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Kernel version: 6.1.0-18-amd64
Binary file: gitea-1.21.11-linux-amd64
Partition scheme: / 12%, swap 12%, /home -1
Does these matters? I don't know but I have tried this steps only on systems having exactly the same specs like above, so if you get any error message related for example to swap memory and you have only 1GB for swap then I won't know what to tell you but, increase the size for your swap partition and try again.
Update repository
sudo apt -y update
Install git, curl, bash-completion and nano(optional) editor
sudo apt -y install git curl bash-completion nano
Create user for git
sudo adduser \--system \-shell /bin/bash \--gecos 'Git Version Control' \--group \--disabled-password \--home /home/git \git
Install mariadb-server
sudo apt -y install mariadb-server
To secure database execute the command below and (1. skip the root password
but 2. remove anonymous users=Y, and 3. disallow root login remotely=Y,
4. remove test databases=Y and 5. reload privilege tables=Y, done.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Create database for gitea, change the StrOngPassw0rd value and please
save/write down/remember this password since you will need it to
configure the Gitea server via web.
sudo mysql -u root -p
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gitea.* TO 'gitea'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY "StrOngPassw0rd";
Download gitea linux binary
curl -s |grep browser_download_url | cut -d '"' -f 4 | grep '\linux-amd64$' | wget -i -
Change mode to executable and move to destination folder
chmod +x gitea-*-linux-amd64
sudo mv gitea-*-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/gitea
Confirm gitea it's installed properly execute
gitea --version
Create directories for gitea setup, yes, I use -R to create new folders also
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitea /var/lib/gitea/{custom,data,indexers,public,log}
sudo chown -R git:git /var/lib/gitea/{custom,data,indexers,log}
sudo chmod -R 750 /var/lib/gitea/{custom,data,indexers,log}
sudo chown root:git /etc/gitea
sudo chmod 770 /etc/gitea
Download gitea service file and nginx config file
Extract gitea service file and nginx conf file
tar -xf gitea-install-devuan5-files.tar.gz
At this point you can and always should inspect the extracted files before to use them
cat gitea.service
cat gitea.conf
You can change the domain name and port for your gitea server on gitea.conf
change listen and server_name values to whatever you want.
Create service for gitea
sudo mv gitea.service /etc/init.d/gitea
Make it executable
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/gitea
Update inid.d services
sudo update-rc.d gitea defaults
Start gitea service
sudo service gitea start
Verify that gitea service is running,
valid options: start, stop, status, restart
sudo service gitea status
Install nginx web server
sudo apt -y install nginx
If and only if ufw it's enabled, then:
sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
Create nginx config file for gitea
sudo mv gitea.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
Restart nginx service
sudo service nginx restart
Final steps:
1. Open http(s)://localhost on your web browser
2. Type the same password as when you changed it from StrOngPassw0rd to whateveryou changed it to.
3. Change the "Site Title" to whatever you want to name your repository server.
4. Set the email server if you have one, or leave it empty if not.
5. Set the options for Server and Third-Party Service Settings.
6. Set your Administrator Account Settings.
7. Click "Install Gitea".
8. The tea cup animation with the text "Loading..." is displayed, wait.
9. Viola, all done, Gitea Server ready.
Credits to … on-debian/
Adapted to work on Devuan 5 by joser for
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