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#1 Re: Other Issues » Book buying » 2024-10-01 20:00:47

I have a well thumbed copy of Hacking Linux Exposed which I found very useful. But I got it about 20 years ago so it was more up to date then and I didn't pay full price.

It would still be worth getting if you find a cheap copy. Or you need to concentrate on security for UNIX systems (it only covers security, not other server admin work).

#2 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Very strange: is it connman or network-manager? » 2024-09-27 16:28:51

Try df -k /var/run/ and ls -lid /var/run
On my system /var/run/ is a symlink to /run which is a tmpfs. So it's contents will be re-created at every reboot, which will make the -i flag vanish (tmpfs is a filesystem that only exists in ram).

That would explain why chattr -i didn't seem to work. Checking with lsattr might be interesting too.

#3 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Something rather bizarre regarding ram has happened, » 2024-09-23 16:04:29

Wayland would probably need more memory that X windows so would make matters worse if your ram is limited.

The game might just need a lot of memory to run. So adding ram should get you fixed. Just for interest how much do you have now and how much are you adding?

#4 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Something rather bizarre regarding ram has happened, » 2024-09-20 16:04:32

I doubt wayland would do any better. It looks as if the game has a memory leak, which will probably still happen under wayland.

The only quick fix I can think of is to only run the game for a limited time, then quit it and restart wine before running it again. If it's the sort of game where you can do that.

#5 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Anyone know how to get doas working properly on devuan? » 2024-09-19 16:34:45

That *might* not matter if you are the *only* person who can use the system. But its a *big* concern for multi-user systems.

#6 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Something rather bizarre regarding ram has happened, » 2024-09-19 16:29:48

Yes, I normally disable javascript, for safety. I've managed  to get it now.

Running sort <ps.out1 -g -k 8 | tail against each file in turn to find the programs with biggest RSS I spotted two large users:

R userus+  3114     1 99  80   0 2193540 2241107 -  08:48 ?        00:28:46 C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Versions\Base92440\SC2_x64.exe
R userus+  2936  2935 62  80   0 2250356 901302 -   08:48 tty1     00:14:23 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp :0 vt1 -keeptty -auth /tmp/serverauth.LPffKQyAqd

(those are in ps4)
/usr/lib/xorg/Xorg is probably innocent.
C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Versions\Base92440\SC2_x64.exe is the most likely culprit.


#7 Re: Installation » VPN would not connect » 2024-09-19 16:02:10

I've never used any VPN client under Linux, so I can't give much more help.

First check if you can ping the University VPN system to make sure the network connection is OK. Compare with pinging it on the Ubuntu laptop. If ping is blocked look for a web server at the University and check you can get to it from both systems.

Try checking what packages were installed on the Ubuntu laptop and compare with what you have on the Devuan system.

#8 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Anyone know how to get doas working properly on devuan? » 2024-09-18 16:49:35

Check what happens if you put a program called poweroff in your path that does something else. Eg the following:

echo In fake poweroff script

If that says it's running as root you have a security hole. A malicious person could add something like rm -rF / to it.

#9 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Something rather bizarre regarding ram has happened, » 2024-09-18 16:40:53

Sorry, that link just hangs saying:
Please wait while we are getting your file. We first need to download and decrypt all parts before you can get it.

#10 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Very strange: is it connman or network-manager? » 2024-09-18 16:35:18

Try chattr -i on the file the symlink points to. That might work.

Or (as root):
ls -l /etc/resolv.conf
# Note where it points to (I'll use dest below).
rm /etc/resolv.conf
mv dest /etc/resolv.conf
That should turn /etc/resolv.conf back into a normal file.

#11 Re: Installation » VPN would not connect » 2024-09-18 16:29:56

Do you have another system set up to use the VPN? If that works the system you've just set up is wrong. Or can you ask a friend if the VPN works for them?

Can you ping the University VPN service? That will tell you if the connection is working (although some sites block ping requests).

#12 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Something rather bizarre regarding ram has happened, » 2024-09-17 16:40:22

The first step is to read the man (or info) pages for free and vmstat. They describe what the output fields mean.

Memory leaks can be a pain to track down. To find out which program is leaking memory you may need to:
ps -efly >ps.out1
Run suspect program (in your case the game under wine) for a while.
ps -efly >ps.out2
Run the program for a bit more.
ps -efly >ps.out3
When the system starts paging take a last snapshot:
ps -efly >ps.outn
Then stop the program and compare memory snapshots to see which program(s) RSS and SIZE fields were growing.

Then *all* you have to do is to find who supports the leaky program and persuade them to fix it.

Caveat. I've not had to do that myself, so I can't be sure it will work.

#13 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Something rather bizarre regarding ram has happened, » 2024-09-16 16:04:15

It does sound like a memory leak. If it happens again try running free and vmstat to get stats on memory usage. The si and so fields in vmstat outout show how much memory is being swapped in and swapped out from/to disk. If that's high you will usually notice the system is slow.

