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#1 2023-12-07 22:24:04

Registered: 2023-11-29
Posts: 5  

Say hello!

Hi! I am a beginner Devuan user with a little Debian experience. I want to use Devuan for always-on and always-connected x86 computer which is going to serve me with my network interests - reading 24/7 few irq channels, torrenting and some cryptocurrencies activity. I loved chatting on Freenet when it was alive but I remember that doing it from not always-on computer might be irritating for other guys in channel, so I am going to be an active IRQ user when I will manage to let such a machine to go in the wild.

My main computer still has Windows 7 to my grief, but 7+ stopped being comfortable for me and when 7 dies completely like XP I will never upgrade to never Windows. But also I will never consider Devuan as my main OS because it is significantly less comfortable for googling problems than Debian.

The main reason why I have chosen Devuan is that Twitter post when systemd has changed some dude's DNS to and that was a moment when I decided that I need to maintain a skill of using Linux without systemd and use it for non-mainstream communication goals of mine. Also I believe that it is important not to be afraid of at least one of my own computers which is crutial for any network-related activity.

I use Devuan on a laptop without discrete videocard, because IMO laptops and 2.5 HDDs is a little bit cooler idea then big desktop with loud 3.5 HDD. I have some strange problem with laptop-related things but this is not important feature for my usage of Devuan and I will formulate problems from this area later. Currently I am struggling with everything because it is easy to find an answer to any question about Debian but this OS is significantly less popular and I am not even sure I understand the difference between these two. But I wish the project good luck and I hope I will befriend with Devuan on my machine sooner or later.


#2 2023-12-07 23:13:22

From: UK
Registered: 2023-01-19
Posts: 212  

Re: Say hello!

Devuan is Devuan, for everything that doesn't involve systemd or related packages - so you can almost always use those Debian answers you find.

Also, If you're bothered by systemd's potential to send DNS queries to Google, you should probably also use a different search engine too.



#3 2023-12-07 23:58:16

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 317  

Re: Say hello!

mustt-be-fast wrote:

But also I will never consider Devuan as my main OS because it is significantly less comfortable for googling problems than Debian.

I understand; we all have our own needs and preferences. wink

You may run into a few hiccups here and there with Devuan; however, for my needs...answers that I've found for Debian usually work as do answers from the Arch wiki. If nothing else works, you can ask here. smile

By the way, I use Arch ... I mean...welcome aboard!


I don't use Arch by the way. tongue


#4 2023-12-08 09:51:05

Registered: 2019-11-19
Posts: 420  

Re: Say hello!

Welcome aboard.......Devuan is Debian without systemd. smile


#5 2023-12-08 23:14:50

Registered: 2023-11-29
Posts: 5  

Re: Say hello!

boughtonp wrote:

Also, If you're bothered by systemd's potential to send DNS queries to Google, you should probably also use a different search engine too.

Devuan's Firefox has DDG as a default search while Firefox's default is Gugl. DDG can find Stackoverflow answers not worse then Gugl so I appreciate the choice.
But Ggle is at least pinned in every new tab in that Firefox browser which makes me assume that Devuan still has at least a handful of nuts from Gugl, more nuts per every new Devuan release I hope big_smile

Camtaf wrote:

Welcome aboard.......Devuan is Debian without systemd. smile

Why as small project as Devuan supports 3 init systems and as big one as Debian supports only systemd? (I don't know why but it reminds me EEE strategy.)

What also bothers me in systemd is a binary logs, I haven't really experienced needs to read them in my usage of Debian to tell the truth, but now I read them with pleasure because I have a familiar hardware and decently working OS . I remember times when asking any question related to hardware on any Linux forum immediately resulted in reading some logs and I have some FUD that this information is not human-readable. For example, something will happen with my computer and I will not be able to recognize the problem.

The-Amnesiac-Philosopher wrote:

If nothing else works, you can ask here. smile

Reading manuals works badly for me, it is a lot of work and English is not my native language. Reading code sounds like too hard for even trying. Of course I will bother people, because searching how to solve my problems alone is not fun.

Web2 forums is one of the greatest fun of our times, I will miss this time in future when neural network will solve all my problems of interacting with computers and I will never face a "nothing works" situation any more.


#6 2023-12-09 04:32:26

Registered: 2017-04-07
Posts: 508  

Re: Say hello!

mustt-be-fast wrote:

Why as small project as Devuan supports 3 init systems and as big one as Debian supports only systemd? (I don't know why but it reminds me EEE strategy.)

I believe debian relented and now offers some other init systems. Regardless, Devuan and the VUA's never compromised and were the vanguard of init freedom in the big distros.

Now the systemd troll has gone to micros**t where he belongs, back under the bridge of goblin crap, there to wreak more havoc upon those who are content with script-kiddy government-accessible-for-money code.

Vuu-do GNU/Linux, minimal Devuan-based openbox systems to build on, maximal versions if you prefer your linux fully-loaded.

Please donate to support Devuan and init freedom!


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