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#1 Re: Installation » Keyboard issues with default Xorg on netinst » 2020-01-27 09:11:36

Finally figured it out... There is something wrong with the binary in the repos, openbsd-cwm.
Building this works perfectly.
Very strange. New to Devuan, where/whom do I report this issue? Thank you.

#2 Installation » Keyboard issues with default Xorg on netinst » 2020-01-27 06:55:29

Replies: 2

Attempting a Devuan netinst... Installed without desktop environment, using US keymap and locale US english.
Installing default Xorg metapackage along with CWM seems to play with my keyboard.
In my cwmrc I have meta (winkey) set to move windows around. Instead alt is the key that responds.
Mousekeys (ctrl + arrows) seems to be enabled by default. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to disable mouse keys and reset the keyboard.

Any suggestions on how to reset everything so nothing has been prebound by X? Thanks in advance.

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