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#1 Re: Devuan » Questions about Devuan before switching » 2023-12-08 16:29:32

UnixMan1230 wrote:

Isn't ROCM also used for AI acceleration?

I believe so, I don't mess around with/need Ai much though so I wouldn't know.

#2 Devuan » Questions about Devuan before switching » 2023-12-07 01:12:30

Replies: 2

I've been considering switching to a systemd-free Linux distro for quiet a while now and Devuan is pretty much the only one I haven't tried, but I've been told that a lot of the software I use/need for my job won't work or require a lot of configuring to get working. I prefer runit over any other init system but I'm willing to use another if I need to.

First is Rocm, I use a lot of video editing tools and software rendering is a pain, I've had issues with installing Rocm on a lot of other systemd-free Linux distros using sysVinit and runit.

Second is desktop environments, I usually prefer to use GNOME or KDE Plasma which I know usually don't have any issues on these types of distros, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

Third is probably one of the most important in my opinion which is Wayland support, I know a lot of Wayland implementations use a lot of systemd garbage that makes it much more annoying to try and use, will it be possible to use Mutter or KWin with Wayland without any extra issues that you wouldn't experience using systemd?

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