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#1 Re: Forum Feedback » Forum Login Security » 2024-01-17 16:20:38

Hi Nietz!

Do any other users have concerns about logging in through an insecure portal?

Users running browsers normally will be always redirected to the https, and modern browsers of all flavours will prevent insecure post requests or cookie responses from secure pages to insecure ones. I've not seen or been able to reproduce insecure login from a regular browser with standard configuration.

should our forum login page be over a secure connection?

Certainly it should, and it does.  - That said however - there are some improvements that can be made that I've already been working on. i.e. 80 needs a hard 301 -> 443.

- DelTomix

#2 Re: Devuan » New Devuan user here » 2023-12-15 01:45:39

quickfur wrote:

No promises here -- being a parent now and having no free time at all -- but out of curiosity, where's the list of forked packages and what needs to be done?  Would love to contribute in whatever way I can to keep the old ways alive!

Welcome in quickfur !

One way to get a current list of forked packages is to grab the sources.gz from; … in/source/
...Then for a quick list you can just 

zcat sources.gz | grep -E '^Package:' 

...or just browse through the file for full details. (not strictly forked packages - some devuan-specific things also in there).

Sources for any of them are also available on Devuan's git repo (as golinux posted above).

Latest gives me 94 packages;

Package: acdcli
Package: anna
Package: apt
Package: apt-setup
Package: avahi
Package: base-files
Package: base-installer
Package: cgroupfs-mount
Package: choose-init
Package: choose-mirror
Package: cinnabar-icon-theme
Package: clearlooks-phenix-cinnabar-theme
Package: clearlooks-phenix-darkpurpy-theme
Package: clearlooks-phenix-deepsea-theme
Package: clearlooks-phenix-lightpurpy-theme
Package: clearlooks-phenix-sapphire-theme
Package: colord
Package: cryptsetup-modified-functions
Package: czmq
Package: darkpurpy-icon-theme
Package: dbus
Package: debian-config-override
Package: debian-installer
Package: debootstrap
Package: deepsea-icon-theme
Package: desktop-base
Package: devscripts-devuan
Package: devuan-baseconf
Package: devuan-keyring
Package: devuan-lintian-profile
Package: distro-info-data
Package: dnscrypt-proxy
Package: dq
Package: elogind
Package: eudev
Package: firewalld
Package: fluidsynth
Package: fontsnaps
Package: freeipa
Package: grub-installer
Package: hylafax
Package: init-system-helpers
Package: jenkins-buildenv-devuan
Package: jenkins-debian-glue-buildenv-devuan
Package: ldm
Package: libvirt
Package: libvirt
Package: libvirt
Package: lightdm
Package: live-build
Package: live-config
Package: ltsp
Package: ltspfs
Package: main-menu
Package: mdadm
Package: net-retriever
Package: net-tools
Package: netcfg
Package: network-manager
Package: oddjob
Package: openvpn
Package: packagekit
Package: pam-mkhomedir
Package: pcsc-lite
Package: pdns-recursor
Package: pinthread
Package: plymouth
Package: policykit-1
Package: popularity-contest
Package: procps
Package: python-apt-common-devuan
Package: refractainstaller-base
Package: refractainstaller-gui
Package: refractasnapshot-base
Package: refractasnapshot-gui
Package: reportbug
Package: rootskel-gtk
Package: rrqnet
Package: rsyslog
Package: sgm
Package: slim
Package: sshguard
Package: syslinux
Package: systemctl-service-shim
Package: sysvinit
Package: tasksel
Package: tomcat9
Package: udev
Package: udisks2
Package: unattended-upgrades
Package: util-linux
Package: xfce4-session
Package: xlennart
Package: xorg-server

#3 Re: DIY » So I guess there's no getting around having to use GTK3 and Wayland? » 2023-11-11 19:26:17

For me at least - I'm happy with I3wm, no "Desktop Environment", no "session management", I just log in on console and type 'startx' - its at least as simple. I can set a comfortable color scheme easily, the apps behave how I need, and they basically look the same as in any other environment.

Food for thought maybe;
I get that login managers are "pretty" but does the appearance really serve any purpose? How much time do you spend interacting with your login screen and what has it done for you lately ?  big_smile big_smile

For my case - they carry all this baggage that really has nothing to do with the apps you actually USE,  - and along with that baggage comes wondering how your system got roped into installing wayland, or gtk3, or even having no idea what is running in the first place.

VLC has too many dependencies? Dump it ! MPV is great !  (at least for me I understand maybe not same for everyone)

I think we all have this natrual tendency to conflate what is actually (non-functional) "eye candy"  with being "easier" or "better".

Another consideration, for some apps where available - using a portable statically built AppImage in your home directory can sometimes spare you from a myriad of undesireable dependencies.

Anyway - there are minimally dependent standalone alternatives to just about everything as some pointed out already in this thread. Its not perfect, and dependencies still happen - but I think part of how we retain freedom of choice is by finding, sharing, adapting and making use of those.

Freedom and sensible minimalism converge yet again! smile

#4 Re: Documentation » Revert recent changes to file viewing options in FF » 2023-11-11 18:30:00

Very happy this helped!

This was mainly to address unwanted accumulations of files in the Downloads folder, due to a change in FF a while back - where content being viewed 'In Browser' (such as pdfs) were no longer placed in the system temp directory AND no longer clearing themselves. Opening documents also behaves normally again.

The only thing I would add for this is to ensure that you ensure "Always ask you where to save files"  is enabled (checked) in;
'settings' -> 'Files and Applications' -> 'Downloads' section.

Since it usually remembers where you last saved its not inconvenient to have this on, plus it ensures you are aware of what is saving where.


#5 Re: Installation » Daedalus ISOs don't boot » 2023-09-23 21:11:09

Hey all,
During the following week I'll have time to shuffle some machines and hard drives here and go through some detailed tests to try and reproduce what I can in the remaining install ISO issues, or analyse possible reasons for cases where outcomes differ between Bookworm and Devuan. I'm wondering if graphics modes might be related.

fchk: The supermicro case is particularly curious. Same make and model USB stick for both Debian and Devuan images? Booting from same USB port?

hellou1: For the i5 with intel sound and video drivers - on a similarily old laptop I've had to manually mess with firmware to get things to work with Debian 11 and prior - but if your issue is similar that case would probably be an issue outside of the scope of the installer.  Daedalus worked right away but this was a different install method. I will double check a full Deadalus ISO install though to see.

I will report back.

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