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#1 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Question about XDG menus » 2019-12-11 18:24:33

Have a look at MenuMaker.

"MenuMaker is a menu generation utility for X window managers on *NIX systems. It is capable of finding lots of installed programs and generating a root menu consistent across all supported X window managers, so one will get (almost) the same menu no matter which window manager is used."

#2 Re: Installation » Odroid HC1 / HC2: Headless Install » 2019-10-07 12:19:50

Thank you.
Everything looks fine as far as I can tell. I used to have Open Media Vault on it, so I know it isn't a hardware failure. OMV seemed like a bit of overkill for a backup solution, so I am going to go lean and use rsnapshot.

I was hoping maybe somebody else had paved the way for me smile.

#3 Installation » Odroid HC1 / HC2: Headless Install » 2019-10-06 14:09:02

Replies: 2

First of all, thanks to everyone who got Devuan rolling and keeps it going.

I am trying to get Devuan installed on an Odroid HC2 using the devuan_ascii_2.0.0_armhf_odroidxu4 image. It *seems* to work - mostly. I see that it pulls a DHCP address from the server, and I can ping it successfully.

However, I am unable to ssh to it. Ssh just times out at first, and then after about five minutes, I start getting "no route to host." Ping also dies at this point.

Nmap (while the network interface is up) shows that ssh is filtered.

Complicating things is that this is a headless box, so I cannot see what is going on. Anybody have any suggestions on troubleshooting while I impatiently wait for my UART kit to arrive?

Thanks for your help.

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