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#1 Re: Forum Feedback » Devuan » 2020-06-29 10:39:01


Can I just say I apologize unreservedly, and am sincerely sorry for any offence caused.

Its just that having installed Linux the easy way for fifteen years, being an old dog, I have no wish to learn new tricks.

Have a nice day.

#2 Re: Forum Feedback » Devuan » 2020-06-25 13:55:47


Sorry for being such a nuisance.
We're obviously never going to agree.
Anyway, can't stop, Mint 20 just landed on Heanet mirror.
That's me good for the next five years.


#3 Re: Forum Feedback » Devuan » 2020-06-25 09:17:44


I thought the whole reason for Devuans existence was to remove systemd, something which complicates something which should be simple.

Likewise after taking, editing and printing my own photos for years, I won't be buying a book on how to develop them using chemicals in a darkroom any time  soon.


#4 Re: Forum Feedback » Devuan » 2020-06-24 22:30:44


Thanks for the reply, I'm very calm,
I don't think it's me making things difficult.
Jesse Smith who wrote the review for Distrowatch said "the steps to install the distribution are lengthy and likely to confuse newcomers"
I'm not a newcomer having started out with Ubuntu 6.06, but it confused me.

Have a nice day


Still very calm.

#5 Forum Feedback » Devuan » 2020-06-24 09:47:00

Replies: 10

Just downloaded Beowulf.
Doesn’t boot on my netbook, boots fine on laptop.
This looks good.
Ok, delete bottom panel, move top panel to bottom.
Replace menu with whisker menu.
Add battery monitor.
Connect to internet, no problem.
Open synaptic, install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.
Log out, log in, enable tap to click. This is a must have for me.
Xsane can’t see my scanner. Install Simplescan. Bingo, works fine.
Brilliant, I now have Mint without systemd.
Double click install.
Oh dear, this is much too complicated for me.
Distrowatch review came to the same conclusion.
Oh well, I suppose I’ll just have to wait for Mint 20.

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