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#1 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Unable to install in qemu-based VM on a headless server » 2024-05-24 14:34:33


Thanks, that made sense smile I was able to finish installation process this way (adding console=ttyS01,115200 and ensuring qemu's emulating serial port).

#2 Installation » [SOLVED] Unable to install in qemu-based VM on a headless server » 2024-05-24 07:54:21

Replies: 2

I'm trying to run devuan_daedalus_5.0.1_amd64_netinstall.iso under qemu in order to install devuan in VM on a headless remote server.

I run the following in SSH session:

/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -runas qemu -enable-kvm -machine pc,accel=kvm \
-device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi0 -drive file=/my/path/disk.img,format=raw,discard=unmap,id=hdd,media=disk,aio=native,cache=none,id=hdd,if=none \
-device scsi-hd,drive=hdd,bus=scsi0.0 -netdev user,id=net00 -device \
virtio-net-pci,netdev=net00,mac=52:54:11:00:05:03 -m 8192 -cpu host -smp 8 \
-drive file=/my/path/devuan_daedalus/installer-iso/devuan_daedalus_5.0.1_amd64_netinstall.iso,media=cdrom \
-display curses -nographic -vga none

I only able to get blue install selection menu, after I select smth, only the video mode request follows and then nothing.

I've also tried removing either of (or both) '-vga none' and '-nographic', I can see either nothing, SeaBOOT screen or curses display showing me just '640x480 graphics mode' line in the middle of console.

Therefore I conclude that install on VM is impossible without resorting to GUI, or is there some way to do that?

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