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#1 Re: Other Issues » Refracta-snapshot no medium containing live file system » 2023-08-08 06:00:50

But it looks like doing that would have been unnecessary, as long as the modules option in initramfs.conf had been set to "most". (Mine had been set to "dep".)

#2 Re: Other Issues » Refracta-snapshot no medium containing live file system » 2023-08-07 08:07:55

I was having a similar problem with Debian. To fix it, I needed to enter the following kernel modules into /etc/initramfs-tools/modules:


And then run: sudo update-initramfs -u -k all

Just isofs was needed for a live-DVD, while all four were needed for a USB thumb drive created from a hybrid ISO (xhci for USB 3.0 port and ehci for USB 2.0 port compatibility). I read elsewhere that certain devices might require usb_storage instead of uas, if they don't function properly with uas.

#3 Re: Other Issues » refractasnapshot - chimaera - lz4 decompression » 2023-08-06 07:14:05

I can second this issue, as I'm testing on Debian which uses zstd now as the default compression setting in initramfs.conf.

Tangential, but an unrelated error I saw in the log, and I'm not sure what it breaks, but a dependency I was missing was mlocate (otherwise, there was an updatedb error in the log).

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