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#1 Re: DIY » live-sdk - can't build image » 2017-08-13 21:48:37

Sorry for the wait. I did a build from april 1st, and got this.

[D] dpkgdivert on /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
+ exec
Adding 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d to /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot'
 (*) chrooting to execute finalize...
+ exec
Adding user devuan to group cdrom
Adding user devuan to group floppy
Adding user devuan to group audio
Adding user devuan to group dip
Adding user devuan to group video
Adding user devuan to group plugdev
Adding user devuan to group netdev
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute finalize...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
+ exec
Removing 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d to /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot'
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 [D] iso_squash_strap
 (*) creating squashfs out of strapdir
Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
Creating 4.0 filesystem on binary/live/filesystem.squashfs, block size 131072.
[===========================================================/] 24487/24487 100%

Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, xz compressed, data block size 131072
	compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
	duplicates are removed
Filesystem size 245748.01 Kbytes (239.99 Mbytes)
	41.49% of uncompressed filesystem size (592280.97 Kbytes)
Inode table size 234372 bytes (228.88 Kbytes)
	24.76% of uncompressed inode table size (946409 bytes)
Directory table size 235248 bytes (229.73 Kbytes)
	41.47% of uncompressed directory table size (567324 bytes)
Number of duplicate files found 679
Number of inodes 28029
Number of files 21701
Number of fragments 1791
Number of symbolic links  3602
Number of device nodes 6
Number of fifo nodes 0
Number of socket nodes 0
Number of directories 2720
Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 13
Number of uids 4
	root (0)
	test (1000)
	avahi (101)
	man (6)
Number of gids 12
	root (0)
	shadow (42)
	test (1000)
	netdev (102)
	utmp (43)
	tty (5)
	crontab (101)
	avahi (105)
	staff (50)
	scanner (106)
	adm (4)
	mail (8)
 [D] iso_xorriso_build
 (*) building iso...
xorriso 1.3.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/home/test/live-sdk/dist/devuan_jessie_1.0.0-RC_i386-live.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 7587m free
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/binary'
xorriso : UPDATE : 14 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : FAILURE : Given path does not exist on disk: -boot_image system_area='/usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin'
xorriso : UPDATE : 14 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : aborting : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FAILURE'
 [E] error in: iso_xorriso_build
 [W] called in: iso_xorriso_build
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: building iso...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.

Ultimately, dpkgdivert is some what funky/may not matter to anything. But, i have a failure of live-sdk creating the iso as being the most significant problem. At least april 1st commit was much more satisfying succeeding at everything else.

I ran live-sdk with the current commit with your recommended change to bootstrap configuration file and this happened.

 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
+ exec
Removing 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d to /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d.chroot'
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 [D] fill_apt_cache
 [D] iso_squash_strap
 (*) creating squashfs out of strapdir
mksquashfs: Unrecognised compressor option -Xbcj
mksquashfs: Did you forget to specify -comp, or specify it after the compressor specific option?
 [E] error in: iso_squash_strap
 [W] called in: iso_squash_strap
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: creating squashfs out of strapdir
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [D] iso_xorriso_build
 (*) building iso...
xorriso 1.3.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/home/test/live-sdk/dist/devuan_jessie_1.0.0_i386_uefi_desktop-live.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 5536m free
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/binary'
xorriso : UPDATE : 286 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : FAILURE : Given path does not exist on disk: -boot_image system_area='/usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin'
xorriso : FAILURE : Cannot find in ISO image: -boot_image ... bin_path='/isolinux/isolinux.bin'
xorriso : UPDATE : 286 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : aborting : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FAILURE'
 [E] error in: iso_xorriso_build
 [W] called in: iso_xorriso_build
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: building iso...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.

Squashfs fails, and then as usual, iso creation fails. Other than that, your live-sdk bootstrap modification made the current commit almost work all of the way.

#2 Re: DIY » live-sdk - can't build image » 2017-08-04 03:41:08

I was doing the devuan-live blend unmodified just to see it work before i got into anything else. I'll try pulling an earlier live-sdk (such as april).

#3 Re: DIY » live-sdk - can't build image » 2017-08-03 04:33:43

I have git zsh debootstrap sudo  xz-utils xorriso squashfs-tools live-boot syslinux-common live-build live-config live-config-sysvinit kpartx cgpt.

I installed all of that stuff to be more than compliant.

