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When extracting the last changes during update I figured out that the partition of my home directory was full (it only contains home). After moving some stuff to other partitions It was possible to login as user from lightdm and also slim again.
Sorry to bother you because of a stupid mistake and many thanks for your help.
To the question: does startx work at least?
Since I can see the login screen of the display manager I would say yes.
If I login as user via the console (ctrl + alt + f1), then it aborts with the error message "Cannot open log file /home/username/.local/share/xorg/Xorg1.log" and "unable to connect to X server: Connection refused".
But probably that is because it is not meant to start x-server from console "ctrl + alt + f1" or because it is already running, isn't it?
recently I made some upgrades of Devuan.
Today after a reboot I realised that I could not login any more as user nor root from slim displaymanager.
I switched over to lightdm, then at least as root I can log me in from displaymanager again, but still not as a normal user.
Does anybody has an advice w hat to check or test?
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