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#1 Intergalactic Communities » [Telegram] Devuan Bulgaria » 2019-08-07 18:47:43

Replies: 0

I, as a Devuan user, and big fan decided to create a public Telegram group for Bulgarian speaking users and sys admins ))


#2 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [Solved] Webserver: connection refused » 2019-05-12 07:42:58

Do you still have problems with establishing connection to the server ?

#3 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [Solved] Webserver: connection refused » 2019-05-08 08:07:39

From that information which you post here, its obvious that checksum of TCP SYN packet is incorrect and the packet is dropped. What is the server? Does the server is behind NAT ? Version of the server ? ... and etc...

#4 Re: Other Issues » <Solved> [Ascii] Problem with AptCacherNg » 2018-09-19 06:02:23

add following line to clients /etc/hosts file: vmdevuanr1

and try again with hostname instead of ip

#7 Re: DIY » Mount android disk image inside linux » 2018-09-16 08:15:28

try to mount with offset for desired partition:

-o offset=$((START_SECTOR_OF_PARTITION*512))

example for partition 42:

-o offset=$((5033984*512))

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