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#2 Re: Installation » Fujitsu Lifebook U728 + Devuan 4 » 2024-07-21 14:33:30

I have tried many times, to get into the Fujitsu's UEFI configuration menu, to no avail. So i cannot reset to factory defaults.
It was a Big Mistake to disable the primary ssd. And also forgetting to do domething about those remains of previous install in that boot menu, that was a BIg Mistake too.

Found out the Hard Way that is not a proper way to enforce booting from optical disk.
It doesn't matter if that ssd is connected or not.

Now Lord Anubis is in need for a new host.

#3 Re: Installation » Fujitsu Lifebook U728 + Devuan 4 » 2024-06-28 11:24:03

Now i think i have done 2 mistakes, if i want to boot from optical while no ssd connected.
FIrst was setting the ssd passwd. (Sometimes i wonder is that passwd about authentication, like in /etc/shadow, or about encryption like in cryptsetup ? )
Second was not removing those remains of previous installs from boot menu.

And then there were the 3rd mistake. Not quite sure if i can get to configuration_menu or boot_menu after that.
It would be easy if i could just make that machine somehow forget that it is supposed to access ssd before booting from optical.
But the first attempts at that have not been successful.

#4 Re: Installation » Fujitsu Lifebook U728 + Devuan 4 » 2024-06-22 13:44:53

Set a main passwd for the firmware.
Set passwd for ssd, disabled asking it later.
Enabled tpm, disabled secureboot.
Enabled booting for removable drives.
Enabled boot menu also.
Enabled that boot menu for all users, not just for admin.

And noticed that cannot boot from usb-dvd-drive if that ssd is disconnected.
It may have been a mistake to set that disk passwd. I suspect it to be the cause that firmware needs ssd before booting from optical.

In boot order optical is before ssd, but not the absolutely first, i think. Have to confirm if i get a chance.

E. Firmware version is 1.28 . The date of it is from december of 2022, i think. Suspect that date is when the firmware was updated, not the date when fujitsu published it.

#6 Re: Documentation » HOWTO: Post-Installation Configurations » 2024-06-22 13:32:55

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)

If you have rules you're happy with, there's also netfilter-persistent and iptables-persistent.

sudo disease

I don't think sudo in itself is a disease. But that "ALL=ALL NOPASSWD"-thing definitely is.

#7 Re: Off-topic » The Crappiness of Modern Laptops » 2024-06-21 12:34:33

I like to think that the usb-dvd-drive was before ssd in booting order. But i'm not 100% sure about that.

#8 Re: Devuan Derivatives » heads linux » 2024-06-19 21:29:53

Tried heads once, 4 years ago. For some reason the dvd i burned didn't boot. Would like to try again some day with more recent .iso .

#9 Re: Off-topic » The Joke Thread » 2024-06-19 21:16:05

Science is the art of deception.

I thought that was war.

#10 Re: Off-topic » The Crappiness of Modern Laptops » 2024-06-19 21:13:28

I haven't been troubled with rubber-feets of laptops.

But hardware support is always a problem with linux. Even with desktops.
Ok, usually you can get your graphics card working, kind of. But then you'll be stuck with the distro's kernel. No compiling the latest from if you want those blobs working.

And then there's the new firmware that replaced BIOS. Recently noticed that  i cannot boot from dvd if ssd is removed. What will i do if that ssd breaks?
With old hardware i could boot from dvd even after removing the hdd. But not necessarily with new machines.
I find that annoying.

#11 Re: Off-topic » AI Safety » 2024-06-18 14:43:25


It won’t work, the FPV drone will attack from above. This is right today, right now...

I think Barret is capable of shooting down drones, at least with explosive or armor-piercing round.
If not, there's always a.k.a "Sergei". And … ennium_Gun .

Very much off-topic, i know.

#12 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-18 11:01:42

This mis-adventure continues.

