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#1 Re: Installation » How to have updated firefox-esr in Chimaera? » 2021-10-27 09:22:52

I simply removed firefox-esr and installed the upstream version of 90+ via Flatpak. I'm unsure if sound works without pulseaudio. One thing I ran into was links from other programs don't trigger the Flatpak version of Firefox to open. I'm not sure how to solve that one yet. (Maybe something custom with "update-alternatives")

#2 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] libvirt-daemon/qemu-kvm won't install on chimaera » 2021-10-20 23:52:39

So far I'm not able to reproduce this on a clean 4.0 install.
I know this might be a dumb question, but what happens when you run these:

sudo apt install -f


sudo apt reinstall libvirt-daemon


Also, I think I've seen some funny business like this when the local db doesn't think that package exists and/or it is missing from your mirror. Changing the mirror and running 'sudo apt clean && sudo apt update' might also be something good to try. (This is the mirror I'm using if you need it for reference: "")

#3 Re: Installation » My chimaera install issues #11: Everything is a plain text document? » 2021-10-15 06:48:28

They probably are left over ".desktop" files from LXQt like you suggested, as "pcmanfm-qt" is the default file manager for LXQt. Cinnamon has something else. Is it still "Nemo"?

#4 Re: Installation » My Chimaera install issues #1: Forced manual choice of LXQt WM » 2021-10-15 06:37:20

Just to clarify, all default means here is that if you do not touch "tasksel" during install, you will get XFCE and only XFCE. If you install any other DE's the "update-alternatives" system will set the last one installed by DPKG to default. All this really meanings, in practice, is that the next time "lightdm" (or etc) is started, the drop down will have that latest DE selected. (probably sets it to be the one that loads when issuing "startx" too) It's up to you to select a different DE before hitting enter.

If you don't like the behavior of "update-alternatives" there may be a way to change it. (This is probably why some may have suggested reading man pages)  If you think the default behavior should change, there may be a way to open a bug upstream (Debian)

That said, I get that this is a potential user experience issue, but I don't believe the Devuan developers should be on the hook for changing the way "update-alternatives" works. It is, however, acceptable for them to (pre) check only certain boxes in "tasksel" during install. This is what they've done to select XFCE. (This is what the Debian Project does for the default DE, as well) The Devuan developers focus should be making the INIT systems work well with minimal changes/impact to the behavior to rest of the system.

Remember, we are here because of needless and overreaching changes to the OS, lets be careful not to fall prey to that pitfall as well.

#5 Re: News & Announcements » Migrating from Bullseye to Chimaera - feedback needed » 2021-10-15 05:39:42

Hi guys,

I'm fairly new to all this. My apologies if this is the wrong place to post.

I just did my first Bullseye -> Chimaera migration. It went a little rough (I had not found this post until after, lol) but I was able to finally get it going by installing "sysvinit-core" from Recovery Mode. It seems apt-get install sysvinit-core may be missing from the official instructions here: … o-chimaera . Is that step intentionally missing?


1. Eudev install fails as DPKG tries to remove systemd with no alternate Init present. (probably expected behavior)
2. apt install -f doesn't have anything to fix.
3. Then I did reboot per instructions; hilarity ensued. (Half working system, Systemd spraying failed service message all over the console, keyboard keys randomly not working, etc. It's amazing it booted at all!)
4. Performed apt install sysvinit-core from Recovery Mode.
5. I then was able to install eudev from Recovery Mode and did dist-upgrade. (not sure if rebooted in between 4 and 5 or just after step 5)

EDIT: Typos; added clarity.

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