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#1 Re: DIY » Brave Browser, firejail, firefox 78 to firefox 79 » 2020-08-26 18:26:53

it doesn't break the system if one is extremely careful and upgrade packages manually and refuse any upgrades that do reform the system completely :-/ especially if one is only using one or two packages from ceres and nothing else, have been doing that to various linux systems for 20 years and not one of them has crashed died or broken :-) But I agree with your point :-)

#2 Re: DIY » Brave Browser, firejail, firefox 78 to firefox 79 » 2020-08-26 18:21:30

by same source I don't mean code, I mean compiled and thus targeted for a system that requires the removal of these packages

Promise I will drink enough coffee next time I post

#3 Re: DIY » Brave Browser, firejail, firefox 78 to firefox 79 » 2020-08-26 18:09:28

Hi ... I never actually wrote that libreoffice was available for android.

Was just pointing out recent developments related to firefox 79 and android updates; which might be a totally different OS environment to Linux Devuan but currently if one observes a developing situation you see a bigger wider and often much murkier picture :-) Can't be helped that's just life, the bigger murkier picture

Firefox 79 is compatible with Devuan, it was available last time I checked on Devuan repositories from Ceres release ... that's now firefox 80.0.1 (have just checked) and it does in fact when you attempt to upgrade it require you to uninstall libreoffice and a lot of other packages (I am using beowulf as base of main installed system) and the practice of adding a package from a later testing release might be frowned upon occasionally due to maintenance and stability etc but I occasionally do it and usually everything works ... but generally by not compatible ? I meant with my own system. Since I am not going to uninstall libreoffice or the other packages just to use firefox's latest release ..

it is not a problem but a potential package issue related weirdness, due to "you can't use this software with that version of web browser because for example the new version of firefox uses this library which makes all these other packages obsolete etc"

with linux such things are always package related due to "this package requires these packages but you can't have these packages installed with those packages so you must remove all of those packages regardless of whether you were using them just to install this package" to which my usual answer is "no, I'll find an alternative"

I found the same package requirement situation from debian sid repositories so figured that the debian firefox 79.0 and 80.0 compiles are from the same source

My sincere apologies if I have put this observation in the wrong place and not written it in universal understandable english, I put this down to lack of coffee ;-), I had my mind on other things

and no it isn't a problem if you upgrade the firefox package using ceres repositories the firefox browser works great but you might lose a host of other software

Just an observation

and a statement that Brave works as an alternative

All the best

#4 DIY » Brave Browser, firejail, firefox 78 to firefox 79 » 2020-08-26 11:54:28

firejail --profile=/etc/firejail/brave.profile /usr/bin/brave-browser

firefox 78 might be the last compatible mozilla release (I know that might be my opinion, but have noticed firefox 79 on linux requires the removal of libreoffice and ark and other useful software) myself not happy about such changes so am sticking to firefox 78 however a future workaround is Brave which can be firejailed using the above commandline (other firejail commandlines for it fail) Currently keeping firefox 78, and hoping firefox esr doesn't go the way of firefox 79 - Have been using mozilla for most of my computing life ... this is the first time have seen it flop (android users all over not happy)

recommend though brave being tested and added to devuan as an alternative it certainly works

Anyway all the best

Stay safe and healthy

#5 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Musescore » 2020-06-25 15:22:30

Cheers for the pulseaudio conf info that fixed firefox firejail prob too so all good (am using sysvinit anyway but figured the upgrade may have overwritten the conf file)

All the best


#6 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Musescore » 2020-06-25 15:08:47

Thankyou (changing to alsa fixed problem) will look into other as it might have an insight into the only other issue I found which was firefox when firejailed no longer plays sound and I had noticed something in the firejail firefox-common profile that said that pulseaudio might be broken


All the best


#7 Desktop and Multimedia » Musescore » 2020-06-24 01:42:21

just updated from ascii to beowulf everything worked ok apart from musescore which for some reason has lost its playback function and sound doesn't work on it due to this (changing the soundfont makes no difference so I uninstalled and installed musescore from jessie and that worked ok ... however was unable to install musescore from ascii which worked perfectly (there is a work around as I can still export the scores to midi and mp3 etc to listen but just not listen whilst I am writing

qtbase-abi-5-7-1 is what is required for ascii musescore to be reinstalled but the updated libqt5core5a file can't be removed without removing a whole bunch of other packages which I use

just wondering if there is a work around or if downloading musescore src deb and attempting to compile for my system is the only option to get the playback function back ?

