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#1 Re: Installation » No sound in firefox-esr 60.2 » 2018-09-17 17:23:08

Thank you MiyoLinux.
Sorry MiyoLinux i have nothing against you, I hope you have understood.
Thank you for the answer and solution, but sorry for me is an unacceptable solution.
Because this is another situation where we see a meddling of the same "characters" who created systemd and a short-sighted approach of the Firefox developers. Chrome/Chromium is "made" from Google and I do not want to use it.
So I pinned firefox with /etc/apt/preferences.d/firefox-esr like this:

Package: firefox-esr
Pin: version 52.9.0esr-*
Pin-Priority: 1001

...while it lasts.
Thank you, again MiyoLinux.


#2 Installation » No sound in firefox-esr 60.2 » 2018-09-15 14:50:02

Replies: 13

Hi all.
Sorry for my poor english and probably for crosspost .
With 60.2.0esr-1~deb9u2 and ALSA i have no sound with Firefox when i browse site like youtube with console error "OpenCubeb() failed to init cubeb". Probably because of this ?
I installed chromium on my Devuan ASCII and audio of the site with audible content work great.
Excuse me for this rant.


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