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#1 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-24 04:58:15

Did you not see this link that I posted yesterday?

I've seen this if you're worried. I just figured that my main system continued to work because it looked like I did not have this package installed. However, I anyway have /bin, /lib (/lib32 and /lib64), and /sbin folders merged with /usr.

#2 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-23 19:39:29

One possible reason might be the package 'usrmerge'.

That's it! I got dpkg errors related to usrmerge, ntfs-3g and sane-utils.

#3 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-23 19:03:35

I haven't solved it anyway. I started to use Devuan Stable again. I hope this will be fixed in time, too.
Before, I installed Devuan Daedalus on the virtual machine and tried to upgrade it to Ceres, but it was bricked and I got Busybox. This finally forced me to return to the stable branch.
Maybe, I'll file a bug report later, I'll leave a link here if I do this.
If somebody has encountered this problem too, I am sorry for this inconvenience, I somehow feel uncomfortable about this topic...

#4 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-22 20:19:40

Let's not forget, I wanted to ask for a solution from somebody who has encountered these problems too.

#5 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-22 20:12:55

I exactly understand you. However, I don't have any reason to install Testing or Ceres anyway. Just wanted to get new software releases and expect that the testing branch may be more stable than Sid. But I mentioned, sometimes I like to do experiments and like getting more hassles, you know.
But I didn't find any information on the Internet about any issues I got, that's unpleasant. However, I am always done to reinstall the operating system if something happens, thanks to the ability to create a separate /home partition, but reinstallation of software is another task...

#6 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-22 19:10:32

Well, this package was already installed even before the updates. And I hadn't any problems related to /usr merge. Your advice to make backups is really useful in this situation.
But what am I supposed to do with an already broken distro? I had already reinstalled my Devuan on my main computer which I didn't want to do. But I like to do experiments anyway...

#7 Other Issues » [SOLVED] Devuan Excalibur/Ceres started to work slowly after the recent update » 2024-04-22 16:57:50

Replies: 15

Hello, everybody.
Unfortunately, recently I have encountered a very annoying problem on Devuan Excalibur or Ceres. Just to note, this is the first time I started to use the testing or unstable branch. Recently, there was an upgrade, after which the system became awfully slow. To be honest, I installed virt-manager before and, because I was kinda angry about that, I accused the virt-manager or VMware services (which also became famous for me for slowing up the system). And also, when I boot up my system, I have an error related to iwlwifi with some dump. I don't really understand what does this error means, because my Wi-Fi is working well. And after that ill-fated upgrade, the same error repeated three times for some reason.
But, after I had reinstalled my distro to Devuan Daedalus and upgraded it to Excalibur, I got the same problem. And I installed nothing that will really slow up my system. So, I returned to Devuan Daedalus on my main computer.
But I also have a laptop working on Excalibur. I thought that it might happen only in Excalibur, so, I decided to try Ceres just for interest. I got the same thing.
After some investigation I made, I found that this is related to elogind and libpam-elogind. I removed them and installed dummy-logind instead and system stopped to be slow.
But that's not all.
It looks like the same packages caused another issue - polkit (or something else, but I think this is polkit) refused to work properly. For example, when I try to mount an another partition, it gives me an error like 'Not authorized to perform operation', also I'm not able to switch between Wi-Fi networks for the same reason ( request failed: not authorized) and power off or reboot my computer from Xfce.
I would get by with reinstalling the system on my laptop to Devuan Stable, but I want to dig into this problem.

Has anyone encountered this really strange problem too? Or nobody use Devuan Excalibur or Ceres?

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