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#1 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-06-06 16:31:24

ShorTie wrote:

psst, The foundation has a newer kernel then in the image.

Should be noted that the difference between the armhf and arm64 packages are kernel versions - both packages contain both 32 and 64 bit kernels, but the ones tagged +arm64 are kernel 5.4.x where the armhf contains 4.19.118.

I am sure if you are willing to unpack and copy over by hand, you can get up to 5.x on even a 32 bit Pi that way.

Great work, btw, ShorTie - still running on my own solution posted elsewhere, but yours is much much more user friendly smile

#2 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-05-23 10:13:43

/etc/default/keyboard - you might need to install console-setup before you get that file. Also check your locale is set right and generated.

#3 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-05-23 10:00:10

Sometimes root= points to an UUID instead of a partition, and when it does, you cannot just copy over cmdline.txt from another installation. Setting it, as you did and is default, to /dev/mmcblk0p2 is fine for nearly all Pi setups - UUID's are really only useful (in this context) if you have two or more bootable USB devices, and not sure in what order they get enumerated.

Glad you got it working!

#4 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-05-19 10:37:02

It would definitely be worth disabling all the bridging and see if you can get an IP address for a plain interface. That should tell you the next step.

#5 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-05-19 09:13:24

Does "ifconfig -a" show you a hardware address on a line starting with "ether"? Do you get output from "iwlist scan"? If yes to both, it's not a firmware or hardware issue. If not, grep your dmesg for "brcmfmac"

Since your wlan0 isn't even associated, it might be worth running wpa_supplicant manually in the foreground with logging to stdout, and see what happens when it tries to associate (you can probably use wpa_cli as well, never used it myself so cannot be of much help there).

Is your wireless access point locked on MAC addresses? Because the behaviour is the exact same as if you forgot to add the MAC of the 2GB Pi.

Does Raspbian or anything else get an IP address on your 2GB Pi?

#6 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-05-18 16:46:25

Okay, that sounds extremely strange. Do you have a wlan0 interface at all? Also, maybe it's worth updating the EEPROM as in: …

If you are running a 32 bit Devuan you should be able to just pull a couple of packages for Raspbian, install, run and remove again. The updater will not work on a 64 bit system.

Note that i have no idea exactly what those update fix, apart from lowering the temperature and fixing some USB3 stuff.

#7 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-05-18 13:25:48

pAul wrote:

does this procedure only work with the version with 1GB of memory? I have no success with the 2GB version, or should I also upgrade to boewulf or even ceres? I'll try out and report.

Mine is a 4GB model, but i doubt it makes any difference. Tell me where it breaks for you and i'll try to think of a solution.

#8 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-02-25 04:30:54

Quick question: Instead of messing around with USB-to-TTL adapters with dodgy drivers, isn't it possible to just connect pins 3, 4 and 5 to 3, 5 and 4 (crossing RX and TX but keeping GND) of another Pi, using standard dupont wires?

#9 Re: Documentation » Install music player daemon and set up it as a user service in Devuan » 2020-02-10 22:00:46

Most welcome - especially the softvol "trick" is necessary for certain Raspberry Pi DAC's without hardware volume (the pHAT DAC and some Hifiberry models, for instance).

#11 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-02-09 04:28:59

Hey, no, for some reason i still do not get notification mails - but we will see! this time tomorrow i might have some news, had to go to a concert last night and i keep missing tux on freenode - we should work on that! hahaha

Anyway, talk soon - come on freenode if you are bored!

#12 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-02-07 19:41:55

Right, sorry for being late, but let's test that over the weekend. Getting the image now, as soon as i wake up i will catch you and talk to you, ok?

#13 Re: Documentation » Install music player daemon and set up it as a user service in Devuan » 2020-02-07 06:34:21

And my /etc/asound.conf - this gives you OSS emulation and "native" ALSA with separate volume controls. Note: you have to use them before they show up in alsamixer.

-- CUT --

pcm.softvol {
    type softvol
    slave {
        pcm "dmix"
    control {
        name "Default Playback Volume"
        card 0
pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "softvol"

pcm.dsp0 {
    type plug
    slave.pcm "dmix" "sbagen"
    control.card 0

# MPD volume
pcm.mpd {
        type softvol
        slave.pcm "plug:dmix" "MPD Playback Volume"
        control.card 0

ctl.mpd {
        type hw
        card 0

-- CUT --

PS: Remember to install alsa-oss before trying this!

#14 Re: Documentation » Install music player daemon and set up it as a user service in Devuan » 2020-02-07 03:30:52

Great! mpd is so fun to play with, and you can strip it down to 1mb if you do not need anything fancy.

