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#1 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Devuan 5 Daedalus soft lockup caused by RTL8192CU kworker timeout » 2023-12-13 18:24:11

yea, im on that kernel version, i'll try 6.1.0-13

edit: now running 6.1.0-13, hopefully that fixes it

#2 Hardware & System Configuration » Devuan 5 Daedalus soft lockup caused by RTL8192CU kworker timeout » 2023-12-13 03:03:35

Replies: 4

wavin everyone, I'm having a soft lockup issue related to my wifi adapter, it's the TP-link from years back that uses the realtek 8192CU chip. within an hour, things lock up and the system becomes unresponsive or extremely slow to respond.

are there any fixes for this?

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