Today i noticed: … stallation .
These sounded familiar: "There have been couple reports where the whole graphics stack hard freezes" , "not even switching to a different virtual console work" .
And I think there's intel graphic chip in that machine.

But it will take a while to get a chance to try SysRq.
Last night i started the reinstall process. Erased the ssd with dd as a first step, to start with a "clean slate".

#13 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-14 19:27:01

Should find out if there is xterm installed outside of vm.

There is xterm installed on that host. So lack of xterm won't explain anything.
But on the other hand: … ion&ia=web .
May be related or may be not. I get that xsession-complaint when logging in to xfce from lightdm.

But i think today's agenda is to find out what happens if i try to remove package elogind from those 2 vm's i mentioned before.
It would be nice if i could reproduce the freezing inside a vm , so that i could use ssh to find out what went wrong. But won't hold my breath.

There's that full backup of course, but USB ceased to work with vm's . So i need a file server and also the vm's to behave themselves.

EDit. elogind doesn't seem to be too vital package. But on the other hand, purging libelogin* - packages will try to remove xorg-related packages amongst others. So those libraries have to be left installed for now.
And if i purge dbus* - packages, the "openbox-vm" will kind of work still. But no firefox nor pulseaudio.

#14 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-14 09:58:13

Btw. any ideas about a desktop environment without need for polkit or policykit?

Now i have a "kind of a theory" why "freezing" happens. When trying to log out, lightdm tries to communicate with polkit but it can't and freezes. But on the other hand, then i would expect that package to go away when removing polkit-packages.
Not yet sure how that explains problems with startx. Should find out if there is xterm installed outside of vm.

And btw, couldn't reproduce the "freezing situation" inside a vm just yet. Did many things differently from 2-3 months ago, thats for sure. Should have documented better how the install went during march-april.

Edit. … d=246.10-5 the "Recommends:"-part.
So changing displaymanager won't necessarily help if it is elogind that tries to access policykit-related stuff that is not available.

And elogind need dbus also.

#15 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-14 09:48:51

Answering to myself: commands "dpkg -l pol*", "dpkg -l libpol*" and "apt-cache showpkg" could possibly help with finding a proper desktop environment.

In xfce there is thunar which has troubling dependencies. Also i found out that it is libreoffice that needs libcups-something.
Last year i was wondering why libcups was needed, now i got my answer finally smile

And of course lxde-something-packages need policykit.

Next time when trying to reinstall, maybe i'll try Deaedalus netinstall with openbox+lxdm.
And then there's always Chimaera. Or how long it is still supported?

#16 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-13 13:38:45

Now there seem to be a new problem:if i want to keep polkit- and libpolkit - packages out of my system, i can't have wireplumber.
So i may have to learn how to make Fujitsu's audio work for real, without helper packages.

Btw. any ideas about a desktop environment without need for polkit or policykit?

#17 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-13 13:30:43

It may be possible to have a working GUI with Daedalus.
Just have to remember to say, while in text mode: "apt get install twm xterm xinit openbox" . And maybe seatd.
Hope i won't miss xfce too much.

#18 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-13 12:39:35

So, xorg of Daedalus, it needs something that is not available when there is no proper display manager installed, am i right?
What it is that i need to make startx working?


ps -aux | grep seat


root SOME_THINGS /usr/sbin/seatd -g video

. So now there's seatd running, as root.
But if it is running as root, it shouldn't have had problems with access rights of /dev/input/* .


And when started xinit as normal_user "ps -aux | grep X" returned

$normal_user $some_things tty1 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg:0

So X is running as normal_user when i start it from text_mode . Running as $normal_user would explain the problems with /dev/input/* - files .

It has been a while since i had to write .xinitrc . So, after "#!/bin/sh" , i start window_manager with & at the end of the command, and after that some other commands, right?

Not happy about adding normal_user to group input...

