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#1 Re: Other Issues » How i can fix ? » 2019-05-27 03:58:35

inukaze wrote:

4 - i can't mount usb flashdrive being user. when i try i just recibe the message...

I had the same problem with usb devices. Thunar showed me the same message, I solved it by creating the file udisks.pkla within the /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/ directory.

[Allow normal users to access removable media]

org.freedesktop.udisks2.encrypted-unlock is only necessary for encrypted devices. As you can see, you should use udisks2, not udisks


1. Allowing normal user to mount and eject devices
2. Thunar is unable to mount/unmount partitions correctly

#2 Re: Installation » [Solved] ISO verification - no trusted keys - expired keys » 2018-11-03 01:23:22

icavot wrote:

Is this OK?

I think it's no OK. Where did you download devuan-devs.gpg file? I've downloaded it from Leaseweb mirror.. This is the output when import the key:


And when I check the SHA256SUMS.asc file I get this:


Regards. wink

#3 Re: Installation » [Solved] qcow2 virtual images » 2018-11-02 04:12:54

HextorBRX wrote:

I run QEMU in a virtual machine to test it. I do not install new packages on my hard drive until I know what they can do.

Mmm... good one. wink

HextorBRX wrote:

I think I am going to use QEMU without virt-manager after all. Thank you!

You're welcome. smile

#4 Re: Installation » [Solved] qcow2 virtual images » 2018-10-31 01:19:10

and you use a mirror located on the other side of the pond in Netherlands

Jajaja, it's true. tongue

I am testing qemu in VirtualBox and I get the following error when I run your command:

And why are you running QEMU in a virtual machine? you don't have a gnu/linux distro running in your host machine?

Where did you extract the qcow2.xz archive by the way?

I always make a folder for every virtual machine. Inside, I put the iso file and the hard disk image created with the command qemu-img create. Then, I just run the command and that's all.

What kind of desktop file?

If you have used any Windows version you know what is a direct link, right? Well, a desktop file works in the same way. So, with a desktop file you don't have to open a terminal and write the command, just double click and that's all. wink

For example, this is my desktop file of my Windows XP virtual machine:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Windows XP - QEMU
Exec=qemu-system-i386 -m 1G -enable-kvm -cpu host -localtime -net none -hda /home/clint/Escritorio/WXP/xp_hdd.img -usbdevice tablet -vga std -drive file=/home/clint/Escritorio/WXP/usb_memory.img
Comment=Máquina virtual Windows XP SP3

You can get more info about desktop files here … es.html.en

Regards. wink

#5 Re: Installation » [Solved] qcow2 virtual images » 2018-10-30 01:37:44


Jeje, no... I'm mexican big_smile

In my case I just had to install QEMU and run the command above, without sudo modprobe kvm-intel. Regards wink

P. D. You can create a desktop file to run your virtual machine without virt-manager. wink

#6 Re: Installation » [Solved] qcow2 virtual images » 2018-10-29 03:18:41

I've downloaded the virtual image devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_qemu.qcow2.xz from leaseweb mirror, decompressed it with xz command and then, I've launched QEMU with this options:

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1G -enable-kvm -cpu host -localtime -hda devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_qemu.qcow2

And everything works. I hope you find it useful. Regards.

P. D. I apologize for my bad English. wink

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