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Well, I just thought I had resolved a problem getting audacity 2.2. on my computer by upgrading from ascii to beowulf.
But I find that on beowulf the sockets for the external microphone/headphones do not work. The audio system does, I can hear the external loudspeaker. If I plug the headphones, all sounds disappear.
I am using an old machine, Dell Latitude D630. Still, all that worked very well with Ascii (and Stretch).
Thanks for some suggestions.
Thanks to you all! Unfortunately my machine works on i386 so I cannot use a amd64-package.
In the end I upgraded ascii to beowulf with the help of "Tips for successfully migrating Ascii DE to Beowulf as of 11-08-2018". It seems to be working well and I have audacity 2.2.
Thanks again
Thanks. But no, I do not find it in the backports repository and if I try to install it from the beowulf repository with aptitude it is clear it won't work. Too many dependencies are broken. The only way would be to update to beowulf.
Thanks again
(I am new here)
I am using Ascii very satisfactorily and do not want, for the time being anyway, to migrate to a newer system. But I would need to use a higher version of Audacity, not 2.1 any longer but rather 2.2 (or even 2.3) if possible. Is there anything in Devuan like the backports in Debian, where some later packages were made available for earlier versions of the OS? Where can I find a .deb-package Audacity 2.2.?
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