#19 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-13 12:31:39

Returned to earlier snapshot of "netinstall". To a situation, where xinit and twm were installed but not yet lxde.
Startx didn't work. Made xinit work by installing xterm.
Before installing xterm," grep EE ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.log" returned rows like "seatd_libseat device not open".

#20 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-13 01:47:40

Another experiment.
Installed Daedalus netinstall into vm.
After that told apt to install twm and xinit.
Tried startx with root and normal_user. In both cases startx exited immediately, no freezing.

As normal_user command

 grep EE ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log 

returned rows like:

(EE) seatd_libseat device not open (/dev/input/eventX) 

and that normal_user doesn't belong to group input.
And same "EE rows" can be found in /var/log/Xorg.0.log after running startx as root.

EDit. after "apt-get install lxde" , running startx as normal_user started lxde session which i could exit without problems.
Let's find out again what happens after removing unnecessary packages.

purging packages from libcupsfilters* to gstreamer* + autoremove and lightdm still works as expected
and same for going te previous list to vim and others.
Next try to remove pol-packages... "login box" works. Also i can use twm's menu because i installed that.

#22 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-12 23:14:40

Removing "libcupsfilters* ilbgphoto* avahi* blu* coinor* colord* cups* exim* ftp* gcr*"+"apt autoremove" after that and logging in and out still works.
Let's remove some more.

Next "apt-get remove --purge brltty* openssh* network-manager-* mobile* modem* && apt autoremove ".  Make "netstat - tulpan"'s list empty.
Still login&lgout works.

apt-get remove --purge ghostscript* gimp-data gir* gstreamer* gnome* gnupg* gvfs* && apt autoremove
and still log{in,out} are ok

"gnome* gnupg* gvfs* inetutils-telnet iw libreoffice*" purged+autoremove
still login/out ok

mailcap,mutt,ppp can be purged
purging pol* seems to want to remove lxde-related packages, should be more precise with pol-stuff, policykit-1* is tied to lxde-packages
maybe poppler have to be there too

vim* , wireless* wpa* can be removed
and lgin/out still ok

at least lxpolkit seems to need policykit-packages, lets see how Daedalus works withoyt that. I guess that was ok, but removing anything more lxde-related seems to be too much.

... And outside of vm there are no policykit/polkit/pkexec-packages installed. Maybe i found the source of problem- maybe not. Are there any desktop software in Devuan which doesn't need policykit or polkit?

#23 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-12 22:56:14

Tried to install libpango-packaged before lxdm. GOt this complaint:

Looks like i have mis-configured apt's sources somewhere in time. There's chimaera where there should be daedalus. Fixed that.

Also started experimenting with virtual machines. Trying to find out where things go wrong.
Installed Daedalus desktop. NOthing special with partitioning. Mostly went with defaults. Except that initrd should contain only the necessary modules. (accidentally /boot is a bit small so...)
And in "tasksel-phase" i chose only "console productve tools" and "lxde".

/dev/input/* owned by root:input , crw-rw----
/dev/tty* owned by root:tty , most files have rights crw--w--- except /dev/tty
no seat
elogind is 264.10-5

Looks like i can log in and out to/from lxde without problems. Haven't remove any unnecessary packages yet. Or configured anything except apt.
Next snapshot is about removing the unnecessary.

#24 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-08 18:24:58

Now i know that i should have done incremental backups instead of full.
Trying to remove xfce-  and elogind- related packages had some side effects.
If i have to reinstall, i think i will use Chimaera dvd instead.

Last year i tried Chimaera minimal livedvd. Managed to install lxde without problems. At least i like to think that display manager and startx worked as expected.

But it was the "new" desktop then. With Fujitsu, all bets are off.

#25 Re: Installation » Fujitsu U728+lightdm+xfce , results in "gray screen" after logging out » 2024-06-06 20:35:01

It may be that some bugs were introduced into elogind after version 246,10-2 . Or into login after 1:4.8.1-1.
Or xserver-xorg 1:7.7+22 .
Or some other package. There are many of them.

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