#14 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] doesn't respond » 2024-09-14 15:56:42

Which ISP is it? That at least tells other people in your country which ISP to avoid.

If you look through the admin screens on the router your ISP provided you might find one saying what IP address it queries (the router will at most cache DNS entries). Assuming it's at (replace that with whatever it is) run the following:

If only the first fails your router is confused. Try power cycling it.
If the first two fail your ISP's DNS server is confused.
If the last one fails something very strange is going on.

#15 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] doesn't respond » 2024-09-13 16:09:57

It sound as if your next step is to ask your ISP to investigate.

As an aside, host accepts a 3rd parameter, the IP address of the DNS server it should query. So you could try host to see what Cloudflare's DNS server would return. It's quicker than temporarily changing /etc/resolv.conf.

#16 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] doesn't respond » 2024-09-12 16:21:08

The first things I'd try would be ping -c 1 and ping -c 1
If the first fails and the second works the I'd try host -v which gives more details of how the DNS query works. But I'd be reaching the limit of my knowledge of DNS trying to work out why the one fails and the other works.

Other questions are which country are you in and which ISP do you use (I'm assuming you are doing this from home)? It might be ISP specific.

#17 Re: Installation » how restore default permissions root folder after copy OS to SSD? » 2024-09-01 16:46:31

If the ID has the same name, UID and GID then  --numeric-ids won't make any difference.

Try an experiment copying a small directory with various options and see how it works.

#18 Re: Installation » Daedalus LXQT-only installs no wireless manager? » 2024-09-01 16:41:38

ifupdown is the name of the suite. It's 3 programs, ifup, ifdown and ifquery (through they are actually the same program called by different names). See their man pages for details.

As a note, it's better to use whereis to check if something is installed. It will find it even if it's not in your path (eg: it might be in /sbin) or only has a man page.

#19 Re: Installation » how restore default permissions root folder after copy OS to SSD? » 2024-08-28 16:51:28

It won't matter if on both systems the users have the same numeric UID and GID. But it will make a difference if the users have different UIDs or GIDs. Check /etc/passwd on both systems to see what is likely to happen.

Eg if chris has UID 1000 on the source system and UID 1001 on the target you don't want to use --numeric-ids.
But if the names differ but have the same UID (eg chris is UID 1000 on source and fred is UID 1000 on the target (chris doesn't exist on it)) --numeric-ids would leave everything owned by fred.

I hope that's enough to let you understand what difference it would make.

#20 Re: Installation » is the Devuan repository server usually slow or offline? » 2024-08-24 16:11:29

The first thing to check is if your internet connection has had a temporary glitch. Try the apt command again once it's back.

If it's persistent try The-Amnesiac-Philosophers suggestion. Start with host, then traceroute against each IP address and use the one with fewest hops (it should be nearest to you) or shortest round trip time.

#21 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] at boot-systemd-udevd: failed to execute /lib/elogind/elogind-uaccess » 2024-08-24 16:03:35

After seeing the first set of messages I'd start by checking if /lib/elogind/elogind-uaccess-command /dev/sr0 and /dev/sg1 exist. Assuming they do I'd run file /lib/elogind/elogind-uaccess-command to see what it is.

If it's a script I'd check if the interpreter (usually on the first line) exists.
If it's an executable I'd run ldd against it to see what shared libraries it uses.


#22 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Possible Malware » 2024-08-22 16:26:11

Next time try which fgrep or whereis fgrep to find where they are on your system.

#23 Re: Installation » is the Devuan repository server usually slow or offline? » 2024-08-22 16:15:16

Which country are you in and which ISP do you use? It sounds as if it's only affecting some users.

Next time it happens try:
host - you should get a list of IP addresses.
ping - this will pick one of the list at random. Look at the response time (the last field).
traceroute - shows what path connects to the one it picks. Or how far the traffic gets if it doesn't respond.

That should give you a bit more to go on. You could ping each address in the list to see which ones work for you.

If you find some of the addresses always work you could put one into your /etc/apt/sources.list (preferably one in the same country as you).

#24 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] I cannot update Chimaera » 2024-08-18 16:45:09

In case someone else gets something like this:
First try host
If it works try ping
If that also works try apt update again. It might have been a temporary glitch.
If something fails refer to my last post.

I've spent so much time chasing problems as a system adminstrator it's hard to remember what it's like for a newbie.

#25 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] I cannot update Chimaera » 2024-08-17 16:55:12

Have another look at that thread.

If host works try ping
If ping fails try ping (a long shot but worth trying).
If that also fails try pinging each of the IP addresses returned by host in turn. If one gets a response run host address eg:

chris@rigel:~/bin$ host domain name pointer

Then *temporarily* put the name returned into your sources.list (take it out again once the issue is fixed) and try apt update

Or post in the other thread to see if anyone else can help. It might be your ISP has messed up so post what ISP you use and which country you are in.

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