#4 DIY » live-sdk - can't build image » 2017-08-02 17:25:36

Replies: 7

I followed the tutorial for live-sdk here; I keep getting this run around. I don't know why I can't get it to work. I am some how missing something, or live-sdk had a change. My build environment is devuan.

livesdk@devuan  # build_iso_dist
 [D] build_iso_dist
 (*) building complete iso image
 [D] bootstrap_complete_base
 (*) bootstrapping devuan i386 base
 (*) running debootstrap stage 1
sudo: /home/test/live-sdk/lib/libdevuansdk/extra/debootstrap/debootstrap: command not found
 [E] error in: bootstrap_complete_base
 [W] called in: bootstrap_complete_base
 [W] called in: devuan blend leaded
 [W] called in: running debootstrap stage 1
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 (*) running debootstrap stage 2
chroot: failed to run command '/debootstrap/debootstrap': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: bootstrap_complete_base
 [W] called in: bootstrap_complete_base
 [W] called in: devuan blend leaded
 [W] called in: running debootstrap stage 2
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 (*) writing system configuration
 [D] conf_print_debconf
 [D] conf_print_fstab
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
 [D] conf_print_hostname
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/hostname: No such file or directory
 [D] conf_print_hosts
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/hosts: No such file or directory
 [D] conf_print_netifaces
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory
 [D] conf_print_resolvconf
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory
 [D] conf_print_sourceslist
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory
 [D] bootstrap_config_thirdstage
 (*) running debootstrap stage 3
 [D] chroot-script -d thirdstage
 [D] devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
mount: mount point /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/sys does not exist
 [E] error in: devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [W] called in: devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [W] called in: devuan blend leaded
 [W] called in: running debootstrap stage 3
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [D] dpkgdivert on /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: devuan blend leaded
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 (*) chrooting to execute thirdstage...
chroot: failed to run command '/thirdstage': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: devuan blend leaded
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute thirdstage...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/thirdstage.log': No such file or directory
 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: devuan blend leaded
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
umount: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dev/pts: mountpoint not found
umount: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dev: mountpoint not found
umount: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/proc: mountpoint not found
umount: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/sys: mountpoint not found
 [D] bootstrap_tar_pack
 (*) Creating boostrap tarball in /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/bootstrap-devuan-i386.tgz
 [D] silly
  .  Applying coupons...
 [D] silly
  .  good things come to those who wait
 [D] bootstrap_tar_unpack /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] silly
  .  patching bugs...
 [D] conf_print_sourceslist
tee: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory
 [D] chroot-script -d postunpack
 [D] devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  mounted sys
  .  mounted proc
  .  mounted dev
  .  mounted devpts
 [D] dpkgdivert on /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 (*) chrooting to execute postunpack...
chroot: failed to run command '/postunpack': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute postunpack...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/postunpack.log': No such file or directory
 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 [D] blend_preinst
 (*) executing devuan-live_ preinst
 [D] add-user devuan devuan
 (*) adding user devuan:devuan
useradd -m devuan
echo "devuan:devuan" | chpasswd
 [D] chroot-script adduser
 (*) chrooting to execute adduser...
chroot: failed to run command '/adduser': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script adduser
 [W] called in: chroot-script adduser
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute adduser...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/adduser.log': No such file or directory
 (*) copying blend-specific debs
'/home/test/live-sdk/blends/devuan-live/yad_0.27.0-1_amd64.deb' -> '/home/test/live-sdk/extra/custom-packages/yad_0.27.0-1_amd64.deb'
'/home/test/live-sdk/blends/devuan-live/yad_0.27.0-1_i386.deb' -> '/home/test/live-sdk/extra/custom-packages/yad_0.27.0-1_i386.deb'
 [D] iso_prepare_strap
 (*) preparing strapdir for livecd
 [D] chroot-script -d isoprep
 [D] devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  mounted sys
  .  mounted proc
  .  mounted dev
  .  mounted devpts
 [D] dpkgdivert on /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 (*) chrooting to execute isoprep...
chroot: failed to run command '/isoprep': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute isoprep...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/isoprep.log': No such file or directory
 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 [D] build_kernel_i386
 (*) installing stock kernel for i386
apt-get --yes --force-yes install linux-image-586
 [D] chroot-script -d install-linux
 [D] devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  mounted sys
  .  mounted proc
  .  mounted dev
  .  mounted devpts
 [D] dpkgdivert on /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 (*) chrooting to execute install-linux...
chroot: failed to run command '/install-linux': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute install-linux...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/install-linux.log': No such file or directory
 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 [D] iso_setup_isolinux
 (*) setting up isolinux
  .  copying kernel and initrd
iso_setup_isolinux:10: no matches found: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/boot/vmlinuz*
iso_setup_isolinux:11: no matches found: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/boot/initrd*
cp: cannot stat '/usr/share/live/build/bootloaders/isolinux/isolinux.bin': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: iso_setup_isolinux
 [W] called in: iso_setup_isolinux
 [W] called in: copying kernel and initrd
 [W] called in: setting up isolinux
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [D] iso_write_isolinux_cfg (override)
 (*) writing isolinux configuration
 (*) copying isolinux overlay
'/home/test/live-sdk/blends/devuan-live/isolinux-overlay/splash.png' -> '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/binary/isolinux/splash.png'
'/home/test/live-sdk/blends/devuan-live/hooks' -> '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/binary/live/hooks'
'/home/test/live-sdk/blends/devuan-live/hooks/' -> '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/binary/live/hooks/'
 [D] blend_postinst
 (*) executing devuan-live_ postinst
 [D] iso_make_efi
 (*) creating efi boot files
find: `/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi': No such file or directory
grub-mkimage: error: cannot open `/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/moddep.lst': No such file or directory.
1440+0 records in
1440+0 records out
1474560 bytes (1.5 MB) copied, 0.00188521 s, 782 MB/s
mkfs.fat 3.0.27 (2014-11-12)
iso_make_efi:75: no matches found: /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi/*
cp: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2': No such file or directory
'/home/test/live-sdk/blends/devuan-live/isolinux-overlay/splash.png' -> 'boot/grub/splash.png'
sending incremental file list

