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#1 Forum Feedback » Forum Login Security » 2024-01-17 03:02:47

Replies: 5

Do any other users have concerns about logging in through an insecure portal?

  I have not yet asked:  should our forum login page be over a secure connection?

  Thank you for your thoughts

#2 Re: News & Announcements » The (almost) No Code of Conduct » 2024-01-08 21:09:09

Does the statement of adult imply that our community is restricted to a certain age group or is this superseded by the previous statement about our diverse community?

#3 Re: Other Issues » Potentially compromised repository » 2024-01-08 16:02:03

Hello @pcalvert

Re-examinging your posts reveal something...
the terminal output shows the repo as "" as http,
but the two links you posted as visiting are both links as https.

Presumably, your browser is configured to  redirect to the secure page, but the http mirror is being blocked by default eero policy.  If you have auto updates enabled, the company might be restricting your connections without your input, and you should be able to disable it from within the  eero's settings.

At the risk of going offtopic, you might consider a router with custom firmware (OpenWRT is my favorite) for more granular control.

Additionally, if you can provide me with your DNS servers, I can examine whether they might be blocking this mirror.


#4 Re: Other Issues » Potentially compromised repository » 2024-01-07 14:40:56

Hello pcalvert,

Do you have access to your router's settings?  I see you are using an eero router, correct?
Can you please inspect the list of blocked websites according to the manufacturer's help page here: … w-Websites

Is your router configured for geographical restrictions?  A download from a server overseas might be blocked for that reason.  Do you have a custom DNS provider configured?

Finally, what happens when you visit in an Internet browser?

#5 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » nvidia-persistenced failed to initialize » 2024-01-07 00:35:52

Hello @Deepforest

I encountered this issue as well.  It became an opportunity to reevaluate why I was using their driver.  From … nced.htmln:

A Linux daemon utility, nvidia-persistenced, addresses an undesirable side effect of the NVIDIA kernel driver behavior in certain computing environments. Whenever the NVIDIA device resources are no longer in use, the NVIDIA kernel driver will tear down the device state. Normally, this is the intended behavior of the device driver, but for some applications, the latencies incurred by repetitive device initialization can significantly impact performance.

To avoid this behavior, nvidia-persistenced provides a configuration option called "persistence mode" that can be set by NVIDIA management software, such as nvidia-smi. When persistence mode is enabled, the daemon holds the NVIDIA character device files open, preventing the NVIDIA kernel driver from tearing down device state when no other process is using the device. This utility does not actually use any device resources itself - it will simply sleep while maintaining a reference to the NVIDIA device state.
The daemon utility nvidia-persistenced is installed by the NVIDIA Linux GPU driver installer, but it is not installed to run on system startup. Due to the wide variety of init systems used by the various Linux distributions that the NVIDIA Linux GPU driver supports, we request that package maintainers for those distributions provide the packaging necessary to integrate well with their platform.

NVIDIA provides sample init scripts for some common init systems in /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/sample/nvidia-persistenced-init.tar.bz2 to aid in installation of the utility.

nvidia-persistenced is intended to be run as a daemon from system initialization, and is generally designed as a tool for compute-only platforms where the NVIDIA device is not used to display a graphical user interface. As such, depending on how your package is typically used, it may not be necessary to install the daemon to run on system initialization.

I realize this functionality is useful, but I think that it is intended more for ultra low latency "compute-only" platforms with no GUI.

Thank you for bringing this into the forum.

#6 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] How to fix unicode text, it's showing as a box » 2023-12-31 15:14:08

hi @Ron

could you please elaborate which programs you are experiencing these characters in?

Also what is the output of the terminal command

echo $LANG

Thank you

#7 Re: Installation » all the new kernel disturb some old PC's! » 2023-12-29 17:03:59

Thanks for confirming for me TAC and aluma.
@oui will you please confirm installing this package fixes your WiFi problem?

#8 Re: Installation » all the new kernel disturb some old PC's! » 2023-12-28 15:42:00

Hello @oui

could you please post the output of your detected wifi card, similar to @theamnesiacphilospher ?

A quick search regarding your model should be helpful.  I would be happy to help point you in the right direction!  It could be possible you have different repos enabled.  Could you please also post the  sources.list from your respective devices?


p.s. welcomewelcome!  I hope you will become a valuable member of the Linux community.

#9 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Firefox not starting on new Devuan installation (with gnome desktop). » 2023-12-26 02:44:41

Hello @markdevries,

could you please post the contents of your firefox.desktop file?

also, the terminal output of

type -a firefox




echo $PATH

#10 Re: Installation » Installation from daedalus desktop-live boots to GRUB Rescue » 2023-12-26 00:27:35

Happy holidays @bobsmith.

Are you trying to install to a brand new or a used hard drive?  I would check the SMART attributes and look for errors or wear indicators.

Are you able to reach a live desktop or a tty session from external boot media?

#11 Re: Other Issues » Firmware update for AMD GPU's doesn't load on startup » 2023-12-22 15:22:01

Good day Mirrortokyo,

We do not have your sources.list here, but my inspection of the listed URLs in the output led me to a possible conclusion (perhaps a more seasoned admin could offer insight).

Your devuan mirror is set to Excalibur, based on Debian Trixie testing, and on the Devuan page is listed in development.  However, your debian mirror is set to bookworm.
Your updated graphics driver version, 20230625-1, is out of date as of my posting.  The current version is firmware-amd-graphics-20230625-2, and is available in the Devuan repos.  If your apt cache is up-to-date, the version you are trying to install, 20230625-1 looks to be the current Debian Trixie release, and NOT from Devuan.

In summation,
There is likely a mismatch in your kernel version / graphics version installation. (see the … 470-driver)
--From the page:

Please see the nvidia-tesla-470-kernel-dkms or nvidia-tesla-470-kernel-source packages for building the kernel module required by this package. This will provide nvidia-tesla-470-kernel-470.223.02.

It's possible that the driver is mismatched because it is a different version in the Debian repo located in your /etc/apt/sources.list

I think the first step is to get rid of all the non-devuan packages on your system, restore the original sources.list and sources.list.d (I put other sources in the latter as their own files).

If you can easily go back to a Timeshift point BEFORE that Debian repo was added, then trying to upgrade your graphics from the Devuan repo, making sure that it works with your installed kernel.

Looking forward to your reply.


#12 Re: Other Issues » Firmware update for AMD GPU's doesn't load on startup » 2023-12-21 05:20:07

i am unable to see which packages were installed through the provided image.

you may have installed the new modules and not added them to any runlevels..

Can you use your backups to return to before this happened? thank you so much for contributing to the forum.

Do you have any ability to view logfiles from before?  if you can get to a terminal...



#13 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » Copy and Paste the traditional way » 2023-12-16 20:10:07

Good Morning Geoff,

Do you have any rxvt extensions installed?  It is possible that one plugin, confirm-paste, is configured to enable this paste prompt functionality. See this link for documentation on the perl plugin's page: … firm-paste and the urxvt-confirm-paste manpage.


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