All the best

Hope everyone is coping with current covid situation

#8 Re: Other Issues » USB tethering? » 2020-03-23 19:28:46

This is from a debian website and it works on devuan

USB Tethering

Using DebianWheezy with Gnome and the NetworkManager and Android 4.1.2 the process was very simple:

    connect the mobile phone to your computer

    activate USB tethering in settings -> Wireless and network -> More Settings -> portable hotspot and tethering -> USB tethering

    the NetworkManager identified the mobile phone as network connection and you are ready to go

So the process below might still be necessary for older devices or different configurations:

To use this method requires enabling USB debugging. However not on all devices, so try first without USB debugging or even switch it off. For Android 4.0 you can enable it in Settings -> Developer Options -> USB debugging.

You must also activate the USB tethering. For Android 4.0 you can do it settings -> Wireless and network -> More Settings -> portable hotspot and tethering -> USB tethering.

Depending on the version of Android you have to reboot your cell phone.

Disconnect and connect the USB mobile port or USB cable. If you are debugging or testing, also disconnect the wireless network.

Run with sudo or root:

ifconfig -a

Should show output similar to the following:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 04:7d:7b:3d:a5:fc
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
          Interrupt:43 Base address:0xc000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:84 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:84 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:7924 (7.7 KiB)  TX bytes:7924 (7.7 KiB)

usb0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

You see a new node USBx interface type (where X is a number) in my case it is usb0, depending on your computer could also be usb1, usb2, etc. It is usually usb0, but if it was not and you have several USB ports, disconnect the phone and run the command again to check the interface which was disappeared.

We will work with the following examples usb0 as it will be the most common, if not replace it with appropriate usb1, usb2, etc, in those steps.

Let's configure the usb0 interface to obtain DHCP and permit to go out to the Internet via the phone:

ifconfig usb0 up && dhclient usb0

Check out if the computer has internet access.


especially ifconfig usb0 up && dhclient usb0

#9 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » LXDE GDBus.Error woes » 2020-03-10 16:51:42


needs to put in a file called /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/99-my-admin-configuration.conf

and just to be on the safe side also in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/60-desktop-policy.conf

these two extra files don't fix the problem but they should provide your main user account (obviously if your user name is not user then change the username accordingly) with some admin id

next you need to create another pkla file


which should contain (again if your username is different change user to that name)(I have found this solution works with lxde on lightdm (now am currently searching for a solution to allow lightdm to shutdown when one logs out which I am sure must be something like this)

[Allow all users to shutdown]

[Allow all users to reboot]

[Allow all users to suspend]

[Allow all users to ignore inhibit of shutdown]

[Allow all users to ignore inhibit of reboot]

[Allow all users to ignore inhibit of suspend]

it does work but just to warn you when you press the shutdown button from the usual lxde shutdown greeter screen that comes up wioth all the options to shutdown logout reboot etc pressing the shutdown button brings up the second wider version of the logout greeter list with the error message on but then shuts down so the above bypasses the problem and the error message by forcing a shutdown

#10 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Wacom Intuos S CTL4100 056a:0374 3rd generation USB interface » 2019-12-26 16:35:56

if test -x ./; then ./; else ./configure; fi && make && sudo make install || echo "Build Failed"

Thanks but have just fixed the problem by downloading the source code from github and autogen using above commands

Will try the other workaround though Thanks

#11 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Wacom Intuos S CTL4100 056a:0374 3rd generation USB interface » 2019-12-26 15:50:57

which is why it is possible for xsetwacom to see no tablet at all whilst lsusb sees the tablet

#12 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Wacom Intuos S CTL4100 056a:0374 3rd generation USB interface » 2019-12-26 15:46:18

Thanks had seen the 4.19 kernel ( the xserver file in question is xserver-xorg-input-wacom whose files include


if am not mistaken (and I know I may be wrong) this unstable version has support for serial wacom tablets and runs as a systemd service

#13 Hardware & System Configuration » Wacom Intuos S CTL4100 056a:0374 3rd generation USB interface » 2019-12-26 14:01:36

Hi, recently attempted to set up a new wacom Intuos S CTL4100 usb wacom tablet on my devuan system, lsusb sees the device as does dmesg yet gnome control center wacom tablet setup doesn't, I noticed via internet research upon the problem that the device concerned requires kernel image version 4.10 and input-wacom version 2.6.30 (yes recognize that this particular kernel image is not yet available for devuan, so understood there and no problem) question arises though, since there appears where the input-wacom Xorg package on my system (may need to uninstall and return to the stable version as I upgraded it to the ceres version (yep also aware of that)) seems to be a systemd service rather than a module driver for an init sysv kernel module etc ... read a few other forums discussing this particular device which appears to have system recog problems for example xsetwacom doesn't see the device even though lsusb sees it) so my question is (as it is obvious to me that the xorg input-wacom driver requires a init sysv framework (as in devuan there is no systemd emulator (not that a systemd emulator that fools systemd based software into running under the sysinit framework wouldn't be helpful)) Has anyone any idea how to fool the xorg into recognizing this device and running it without systemd in the devuan tradition ? perhaps udev script code etc ?

All the best

Happy winter festival and Happy new year afterwards


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