sent 1,488,883 bytes  received 89 bytes  2,977,944.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1,488,194  speedup is 1.00
sending incremental file list

sent 156 bytes  received 47 bytes  406.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
 [D] iso_write_grub_cfg (override)
 (*) writing grub configuration
if loadfont /font.pf2 ; then
  set gfxmode=640x480
  insmod efi_gop
  insmod efi_uga
  insmod video_bochs
  insmod video_cirrus
  insmod gfxterm
  insmod jpeg
  insmod png
  terminal_output gfxterm

background_image /boot/grub/splash.png
set menu_color_normal=white/black
set menu_color_highlight=dark-gray/white
set timeout=6

menuentry "devuan-live (i386)" {
    set gfxpayload=keep
    linux   /live/vmlinuz boot=live username=devuan
    initrd  /live/initrd.img

menuentry "Other language" {
	set gfxpayload=keep
	linux /live/vmlinuz boot=live username=devuan hooks=file:///lib/live/mount/medium/live/hooks/ locales=it_IT.UTF-8
	initrd /live/initrd.img

menuentry "devuan-live (load to RAM)" {
    set gfxpayload=keep
    linux   /live/vmlinuz boot=live username=devuan toram
    initrd  /live/initrd.img

menuentry "devuan-live (failsafe)" {
    set gfxpayload=keep
    linux   /live/vmlinuz boot=live username=devuan noapic noapm nodma nomce nolapic nosmp vga=normal
    initrd  /live/initrd.img

menuentry "Memory test" {
	linux /live/memtest

 [D] install-custdebs
 [D] chroot-script install-debs
 (*) chrooting to execute install-debs...
chroot: failed to run command '/install-debs': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script install-debs
 [W] called in: chroot-script install-debs
 [W] called in: copying kernel and initrd
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute install-debs...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/install-debs.log': No such file or directory
sending incremental file list

