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#1 2022-09-08 19:32:43

Registered: 2020-07-14
Posts: 178  

[RPI2] SSH through Android Mobile Hotspot

I almost finished to revive my RPI2 with Devuan (of course) but I had a plan to ssh into it using Android as hotspot but it didn't workout...

Not sure if this was necessary but I add the empty file "ssh" to "/boot" but it didn't work out, I tried to change configuration on sshd_config but none of those worked... I assume basic password ssh should work out of the box on any Debian base distro so the only point left is Android doesn't allow any SSH connection through its hotspot cause I could ping the RPI2 but I always got the connection refused...

Did any of you have any prior experience with this topic?

Thanks in advance,



#2 2022-09-08 23:01:28

Registered: 2020-06-13
Posts: 51  

Re: [RPI2] SSH through Android Mobile Hotspot

SSH is enabled out of the box. I would 'think?' this is possible if the computer you are using is also on the same hotspot as the Pi. I'm able to ssh into devices on the local network using Android as long as I'm connected to wifi, so it should be doable the other way around as well.


#3 2022-09-09 13:12:05

Registered: 2020-07-14
Posts: 178  

Re: [RPI2] SSH through Android Mobile Hotspot

Eventually it looks like it is something that you can't do with the Android Hotspot, maybe an internal firewall, once I restored the default and tried it to my home wifi, ssh connection worked like a charm even over wifi...

Anyway hotspot/tethering it is so unpredictable that is not feasible as solution, I hope that a crossing cables may help with my project...


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