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#1 Freedom Hacks » Replacing sudo. » 2022-09-02 14:07:42

Replies: 18

OpenBSD has replaced sudo from its default install with doas. This utility is available in Devuan's package repositories. Once installed you create an /etc/doas.conf file with the needed commands you wish to run as root. An example is given below:-

                permit nopass username as root cmd /sbin/shutdown

To run the command just type, doas /sbin/shutdown -r now.

Further examples can be found at the bottom of the doas.conf man page.

So, to install doas do the following: aptitude purge sudo ; aptitude install doas      (use your preferred package manager)

There may be a caveat in using doas, some heavyweight desktop environments may have a dependency on sudo, so check this out before you try doas. I think you will find doas has a cleaner syntax than sudo and I have found it to be more flexible for my needs.

#2 Hardware & System Configuration » connman and network management. » 2021-09-28 18:39:22

Replies: 0

I thought I would post this message in case anyone is or is thinking of using connman as their network manager.

I had been doing some online shopping and I was interrupted for several minutes and therefore my Lenovo Thinkpad laptop went into power saving mode. Upon continuing my online shopping my internet connection was very slow, almost unusable. However if you use connman-gtk to disconnect the wireless link and then disable wireless entirely, when you restart wireless networking and reconnect you should find everything is working as expected. Ethernet networking appears not to be affected by this issue.

#3 Re: Freedom Hacks » Using Aptitude config options to keep your system clean. » 2021-06-23 11:42:19

As I recall from Aptitude's documentation you can only use "true" and "false". However, it has been awhile since I have read the relevant documentation and therefore I might be wrong. (Sorry for the delay in my reply but I have been somewhat busy).

#4 Re: Freedom Hacks » Using Aptitude config options to keep your system clean. » 2021-05-10 13:15:42

In answer to MLEvD's query:-

Aptitude::Autoclean-After-Update "true"; - this will remove downloaded packages after an update.

Aptitude::Clean-After-Install "true"; - ditto for when installing new packages.

Aptitude::Purged-Unused "True"; - this will remove unwanted packages and in particular package configuration files for packages that have been removed.

APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false"; - this affects the APT package management in its entirety and no just Aptitude. A contrived example is needed: if package 'A' installs package 'B' as a Recommends then it could well set up a transitive relationship where package 'B' is a Suggests for package 'C'. Upon removal of package 'A', normally package 'B' would also be removed as part of the dependency checking mechanism. However, Aptitude will detect that package 'B' is a Suggests of package 'C' and will not remove package 'B'. This setting removes this restriction, so that Suggests will be removed. Suggests packages are not installed as a dependency, so it is safe to do this.

I hope this helps.

#5 Freedom Hacks » Using Aptitude config options to keep your system clean. » 2021-05-08 15:30:56

Replies: 5

If you use Aptitude as your package manager here are some configuration options you can place in your /etc/apt/apt.conf file to automatically keep your system free of unneeded packages and configuration files.

Aptitude::Autoclean-After-Update "true";
Aptitude::Clean-After-Install "true";
Aptitude::Purge-Unused "true";
APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false";

#6 Freedom Hacks » To permanently block installation of Pulseaudio. » 2020-10-27 16:11:19

Replies: 29

When installing multimedia software pulseaudio can be pulled in as a dependency or as a recommends. This can be blocked by using APT pinning. Place a file in /etc/apt/preferences.d containing the following: -

                              Package: pulseaudio
                              Pin: release n=beowulf
                              Pin-Priority: -10

Any software you do not want installed can be blocked in a similar way.

I use a Perl script to generate an avoid-pkgName file.

#7 Re: Other Issues » Uploading file to email server - size vs. outgoing total discrepancy. » 2020-08-19 12:49:16

Yes, it is as you say, that you are sending PDF files, which could contain images of various sorts etc. This would affect the efficiency of the base64 encoding mechanism.

#8 Re: Other Issues » Uploading file to email server - size vs. outgoing total discrepancy. » 2020-08-18 19:48:10

You will see a larger Email upload size than the actual data you are sending because the data is converted to base64 encoding. This has a tendency to inflate the size of your data quite considerably. Hence, the discrepancy.

#9 Re: News & Announcements » Beowulf 3.0.0 is here! » 2020-06-03 23:33:55

I have Beowulf working on 2 laptops and a Lenovo micro PC. No problems whatsoever. Well done Devuan developers.

#10 Re: Installation » Cannot login to wireless network » 2019-11-20 23:20:26

In your 'interfaces' file you need to enter information about your wireless access point. Something like the following will do the trick:-

iface wlan0 inet dhcp
        wpa-ssid mywap
        wpa-psk "mySecretPassPhrase"
        metric 1

The above uses a passphrase in  plain ASCII, if you want more security, then use wpa_passphrase, which will create an encrypted passphrase. You can redirect its output to a text file and paste the passphrase component in to your 'interfaces'  file - see 'man wpa_passphrase'.

Depending on the type of installation you have done you may well find that network-manager has been installed. If so, you would be better off using that. As root try typing nmtui; if a dialog window appears then you can use this to set up your network. However, you will need to remove the entries in your 'interfaces' file first.

Good luck!

#11 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Display manager issue » 2019-06-12 21:21:41

       It looks like X11 is having problems with your hardware. As you have managed to start up an X session using startx, try logging on via a tty and see if there is an .xsession-errors file in your home directory. The contents of this file may give you a clue as to what has gone wrong.

#12 Re: Installation » Installing openrc. » 2019-03-09 19:55:13

Ogis1975 wrote:

Hello. Please check this thread.

Hello Ogis1975,
                      I read with interest the thread you have directed me to. I do not use openrc in parallel mode. So far it seems very stable. However, it is as you have stated no faster than sysv-rc. My main reason for installing openrc was just curiosity.

#13 Re: Installation » Installing openrc. » 2019-03-07 21:11:59

I've just finished installing openrc using Aptitude on my Thinkpad and everything is working fine.
Thanks for the help.

#14 Re: Installation » Installing openrc. » 2019-03-07 16:23:52

dxrobertson wrote:

I am not sure about the live install iso, but on the netinstall iso; there is a checkbox list of stuff to use/make available during the install somewhere early on in the install.  One of the options is choose init system, or something like that.  Selecting this will present an option at the end of the install to select init system to install (sysvinit, openrc).

Anyway, its a safe and easy install for openrc on a running system:

apt install openrc

I believe the install may display something about running a bunch of the daemon shutdown scripts.  I ignore this and just reboot once openrc is installed.  Sorry for my vague answer, its been a while since I performed this install.

Thanks for your reply. I Looked for the openrc option that you have mentioned, but I could not find it. It was there when I used earlier install media.
Anyway, I'll do as you suggested and install using apt.

#15 Installation » Installing openrc. » 2019-03-07 15:27:58

Replies: 11

       I have installed Devuan on my laptops and PC. I was under the impression that during the installation process you would be given the option to select your 'init' system. I use the 'Expert' install option and I could not find an option that allowed you to select an 'init' system. Have I  missed something?

                             Thanks in advance.

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