sent 16,099,809 bytes  received 756 bytes  32,201,130.00 bytes/sec
total size is 16,092,728  speedup is 1.00
 [D] blend_finalize
 [D] chroot-script -d finalize
 [D] devprocsys mount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  mounted sys
  .  mounted proc
  .  mounted dev
  .  mounted devpts
 [D] dpkgdivert on /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 (*) chrooting to execute finalize...
chroot: failed to run command '/finalize': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute finalize...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/finalize.log': No such file or directory
 [D] dpkgdivert off /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
 [D] chroot-script dpkgdivert
 (*) chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
chroot: failed to run command '/dpkgdivert': No such file or directory
 [E] error in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: chroot-script dpkgdivert
 [W] called in: mounted devpts
 [W] called in: chrooting to execute dpkgdivert...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
mv: cannot stat '/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap/dpkgdivert.log': No such file or directory
 [D] devprocsys umount /home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/bootstrap
  .  umounted devpts
  .  umounted dev
  .  umounted proc
  .  umounted sys
 [D] fill_apt_cache
 [D] iso_squash_strap
 (*) creating squashfs out of strapdir
mksquashfs: Unrecognised compressor option -Xbcj
mksquashfs: Did you forget to specify -comp, or specify it after the compressor specific option?
 [E] error in: iso_squash_strap
 [W] called in: iso_squash_strap
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: creating squashfs out of strapdir
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
 [D] iso_xorriso_build
 (*) building iso...
xorriso 1.3.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev 'stdio:/home/test/live-sdk/dist/devuan_jessie_1.0.0_i386_uefi_desktop-live.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 8649m free
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/home/test/live-sdk/tmp/devuan-i386-build/binary'
xorriso : UPDATE : 23 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : FAILURE : Given path does not exist on disk: -boot_image system_area='/usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isohdpfx.bin'
xorriso : FAILURE : Cannot find in ISO image: -boot_image ... bin_path='/isolinux/isolinux.bin'
xorriso : UPDATE : 23 files added in 1 seconds
xorriso : aborting : -abort_on 'FAILURE' encountered 'FAILURE'
 [E] error in: iso_xorriso_build
 [W] called in: iso_xorriso_build
 [W] called in: umounted sys
 [W] called in: building iso...
 [E] error reported, operation aborted.
livesdk@devuan  # 

#5 Installation » Future of the debian installer for devuan » 2017-07-09 04:00:02

Replies: 2

This is a semi repost from DIY, bear with me, i'm still learning about the carry overs from debian, and how devuan does things.
Some of you know I was testing out live-build with creating devuan images. It works great aside from the debian installer being the problem; ignoring the fact that the debian installer works just fine on the netinstall images. Shortly after installing grub, I get this error.

Are the refracta tools going to be the de-facto official devuan system building tools with the debian installer being considered deprecated? If i'm switching my distribution's base, i prefer to use the tools used that are officially supported for the new distribution base; since those are the tools that are supported for the long term and will perform better than the short term use tools that will eventually no longer be supported.

An answer to my devuan debian installer mystery would be nice answer doesn't matter if the debian installer isn't going to be in use much longer for devuan.

#6 DIY » "debian-installer/main-menu doesn't exist" » 2017-07-01 20:13:37

Replies: 0

I was messing around with live-build to see if it would pump out a working livecd; and it does, i can boot a custom livecd no problem.

The only hurdle i have come across is a strange issue with installation of the custom livecd. The debian installer from the devuan repository's will finish installing grub, and then the screen goes black and stays like that. I switch to a different console to get this output that keeps looping with the same error.

In the mean time, i have had no such issues with the debian installer on the devuan netinstall isos; devuan netinstall isos install without a hitch.

#7 Re: DIY » Devuan image building tools question » 2017-06-29 03:40:31

fsmithred wrote:

There's also a cheater's way to get what you want.
- mount and copy a netinstall iso
- mount your favorite live-iso
- copy the /live folder to the copy of the netinstall
- edit the boot menus in the copy of the netinstall
- repack the copy into a new iso.

Highlighted in red is the portion that i do not understand. I am assuming that after editing the boot menus in the copy of the netinstall, that this is the portion where the new iso pumped out will know of the presence of the imported live directory.

#8 Re: DIY » Devuan image building tools question » 2017-06-22 18:18:02

Cool, that answers my questions that should also solve problems with my current distribution. The end result is me wanting to move my distribution "debian mate" over to devuan.

#9 Re: DIY » Devuan image building tools question » 2017-06-21 04:24:12

One other question, what you specified will indeed make an image bootable on a uefi system.

The last hurdle is if that image is installable, and when installed, will be uefi bootable as well.

#10 DIY » Devuan image building tools question » 2017-06-16 03:47:40

Replies: 7

I usually built debian live images with live-build, included the debian installer, and called it a day (what a great tool live-build still is). But, not necessarily patched to modern standards; a glaring one being uefi support. My motivation with uefi support is that we really shouldn't expect compatibility mode to be a feature in bioses for much longer.

Now I want to build devuan images in place of debian because systemd wants too much.

What tools are used to build devuan images that support uefi (I know refracta-snapshot is one such tool; what are the others?)?

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