media
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
writable = no
browsable = yes
Note: Substitute the actual values for your hostname and username.
Note: The mangled names line prevents SAMBA from converting file names to an 8-character Windows-compatible format when they contain "special" characters such as colons, ampersands, commas, etc. It is preferable never to use special characters in movie names. For example, the file name "Jekyll and Hide (1990).mp4" will be properly "scraped" by Kodi even though the theatrical name is Jekyll & Hyde.
Note: The [Media] section label will appear in some clients. It is very useful to name this to be identical to the folder name containing the source files, which I named Media in step 1.
6. After creating the new configuration file, test it for correctness with
The above command need not be executed as root.
7. Finally, as root, restart SAMBA:
/etc/init.d/samba-ad-dc restart
Everything from here on out happens on the client side. From inside Kodi, add the SMB link/source and individually add Movies and Albums. Configuring Kodi is beyond the scope of this How-To.
SAMBA can seem overwhelming, so I merely wished to provide a simple configuration file, which I am using myself with great success. This How-To is based on a previous attempt to illustrate how to setup SAMBA, but contains more Kodi-specific instructions.
On the "host" computer, you can, of course, add photos and other media items inside the Media folder. Enjoy your media!
To be sure, use
su -
for Devuan Beowulf 3.0 and above.
OK, thanks
Sudo is a typical Ubuntu-base prefix, on Debian and Devuan by default* you don't need sudo, just su and you have root permissions. Achieve the same on Ubuntu with
sudo su
Now skip the sudo prefix from the above commands.
*this depends on whether or not you've set a root password during installation. If you have, sudo is installed, but disabled for your user. (installed because other programs need it anyway). Technically, if you set a root pw, your regular user is not added to the /etc/sudoers file.
I do both. I create a password for root as the first thing I do when booting the system immediately after the install. I realize that sudo is mostly an Ubuntu thing, but I prefer the way I do things, and see no reason to modify my original post. Thanks for the feedback.
Has anyone been able to get jellyfin up and running? The install instructions have to be tweaked slightly at one point so that packages are installed from beowulf and not buster. Not a problem. However, beyond this, I cannot start the server:
sudo /etc/init.d/jellyfin start
appears to work, but
sudo /etc/init.d/jellyfin status
shows failed, and I cannot connect to the web interface.
jellyfin is a great open-source project with apps for Android and Roku, but unfortunately is uses SystemD.
1. Create a folder in your home directory. For this tutorial, call it Share.
2. Install samba:
sudo apt-get install samba
3. From the command line, navigate to /etc/samba
4. Move the config file out of the way:
sudo mv smb.conf smb.conf.bkp
5. Create a new, simple smb.conf, as follows:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = hostname
mangled names = no
path = /home/username/Share
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
writable = no
browsable = yes
Note: replace username with your actual user name.
Note: replace hostname with your actual host name.
Note: [Share] appears in some clients. It is useful to name it the same as the share folder.
Note: The mangled names=no prevents SAMBA from rewriting filenames which contain Windows special characters, such as colons, commas, and ampersands. It is better not to use Windows special characters in filenames.
6. Enter the command
and read the results. Is everything OK?
7. Start/Restart the SAMBA server with
sudo /etc/init.d/samba-ad-dc restart
Now simply populate the Share folder with your content.
Use case: this is my setup for a Kodi media source, and it works great! Within Source, I have Movies and Albums with filenames and folders corresponding Kodi protocols.
YES!!! Thank you, Head-on-a-Stick and fsmithred.
Even though I'm asked for the firmware file, the installation continues just fine, even if I choose Advanced Install. Note: I didn't encounter an option to omit this non-free firmware file individually. However, a little later, in the advanced install, I can choose not install non-free, just like you guys said.
I see now I misunderstood the intent of the question. The installer was not saying, "I need something I don't have", it was asking if I wished to install my *own* firmware file, which (not knowing any better at the time) I did.
Marked as [SOLVED].