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#1 Re: Installation » Where are the packages for installing development tools (gcc, etc.)? » 2018-10-21 08:40:25

fsmithred wrote:

You'll also need to install the linux-headers-<version> that matches your running kernel.
apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

I got build-essential w/o problems. Then I tried to get the headers, but I have a slight problem. It seems that the header package available at present is for and I have the kernel (I used an install DVD I downloaded a few months ago). Does it matter? Should I upgrade my kernel or just go ahead and install the newer headers?

#2 Re: Installation » Where are the packages for installing development tools (gcc, etc.)? » 2018-10-21 07:54:31


Thanks for the prompt reply. It was indeed my mistake to use plurals.

BTW as this is my first time here I would like to express my appreciation of the tremendous job you did by creating Devuan. I have been a long-time Ubuntu and Debian user, but now that I have an alternative I will never go back to them and systemd. Thanks!

#3 Installation » Where are the packages for installing development tools (gcc, etc.)? » 2018-10-20 11:54:33

Replies: 6


I have installed Devuan ascii (amd64) on one of my computers. Then I tried to compile a utility (partimage) and failed because no development tools (gcc, binutils, etc.) had been installed. Tried to get them using the package manager but the metapackage 'build-essentials' that I had used for installing the development tools in Debian was not found anywhere in the Devuan repos.

So how can the development tools be installed in Devuan ascii?

Suggestion: Include development tools in the software selection list shown at installation time.

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