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#1 Re: Installation » adduser ? » 2022-01-04 08:44:37

Thanks for your answers.
I did use the installer tool from the iso-live-version-boot-stick.
after install i had:
using sudo adduser lukas  added me:
but the login process fails..
did not  make a home directory..
i will handle this, with time

#2 Installation » adduser ? » 2022-01-03 16:34:21

Replies: 3

thanks for making devuan available.. i never could get through systemd.. some easy thing that used toi be a long time ago, like post-logout-scripts.
so i am moving from debian to devuan.. at least i try with my little linux knowledge.
Could make easily a boot stick with the chimaera iso.
Booted right away on my old TP-x200s. All the UEFI stuff i did not yet assimilate neither. so i made my new ssd as a msdos partition-map,
and 2 or 3 try&error until my partitions were set right.. why this target-home  or target-boot names? 
somewhen I must have don a mistake when answering at the installation-procedure.
installation went through..first boot without boot-stick.
well the username was not available?  but  I had to use the hostname as username? password was then OK (the one made for the new user)
going into a sheel try to correct this username situation..
adduser ? no found.. ok, go as 'SU'.. well again not found.. so the PATH environment must not be set correctly..

what happened that user and passwd went wrong?


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