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#1 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Daedalus. Can i switch from openrc to runit without reinstall os? » 2024-05-02 13:58:06

Please, next time, report bug like this! Nobody reports = nobody fixes.
It's now fixed in unstable/openrc 0.54-2 … ug=1070167

Thanks with the bug report and updated here

#2 Re: Installation » [SOLVED] Daedalus. Can i switch from openrc to runit without reinstall os? » 2024-04-30 22:02:14

A file that is not executable on /etc/init.d/ breaks openrc installation for some reason, needs to make executable first or move to another directory

#3 Re: Devuan » the next stable » 2024-04-30 21:54:11

DevuanGPT when?

bilhook mixing english and greek was hilarious

#4 Re: Devuan » the next stable » 2024-04-30 14:40:27

Kinda true, if the submarine and goes so deep and becomes stable, can make climate change even worse

#6 Re: Devuan » Malicious Programs, and Malicious People On Devuan » 2023-12-24 20:27:54

Tatwi wrote:
Esleep wrote:

We don't live in a magical utopia...

Maybe you don't, but how else could one describe being able to go a giant building filled to the brim with food and being able to leave with a tiny portion of what one used to be able to afford? I mean, if that's not magical, what is? smile

I have always hated the concept of computer security. It's a real non-topic. Anything made by a person can be broken by a person. Whoopdeedoo. As an end-user, all computer security amounts to is a bunch of super nerds making my computer run slower, because they just couldn't leave well enough alone. I don't want to know about computer security; I don't care.

I do care about surveillance and profiling by corporations for profits, especially all of those corps who are totally keen on exploiting people while also doing their very best to avoid paying the taxes which fund the development and maintenance of human civilization. Those abhorrent leaches can fuck right off.

I also care about the ineptitude we witness at all levels of the Canadian government, but there's literally nothing I can do about it, so... oh well, I guess. Ultimately, the world isn't mine to change anyway. I am certain that we average everyday people truly believe that those we elect to represent us will get their shit together, make rational decisions, and carry on with improving our lives like our post WWII representatives did. After all, that's what we sensible, common folks would do. Sadly, the monetary system is the system with the greatest influence on human civilization, at all levels, and it's also a system that most easily rewards the worst people; lie, cheat, steal, exploit, one's way to riches and influence over the fabric of society itself. That's not such a great system, is it? But that's how it works, even in a relatively safe and peaceful democratic country like Canada.

What were we talking about? smile

AI will destroy humanity and we are doomed, rest in piss

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