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#1 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-22 05:27:29

@Steve_v forget it then, I pmed you, because I realized I have been in a funk.

the FOSS community btw only Hyperbola really. Donated a bunch of money to them, mostly beyond that I have done nothing. So I apologize.

Stressed out lately.

#2 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-21 06:28:42

No, you grow up, I don't like it when people try to deliberately provoke me.

And for this reason, I wonder now if I should do what headonastick did and go far away.

#3 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-20 08:41:44

@soren you are the only one who showed any decency in this thread...

Yeah, I eventually realized that. but it still only gave me mullvad-vpn when I tried initially.

@steve_v again, its the librewolf approach that they don't do that annoys me. They could just make it so derivatives default to a debian release like bookworm . But they don't. That is fundamentally annoying.

If I could, I would delete this thread because the majority of you people are giving me a hard time over something very reasonable which is:

debian derivatives default to debian codenames. Is that unreasonable? if you say yes, something is wrong with you.r thought process.

#4 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-20 08:37:45

@pl It seems you ignored what I wrote about how librewolf does it.

And you also ignored other replies where I said, mullvad browser didn't show up when I tried and only mullvad-vpn did.

Btw, its people like you who are unforgivably rash who get under my skin. I have no interest in your two cents. ZIP zilch...

#5 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Mouse no longer works after update » 2024-07-19 22:21:07

I am fine at the moment when I don't upgrade openrc to the last release. Very weird stuff.

I have no idea why that works for me.

#6 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-07-19 22:19:54

@golinux nah its more I just was a bit pissed off. Not as much anymore. I just didn't think probably enough.

I replied to your last comment though.

#7 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-19 22:18:33

@golinux he insulted me first... so yeah.

I got a little hot under the collar. I would prefer people not just assume the worst of me without understanding my thinking.

But that is... sometimes... impossible, I guess.

#8 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-07-19 21:53:33

@pl that is not their prerogative if it destroys the environment for everyone and enables fascism to be more widespread.

Would you want all the new surveillance to be controlled by a fascist?

Imagine how tight Hitler's grip would have been if he had modern surveillance...

Let that sink in.

#9 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-19 21:50:13

@pl just like steve-v, you are full of it.

You are missing the point.

They could at least do this:

You have proven btw, pl that you are a knucklehead yourself.

#10 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-19 21:49:20

@aluma that is bizzare, I only could get mullvad vpn to show up... weird.

#11 Re: Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-19 21:48:26


Actually, what I expect is to at least have the librewolf approach.

Compare and you will understand better.

#12 Freedom Hacks » Frustration with Mullvad » 2024-07-17 04:21:01

Replies: 22

Nevermind, this thread was a colossal waste of time and just a result of rage... my apologies

#13 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-07-12 07:04:09

@aluma in any case, I see it differently than you both.  Btw,  more on topic, AI is a bad idea for these corporate giants to seek: … -disaster/

This is a good reason to tell Bill Gates and other rich a-holes to bleep off and humble themselves till they realize how insignificant they really are,

And that is putting it mildly, they should be in jail for all the corrupt stuff they do surveillance -wise at minimum. but its much worse than just that solely.

In any case, that's all I  have to say at minimum.

#14 Re: Other Issues » Chromium wonky for anybody else? » 2024-07-12 06:57:32

@stopai did you see what I wrote after that?

I clearly wrote Microsoft Edge, slimjet and Vivladi.

#15 Re: Other Issues » Chromium wonky for anybody else? » 2024-07-05 02:46:08

Only thing I can say, is if you have to trust Chromium or some more proprietary version, such as Microsoft Edge or Vivaldi or slimjet.

Always go for the most open source one.

Proprietary is a lock hidden by obscurity.

IE it doesn't work too well.

I detest the whole Chromium empire though in general.

Badwolf web browser and UXP based web browser both are the only ones worth anything.

#16 Re: Other Issues » Chromium wonky for anybody else? » 2024-07-03 18:39:41

Chromium... sigh people use that... its not exactly good regarding leaks. Firefox at its best leaks less.

#17 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » Mouse no longer works after update » 2024-07-01 05:49:18


I tried removing:

Also upgraded the below:

Iall qemu stuff and linux-libre-lts and winehq-staging stuff.

I rebooted and things were fine and then I removed libreoffice and upgraded openrc and bingo:

I got the same problem again.

Btw, I have a snapshot qcow2 image of the last time it worked.

I now think openrc has been screwed up somehow...

Sigh... very annoying.

#18 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Huge upgrade this morning ... » 2024-07-01 05:18:04

@Altoid yeah... I wonder which of those packages it is. Very strange...

I updated more of them and I see that they still work,  but I will have to give you more details probably.


Refer to this link:

Same topic I am mentioning, but yeah.

Weird stuff.

#19 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Huge upgrade this morning ... » 2024-07-01 01:29:36

@GlennW mine is a usb dongle though. I have a Logitech M510 and also one other one as well, both don't work after I do the latest updates.

Its kind of annoying, because I don't know how to downgrade the packages needed to fix my problem.

#20 Hardware & System Configuration » Mouse no longer works after update » 2024-06-30 23:37:42

Replies: 2

I uploaded a picture of  the packages that I was about to update, because this happened one other time. … IkqA1GsIs=

Anyone know which of these packages I need to downgrade?

I cannot seem to get my wireless mice working after I upgrade from here.

My mouse is a logitech M510. its a usb dongle wireless mouse. It doesn't use bluetooth.

#21 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » [SOLVED] Huge upgrade this morning ... » 2024-06-30 23:08:33

Speaking of huge upgrade, I can't seem to get my mouse working with the most recent upgrades... again. … IkqA1GsIs=

This is the packages I updated.  Once I do this, I poweroff computer and reboot and wireless mouse no longer works.

#22 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-06-30 01:27:16

@aluma My understanding is that pride is an unhealthy confidence  very often in one's self or someone one praises. Possibly in a thing as well.

Thou Shalt not steal however feels more like a warning against greed.

Just my two cents on that.

Pretty sure you shall have no other Gods before me is  a warning against pride.

But either way, when you think only whar you think matters the most or is important despite other prods, hints or evidence, that is foolish.

I have done that many times in the past.

Do not repeat if possible.  Always fight that kind of thinking. That's how humans escape the worst of it.

Otherwise, you become a megalomaniac at best, at worst who knows.

Btw, wasn't intending to take this into a religious discussion.

#23 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-06-30 01:20:35

Did you know count dracula is going to be donald trump's running mate?

Because who else can he count on?


#24 Re: Off-topic » tl;dr: supervise children around all water, even a half-full bucket! » 2024-06-30 00:57:35

@golinux +100 especially to the arrogant part.

Why else do people hoard insane amounts of wealth endlessly even when they are already billionaires or more?

They clearly have all the power they could already need at that point.

Yes, its that pride syndrome.

Arrogance is always what happens when confidence is unbalanced in one way or another.

I sadly have learned this in my own life after a few decades or more.

Btw, I won't deny I don't have problems with pride myself. I have had many in my life.

Took me a few decades to learn that lol.

How sad is that?

If my confidence is in an unhealthy place I will make many more mistakes than if I kept that part of me in check. Although I still would* make plenty even then.

typo again! annoying lol


A bunch of edits because forgot to say a few things.

#25 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-06-30 00:53:21

@quickfur I would be interested in knowing how many % of t *those* jokes are your own. More than half of the ones I posted are ones I remember hearing somewhere. The rest I came up with on my own.'


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