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#1 Hardware & System Configuration » Synaptic failing for fix failed updates » 2024-11-21 09:31:02

Replies: 1

I'm traveling right now and my internet connection can be spotty.  I ran synaptic to pick up any updates and it reported quite a few.  However, it failed to complete many of them with error messages notifying me.

My problem is that I seem unable to get these updates now.  I immediately tried to reload after getting the error messages but synaptic didn't pick up anything.  Synaptic doesn't see any updates needed.

How do I force synaptic to do a full update?

#2 Hardware & System Configuration » Problem with newest Nvidia driver » 2017-08-12 19:26:16

Replies: 2

I've been trying (unsuccessfully) to get the latest Nvidia driver installed and I think I've found the problem.  The nvidia-driver and nvidia-settings are at v375.82 in jessie-backports contrib while nvidia-xconfig is at v340.46 in jessie contrib.  There is a version of nvidia-xconfig in ascii contrib that is at v375.26.  Are these version incompatible?

I'm unable to use the nvidia driver.  Runing nvidia-settings tells me to run nvidia-xconfig.  Either of the above versions of n*-xconfig just kicks me out of X and I have to purge X and reinstall to get back to a graphical environment.

So at the moment, I'm suck at a low resolution screen.  Any ideas?

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