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After a Dev1 Setup on a Laptop (whit eth0), i have to wait a long time
for the eth0 on "cold boot".
I "cold boot" my Laptop
I look to the "Boot Messages"
I see the following Msg:
Configuring Network Interfaces ifup: Waiting for Lock on
After 2 or 3 minutes to wait, the Laptop boot up,
In the folder /run/network/ i have - after the "long to wait boot":
ifstat (content: eth0=eth0 and lo=lo
ifstat.eth0 (content: eth0 )
ifstat.lo (content: lo )
ifstat.lock (content: empty )
The Packet: ifstat (1.1-8.1) current *not* installed!
What must i do to speed up my Dev1 Boot ?!
Last edited by Luddit (2018-12-18 13:20:47)
"If you think technology can solve your problems you don't understand technology and you don't understand your problems." Bruce Schneier
It would appear the boot up is held back due to a problem with the network configuration.
Firstly, could you please confirm it really is ifstat and not ifstate? The latter would be the status files used and maintained by the ifupdown networking package, whereas I couldn't find out which package would be using the former (with a cursory web search).
Perhaps you have multiple and conflicting network configuration methods activated, in which case it could help to reduce that to a single one? Which network configuration method(s) do you use?
If it already is only a single method, perhaps it'd help to make a change to that, such that networks are configured later? Or maybe, if it's a viable choice, changing to a method that configures the network interfaces asynchronously with respect to the boot up process? Which network configuration method do you use?
It seems like a similar problem has been described here.
What economists call over-production is but a production that is above the purchasing power of the worker, who is reduced to poverty by capital and state.
----+- Peter Kropotkin -+----
Hello and Sorry (4delay)
(to be ill)
I have the same question posted on Dev1 Maillinglist (Arrived with 3 days late)
I get a Patch (file) from ML
It works for me!
Happy Hollyday's @all (whatever you celebrate)
"If you think technology can solve your problems you don't understand technology and you don't understand your problems." Bruce Schneier