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In the real world, unfortunately, "should be" and "is" are rarely the same thing. When I installed network-manager-gnome, I got the panel app in the menu, but no systray widget. Even after rebooting. But, as already described, when I rebooted into XFCE from testing KDE Trinity, the Trinity widget popped up in my systray. Still fussing with Trinity. It's interesting precisely because it is so blatantly "old school". Sort of like Windows XP for Linux.
If XFCE isn't autostarting the tray application then add it to the autostart list yourself:
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
cp /etc/xdg/autostart/nm-applet.desktop ~/.config/autostart
Brianna Ghey — Rest In Power
Well, it seemed to be the TDE widget, but when I removed network-manager-gnome it went away. Now I have re-installed network-manager-gnome and the little systray widget is in place. I'll not fuss about it anymore. That leaves the nvidia-driver spurious error message problem.