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Pages: 1
yes, but before ASCII was stable, I was on buster (dual-boot win, deb, dev). BAsically, what I'm asking, when did or will Beowulf become safer to use than ceres
About a year ago, on irc I was told that ceres(sid) was at the time more stable than beowulf, with lots of stuff breaking. I was wondering: Is this still the case? If not, when did it stabilise, and if so, when will it?
And because backports are drawn from testing they are also subject to the same 10-14 day transition delay from sid and are not covered by the Security Team so you may be exposing your system to serious vulnerabilities.
I was wondering if it is a good idea to upgrade everything to the version in backports. On the one hand, more up-to-date software. On the other hand, possible dependency issues. Advice, please?
Pages: 1