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Thanks @berni51. I now got the German translations installed.
I can help with spanish too smile
haroldG75 wrote:Would like to contribute to the spanish version.
hmm I think I missed yours @haroldG75, did I? ... Let me collate the basis and email it to you both, and you coordinate who does what of it.
I could help with a Tagalog/Filipino translation, but it seems FluxBB doesn't have such language pack
Former maintainer of the iwd package. See #639!
You can also find me on the Pale Moon forums. I develop XUL add-ons for Pale Moon.
My PGP public key
Great. Give me another day or two to pack up and send you the phrase tables.
I got the email Ralph, thanks. I currently finished common.php and userlist.php, which you can see at my git repository. Are the files in the tar you sent to me licensed under the GPLv2, or in the public domain?
Former maintainer of the iwd package. See #639!
You can also find me on the Pale Moon forums. I develop XUL add-ons for Pale Moon.
My PGP public key
It was installed some years ago from a FluxBB 1.5.10 distribution, which I believe was under GPLv2, although not all files are stamped.
May I help with portuguese (Brazil).
Hello, like danielroque I could help with brazilian portuguese. I've been using Devuan for the past weeks and felt in home. I've been thinking in some way to help and I believe that assist with translation may be a tiny but usefull start. Let me know if it is possible.
“May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” - Peter Marshall
Should we make Sweden, Norway and Denmark in one Scandinavian forum. If we need to.
Hav en god aften
Have a nice evening
Lars H
Last edited by larsH (2021-09-03 20:15:20)
Ok. My fault. I've let my team of developers drag their feet about getting forum translations installed and now there is a small pile waiting. I'm now reasonably hopeful though, that by having a big bowl of peanuts as bounty, they will succeed in making forum translation available for distributed maintenance in a near future.
Yikes! I realise it's been 3 years (
) since offering the Dutch translation! I've been busy but got distracted. Quite a lot is done, but certainly not everything.
I'll dig up what I have but unfortunately Thunderbird threw me a hissyfit last year and I've lost access to my (archived) emails. Rather, my entire mailbox is present, but not recognised by TB. That's subject of another thread though.
Thanks, and there's now a new setup for forum translations, via a git project
To make a new or existing language:
Fork the project, typically as a personal project at the git store. (*)
For a new language: copy the whole English directory tree into a new sibling directory tree that is named by the target language in that language.
Go through the files and replace the phrase part for each mapping as well as text portions in the mail templates. This is the actual authoring work. (**)
Submit a "pull request" for inclusion into the devuan/forum-lang project. (***)
(*) It is feasible to clone into a personal workspace elsewhere than the git store as long as that workspace later is available to service the eventual pull request. But it's significantly less effort for us to merge it if you rather use the fork button on the web interface and make it a personal project on Devuan's git store.
(**) It is of course important to leave everything other than the phrase part as is.
(***) Again, it's easiest for us if you use the pull request button on web interface for submitting the pull request.
Thanks for that. It seems I've lost the work I'd done already, so I'll go the Git route. May take a while though.
That should be possible.. I'll need to figure out how it was set up though; looks easy at a glance.
The main project would be "devuan/forum-lang" so you would work from that.
I see there is a German/forum-lang as well but I'm not sure what that is (possibly my memory is weak).
I thought I just did Yes, go ahead.. see post #40