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#1 Other Issues » Brightness adjustment not working on AMD apu laptop » 2023-11-28 12:32:40

Replies: 3

Hello, new devuan user here coming from manjaro. Installed on my laptop after multiple attempts since somehow it would try to overwrite the usb stick and not the selected drive but that not the issue here. The main problem is brightness not working, i have tried sudoing the xbrightness thing and light which are both installed. In the etc/brightness/ folder is nothing, the xorg.conf file does not exist since sudo nano-ing it  shows empty file. I have tried modifiing grub file like seen in some ubuntu forums but to no avail, i have tried hard power reseting which also does not work. I have an HP laptop with AMD A4-9120 radeon r3 ,4 compute cores 2c+2g x 2 ; 8 GB of ram and a 64bit install with kernerl 6.1.0-13-amd64. The other post i saw here does not help.

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