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2. Not related to this sub-forum, but how do I rip my music CD's to my Music folder?
(I read something about "flac" but it apparently isn't loaded on my PC, apt-get didn't get it either)
K3b will do:
Using this tool yo can rip audio CD to many audio formats.
Flac is considered the best option:
LVM is out of my knowledge. Maybe this link could help: … lvm-volume
Your USB-connected disk is recognized as /dev/sdb1. So, you can mount it typing this order as root: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt. After that, you can access to its content through the /mnt/ directory. When finished, type as root umount /mnt, wait a bit for the prompt and unplug.
please excuse any silly questions or errors
No problem with that in this forum. Feel confident.
I have a Asus Mini-PC PN41
It seems a very sleek box. Devuan Daedalus will fly on it.
Just to us to be on the right track: do you plan to dual-boot this computer, i.e.: to maintain the original OS along Devuan?
Am I the only old geezer who runs pure ALSA and nothing else?
You're not . I keep using pure ALSA on all my desktop systems. So far, I don't need any layer on it. Sometimes I have to fiddle with configuration files, but everytime successfully.
it's funny the different cultural contexts of language, in the U.S. "hurling" is colloquial for vomiting
Language is such a beast! Very funny, greenjeans. Thank you.
I just started to read The Epic Origins of Hurling. I'm Spanish and love hurling.
Out of curiosity, I opened the file … /3_new.odt in my oooold Debian 7 (32 bits) box:
cat /etc/debian_version => 7.11
uname -srm => Linux 3.2.0-6-686-pae i686
It worked: no freezzes, no problems, fast loading times.
After 20 years, at last I know how to fix this annoying behaviour. Thanks a lot!
Maybe worth a go:
But if you tell me how, i can test lossless music with Audacious.
There are quite a few FLAC files readly available for you to download.
You can try this:
The number you have dialed is imaginary. Please rotate your phone 90° and try again.
Wow, this is a complex joke!
apt-get "does not understand" the path to the file, it must be run in the directory with the file or it looks for packages from sources.list.
Thanks for the info
$ sudo apt-get install /home/devuan/Schreibtisch/XnViewMP-linux-x64.deb
AFAIK, this won't work. To install a local deb file you need to use dpkg, gdebi or equivalent.
I wonder what the stats are on consumer *nix users on i386 processors nowadays. I only see them in niche cases anymore.
Quite. But there are out there very capable only-32bits computers I think wrong to just trash. One example: my Qosmio
The bigger question might be why you're using FTP to stream from a local server to begin with, when things like NFS and SMB (or even SSHFS) exist...
Understanding that the OP could need/want some different, I would add to the range of posible solutions setting up a DLNA server: … nd_clients
Does anyone have any ideas of what might be going on here?
First things first, I'd check the hardware (I've been there a lot of times). My first step would be checking with xev if the mouse if firing correct events.
you can't ignore the various features that a display manager provides. For example ...
I would like to add another example, which was a must in my work: the capability to be used in a multiuser environment, like the computer lab in a high school. For this to work as I wished, I had to fiddle a bit the configuration to not show a list of users (for security) and forget last user (for convenience). Last time I did (I'm retired now), kdm checked all the boxes.
it said permission denied
Was it run as root?
oh! you find Linux doesn't like children (no distro includes stuff for then)! you can be right...
Not quite true. MAX (official Linux distro for K-12 education from Madrid, Spain), does include a lot of software for children.
Full disclosure: I worked on it (many) years ago.
... because eventually the kernel will have more unneeded modules than needed ones.
In my opinion, unneeded modules don't harm the system, just take up space on disk. I even do think (never did) that they can be deleted without issues if you know what you are doing.
My main doubt with respect to that is the eventual updating/upgrading of the kernel.
Nowadays distibutions kernels boast all the range of modules ready to install, so I don't see why a custom kernel is required anymore. Last time I did I was still young
Anyway, sometimes you need to compile your kernel tailored to your hardware at hand. As aluma said, you have to answer a lot of questions, but only if you configure from scratch. You can shortcut using a config file to start with. When upgrading, use your own config file again to recompile.
It was not much trouble, and it was trendy when I did. ¡YMMV!
Another question is that for this you need to have a modern computer.
On a machine with a Core 2Duo E8400/4Gb, compilation takes 3 hours
My first custom kernel needed all night to compile on a 486 with 16 MB of RAM
I miss Flash.
Out there are quite a few alternatives to run legacy swf files on modern OS.
Yes, that has cured the problem indeed.
Glad to know