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#1 2019-09-13 15:33:07

From: Spain
Registered: 2019-09-13
Posts: 2  

Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

Hi everyone!

That's my first time on this forums. And I'm happy for that.

I'm Salvador Gómez (aka Wamphyre), from Spain, and I just finished and released my own distro based in Devuan 2.0 ascii, optimized and specialized for audio and video works. Virage GNU/Linux.

Virage GNU/Linux, aims to offer a full-pledged desktop environment for artists and musicians out of the box, you can start your projects inmediatly after the installation.

The set of remarkable media-software bundle in the system are the following:

1 – Chromium Browser
2 – FIlezilla
3 – Bluefish
4 – GIMP
5 – Kdenlive
6 – Ardour 5
7 – LMMS
8 – Audacity
9 – QJackctl
10 – JAMin
11 – Hydrogen (with AVL High-Quality and unprocessed drum kits)
12 – Guitarix (with a large amount of guitar effects installed for all kind of genres, specially Heavy Metal, Black Metal and Death Metal)
13 – Yoshimi (with a full collection of sound banks)
14 – ZynAddSubFX
15 – Tuxguitar
16 – LinVSTConvert (to use Windows VST plugins on Linux)
17 – Wine 4.0 (to make LinVSTConvert works)
18 – Audacious + Audacious plugins
19 – VLC player
20 – Meterbridge
21 – Bleachbit

A complete table with all the default packages installed on Virage GNU/Linux with the reference version used can be downloaded here:

Virage GNU/Linux is only compatible with amd64 machines, in order to obtain the maximum performance of the system.

It comes with 2 editions:

1 - For BIOS machines
2 - For UEFI machines

Both can be downloaded here:

Installation tutorial:

EDIT: I just released an alternative version of Virage GNU/Linux called "Virage GNU/Linux-Libre"

It's the same “Virage GNU/Linux ascii 2.0” release, but has removed ALL privative and non-free software, firmwares and other system blobs and replaces the vanilla Linux 4.9 kernel by Linux-Libre 4.19.59-gnu-rt24 patched with PREEMPT_RT for realtime operations on 64-bit x86 CPUs (libeRTy project)

Virage GNU/Linux-Libre ascii 2.0 is only compatible with amd64 BIOS systems and IS NOT COMPATIBLE with any non-free GPU drivers (as is not compatible with other hardware that require non-free software to work) of course, it works with NOUVEAU/AMDGPU drivers by default

This system runs even faster than the non-Libre version.

More info at:

For further and additional info, just ask me or send me an email to

I hope you like it!


Last edited by wamphyre (2019-09-19 23:53:37)


#2 2019-09-14 11:41:02

Registered: 2016-12-05
Posts: 1,323  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

Hi wamphyre!

Welcome and thanks for your work. I'm quite busy, but I hope to be able to try Virage soon. smile

I have been Devuanated, and my practice in the art of Devuanism shall continue until my Devuanization is complete. Until then, I will strive to continue in my understanding of Devuanchology, Devuanprocity, and Devuanivity.

Veni, vidi, vici vdevuaned. I came, I saw, I Devuaned. wink


#3 2019-09-16 17:20:54

From: Spain
Registered: 2019-09-13
Posts: 2  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

Thank you! smile

Just to inform, I'm working in a Raspberry Pi 3 version of Virage GNU/Linux, of course, based on Devuan too!

Will be available in a few days.


#4 2020-07-11 20:12:21

From: hipsterland
Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 42  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

wamphyre wrote:

Hi everyone!

Virage GNU/Linux, aims to offer a full-pledged desktop environment for artists and musicians out of the box, you can start your projects inmediatly after the installation.

hello / hola

thanks for let me know about this interesting project.. specially about the XanMod kernel

Virage 3.1 Beowulf uses the Linux XanMod 5.6.17 RT kernel to improve the system performance 25%+ over other systems and keep a responsive, smooth desktop experience even in critical runtime applications

No conocía sobre ese tipo de kernel. gracias por traerlo a la luz, en tu sitio web decís que ya hay una versión basada en Beowulf ,

do you have experience using that kernel in a 'normal' beowulf installation ? I'm courious about it..

satellite mestizo


#5 2020-07-13 00:34:00

From: North Carolina, USA
Registered: 2016-11-30
Posts: 220  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

Virage 3.1 Beowulf

But beowulf is not mentioned in the sources.list file.  The repository mentioned in the sources file is:

deb ceres main contrib non-free
deb-src ceres main contrib non-free

I tested in vbox and it installed fine.  The first update pulled in 430+mb of updates.  Ceres related maybe?  Beowulf is commented out in the sources.list.d folder also.

I will hesitate to install on a physical partition as I am having a hard time isolating a system freeze on ceres at the moment.  I like the packages installed and the theming is excellent.


#6 2020-07-17 04:51:32

Registered: 2020-07-17
Posts: 18  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

Hello Salvador Wamphyre,
I am glad I came across your distribution and currently evaluating it in virtualbox. Wonderful job!!  I really like the desktop environment theme.
The dvd size is 1.8gb yet expanded on hard disk after installation is near 6 gb.

I am compiling a list of customization questions for virage/xfce, I will ask you and other forum members in due time if I can't find such answers online.

Warm regards/Un abrazo cordial.


#7 2020-07-17 16:25:14

Registered: 2020-06-29
Posts: 145  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

I just recently set up my brothers a studio machine with AV Linux. Wish I could of gave this a spin before I did. Life is very busy right now so it maybe a few weeks before I can look at it, but checking out Virage is on my to do list.  To be honest I'm going to have to try this one on real hardware.  To properly evaluate a distro like this you need to experience how it works with audio interfaces, control surfaces, and various midi devices.  Also a real-time kernel can cause problems in VMs so you may have problem you wouldn't on real hardware.

@wamphyre Thanks for you hard work.

Edited for typos

Last edited by JWM-Kit (2020-07-17 17:11:07)


#8 2020-09-25 03:16:55

Registered: 2020-07-17
Posts: 18  

Re: Release: Virage GNU/Linux: A Devuan-based distro for audio/video works

Hello Wamphyre,
I have evaluated virage during this time and i have liked it very much. However, i have a couple of questions/suggestions:

  • is there a chance to create/release virage with mate desktop environment?

even though i like the customized xfce interface installed, i want to test virage with mate; or,

  • if the above is not possible in the short term,  what commands or synaptic files should be added to have mate desktop installed, and then what files to uninstall to remove xfce without breaking the system?

waiting for your comments.


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