Here is a system wide init script:



# Provides:          mpd
# Required-Start:    $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:     $local_fs $remote_fs
# Should-Start:      autofs $network $named alsa-utils pulseaudio avahi-daemon
# Should-Stop:       autofs $network $named alsa-utils pulseaudio avahi-daemon
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Music Player Daemon
# Description:       Start the Music Player Daemon (MPD) service
#                    for network access to the local audio queue.

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

DESC="Music Player Daemon"

# Exit if the package is not installed
[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0

# Read configuration variable file if it is present
[ -r /etc/default/$NAME ] && . /etc/default/$NAME

if [ -n "$MPD_DEBUG" ]; then
    set -x

PIDFILE=$(sed -n 's/^[[:space:]]*pid_file[[:space:]]*"\?\([^"]*\)\"\?/\1/p' $MPDCONF)

mpd_start () {
    log_daemon_msg "Starting $DESC" "$NAME"

    if [ -z "$PIDFILE" ]; then
        log_failure_msg \
            "$MPDCONF must have pid_file set; cannot start daemon."
        exit 1

    PIDDIR=$(dirname "$PIDFILE")
    if [ ! -d "$PIDDIR" ]; then
        mkdir -m 0755 $PIDDIR
        if dpkg-statoverride --list --quiet /run/mpd > /dev/null; then
            # if dpkg-statoverride is used update it with permissions there
            dpkg-statoverride --force --quiet --update --add $( dpkg-statoverride --list --quiet /run/mpd ) 2> /dev/null
            # use defaults
            chown mpd:audio $PIDDIR

    start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --pidfile "$PIDFILE" \
        --exec "$DAEMON" -- $MPD_OPTS "$MPDCONF" &
    log_end_msg $?

mpd_stop () {
    if [ -z "$PIDFILE" ]; then
        log_failure_msg \
            "$MPDCONF must have pid_file set; cannot stop daemon."
        exit 1

    log_daemon_msg "Stopping $DESC" "$NAME"
    start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry 5 --pidfile "$PIDFILE" \
        --exec $DAEMON
    log_end_msg $?

# note to self: don't call the non-standard args for this in
# {post,pre}{inst,rm} scripts since users are not forced to upgrade
# /etc/init.d/mpd when mpd is updated
case "$1" in
    	status_of_proc -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON $NAME
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|force-reload}"
        exit 2


#15 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-02-06 09:06:59

ubik wrote:

To get around the problem of the vc4 module and to get the second monitor output to work you need Mesa 19.1.0 or later, that means an upgrade to beowulf and fixing a few dependancies.

By now, mesa 19.3.3 and llvm 9 are both in the Devuan repositories (at least on ceres) - awesome you got it working dual headed, i cannot try that since my adapters are too thick to fit side by side, but i have to try your "max_framebuffers" trick one day i get more slim HDMI adapters smile

And yes you are right, the HDMI output closest to the USB C power port is stronger - if you get no video during boot after switching from vc4-kms-v3d to vc4-fkms-v3d then try the other HDMI port, and depending on your monitor, you might need a power cycle to send it a "wake up" signal.

pAul wrote:

Did I miss something or is it due to the 32bit version?

Sorry, i forgot to write i upgraded to ceres before starting everything - my bad!

Glad you both (and possibly others) made it work - thanks should go out to freenode #devuan-arm who went "we honestly have no idea - try it!".

#16 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-02-05 20:00:08

Right - that and the talk on freenode gave me a clear view of what you are trying to do smile

Normally i have three day weekends, and this one starts tomorrow afternoon European time, so as soon as i get the TTL adapter playing nice with macOS, i will test and we will talk again.

Will try to be on freenode when i am actually at the desk, ok? Easier that way.

#17 Re: ARM Builds » Is any work planned for devuan on the raspberry pi 4? » 2020-02-05 17:09:15

tuxd3v wrote:

I assume the default kernel that comes in Raspbian is the '4.19.75-v7l+' ?

v8+ started shipping with 4.19.75. 4.19.93 came out for Raspbian/sid mid January. If you also have a Pi 3, i updated my guide elsewhere how to slap it on top of Ascii for Pi 3 and get it running on a Pi 4.

What is your purpose with this? Getting kernel 5.5 running? Tell me how i can help and what i need to set up.

