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#1 Re: Installation » suspend on straight Wayland setup » 2023-09-09 11:17:08


Of the things on your list that I use, I'm having no problems.  All I can think of is to tell you how I installed.

Did clean install using devuan_daedalus_5.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso

unchecked Desktop Environment               
unchecked XFCE
checked Console productivity
checked SSH server
kept standard system utilities checked

avoided apparmor and chose openrc

installed libpam-ck-connector, sway and seatd
took the default choice for each question about adding/removing packages

terminal is kitty

installed inxi with -R flag on aptitude

firefox-esr is working fine, neofetch and inxi work fine in kitty

#2 Installation » suspend on straight Wayland setup » 2023-09-03 14:35:23

Replies: 3

I installed Daedalus and immediately installed libpam-ck-connector, sway and seatd as mentioned in the release notes. I am very impressed with how well everything went and works.

Installed swayidle and swaylock and I can get the screen to lock after a time out period.

Since loginctl is provided by elogind, how would I set up suspend? Thanks!

#3 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] no highlight of todays date in cal » 2021-09-07 11:46:30


Thank you! Sorry I missed that in man cal.

#4 Other Issues » [SOLVED] no highlight of todays date in cal » 2021-09-06 14:40:36

Replies: 4

I know this seems awfully petty. The cal command (with no arguments) produces a calendar but today's date is not highlighted. This happens both in urxvt under X and from the console.

man cal says -h Turns off highlighting of today, but cal doesn't recognize -h:

% cal -h                                                                                                                                                            :(
Usage: cal [general options] [-jy] [[month] year]
       cal [general options] [-j] [-m month] [year]
       ncal -C [general options] [-jy] [[month] year]
       ncal -C [general options] [-j] [-m month] [year]
       ncal [general options] [-bhJjpwySM] [-H yyyy-mm-dd] [-s country_code] [-W number of days] [[month] year]
       ncal [general options] [-Jeo] [year]
General options: [-31] [-A months] [-B months] [-d yyyy-mm]

ncal does highlight today's date and -h does suppress it.

I am running chimaera and I installed it from the netinstall iso from 8/16. It is up-to-date. Just wondering if there is something else I should have installed.


#5 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] Security question about Devuan 4 in its current state » 2021-08-22 17:19:54


Thank you. I have installed Devuan from the chimaera_4.0.beta-20210816_amd64_netinstall iso and so far it is working great for me. I plan to just stick with it. My sources.list just points to the chimaera repos.

Will it eventually just morph into the release by doing the updates?

#6 Other Issues » [SOLVED] Security question about Devuan 4 in its current state » 2021-08-22 14:02:14

Replies: 4

Debian posts warnings about using testing with regard to security.

says "... If you want to have a secure (and stable) server you are strongly encouraged to stay with stable."

Would that apply to running Devuan 4 at this point in its development cycle?

#7 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » No wired net » 2019-11-06 01:31:53


Wow! Thank you so much for making that! Works perfect.

$ inxi -v2
System:    Host: devuan Kernel: 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: Xfce 4.12.3
           Distro: Devuan GNU/Linux ascii
Machine:   Device: desktop Mobo: Micro-Star model: MPG Z390 GAMING PRO CARBON (MS-7B17) v: 1.0
           UEFI [Legacy]: American Megatrends v: 1.50 date: 03/25/2019
CPU:       Hexa core Intel Core i5-9600K (-MCP-) speed/max: 1431/4600 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Intel Device 3e98
           Display Server: X.Org 1.19.2 drivers: vesa (unloaded: modesetting,fbdev)
           Resolution: 1920x1080@0.00hz
           GLX Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.9, 256 bits) GLX Version: 3.0 Mesa 13.0.6
Network:   Card: Intel Device 15bc driver: e1000e
Drives:    HDD Total Size: NA (-)
           ID-1: model: Samsung_SSD_860
           ID-2: model: Samsung_SSD_860
           ID-3: model: USB_3.0_FD
Info:      Processes: 178 Uptime: 25 min Memory: 894.1/15906.1MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.5 

#8 Hardware & System Configuration » No wired net » 2019-11-05 11:23:49

Replies: 2

I wanted to try out devuan_ascii_2.1_amd64_desktop-live but I'm getting no wired network connection when booting from the stick.

When running artix:

% lspci -knn | grep -iA5 net
00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V [8086:15bc] (rev 10)
	DeviceName: Onboard - Ethernet
	Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Ethernet Connection (7) I219-V [1462:7b17]
	Kernel driver in use: e1000e
	Kernel modules: e1000e

and devuan:

% lspci -knn | grep -iA1 net
00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:15bc] (rev 10)
	Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] Device [1462:7b17]

I realize I have fairly new hardware (late 2018). Is it possible to get network in this case?

#9 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] boot up without x automatically starting » 2019-01-27 12:20:24


Thank you both for your  replies. Installing 'elogind' and 'libpam-elogind' solved it.

#10 Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] boot up without x automatically starting » 2019-01-26 16:25:03

Replies: 5

Forgive me if this is inappropriate but I am trying out star kirk. I think I read it is really pretty much devuan.

I had switched from slim to lightdm and that worked without problem. I then purged both slim and lightdm and booted to the command prompt just fine, but X wouldn't start up by startx (I did create an appropriate ~/.xinitrc). Is there a description of how to do this somewhere that someone could point me to?

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