#18 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-02-05 16:37:51

Devuan aarch64 on Pi 4 (if you have a Pi 3) - the dirty and lowdown way:

- Grab a Devuan Ascii image for Pi 3.
- Boot it on your Pi 3 and set up networking.
- From … -firmware/ get raspberrypi-bootloader and raspberrypi-kernel - make sure they have matching version numbers and not older than 20200114 (kernel 4.19.93).
- From … e-nonfree/ get the latest firmware-brcm80211 (might actually be in the Devuan apt as well - forgot to check).
- install all three using dpkg with the --force-architecture parameter.
- Double check your /boot/cmdline.txt - especially the root= setting.
- Edit your /boot/config.txt - delete (or comment out) "kernel=kernel8.img", add "arm_64bit=1" on a separate line and finally replace "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" with "dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d".
- Reboot.

If it boots at all, it will boot in 64 bit on any Pi 4 and Pi 3, and even the final Pi 2 revision 1.2 (which i do not own, but people tell me it is just an underclocked 2837).

Finally, update your system!

Caveat emptor - the above worked for me (i did, however, update to ceres before installing the three packages and rebooting). Enjoy Devuan aarch64 on your Pi 4!

PS: If you want the hardware specific bits (which usually live in /opt/vc), you have to wait. AFAIK, libraspberrypi(0,-bin,-dev) only exist in armhf versions so far, and i definitely cannot help there.

#19 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2020-02-05 07:15:16

Hey, i wonder why i didn't get topic reply emails anymore. In fact, i came for a look because this morning i started "upgrading" Devuan to 64 bit smile

Step 1 - getting the above method up to speed with kernel packages from so people will have a "tedious but simple" way of getting Devuan running aarch64 on a Pi 4.
Step 2 - documenting it here.
Step 3 - coming over to help you smile

1+2 should be done this time tomorrow. Count me in for 3 after that, so we can get a "complex but accurate" version too!

#20 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2019-11-24 17:37:19

This both explains and (hopefully) solves your eth0 issue: StackExchange link

This explains how to control the LEDs: Jeff Geerling's blog. Your options for triggers are:

gpio - controlled through GPIO (off by default)
heartbeat - heartbeat-like pulse
timer - pulse every second
input - under-voltage detection
mmc0 - memory I/O
cpu0 - CPU activity

Good luck!

#21 Re: Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2019-11-24 08:51:12


I know terribly little about u-boot, however, i see no messages about mmc-bcm2835 and sdhost-bcm2835 (comparing with a Pi Zero here), so it really looks like a missing card reader driver to me.

Now, that delay i do know a little about, but no sureshot fix for it. It is something introduced with kernels 4.16 onwards (i believe), and related to how it gathers random data.

- Try installing haveged and reboot. It fixed things for some people (supposedly works without a hardware RNG).
- Try removing haveged, installing rng-tools and reboot. Fixed things for other people (supposedly requires a hardware RNG).
- Try removing rng-tools, plugging an 802.11 USB adapter and reboot. This fixed it for me on a Pi 2.

Let me know your results.

#22 Installation » Devuan on Raspberry Pi 4 - now also aarch64 » 2019-07-05 06:36:57

Replies: 23

Update 20200205: If you have a Pi 3 (or a Pi 2 revision 1.2), go to post 12 for aarch64, or read below for armhf.

If you have a Pi 2 1.0 or 1.1, the easiest way of making a bootable SD card for the Pi 4 is like this:

- Grab a Devuan image for Pi 2 (sorry, 32 bit only when doing this on a Pi 2). For some reason i could never boot the Ascii image on my Pi 2, but Jessie worked fine.
- Boot it on your Pi 2 and set up networking.
- From … -firmware/ get raspberrypi-bootloader and raspberrypi-kernel - make sure they have matching version numbers and not older than 20190620.
- From … e-nonfree/ get the latest firmware-brcm80211.
- install all three with dpkg.
- Double check your /boot/cmdline.txt - especially the root= setting.
- Reboot.

If it boots right, you should be running 4.19.50-v7l+. Shutdown, put the card into your Pi 4 and boot it up.

Now, if the screen blanks during boot on your Pi 4, it is most likely during switching framebuffers. In this case, wait a bit till you can log in via ssh, and as root, do:

echo blacklist vc4 > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-vc4.conf

And reboot. Solved the issue for me (HDMI - haven't tried the analogue output).

If you want the hardware specific bits (which usually live in /opt/vc), from the first URL above, get libraspberrypi0, libraspberrypi-bin and libraspberrypi-dev - all three the same version as the kernel and bootloader you got above! Install via dpkg and edit /etc/ to read this one line:


Run ldconfig or reboot.

Finally, update your system - but you know all about that already, right? :)

Caveat emptor - the above worked for me. Twice. Enjoy Devuan on your Pi 4!

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