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#1 Other Issues » Cant edit old posts with dead links to the old wiki » 2024-12-18 08:00:53

Replies: 1

Devuan wiki has changed and i tried to edit some posts to correct dead links , but the forum doesnt allow me to edit old posts:

#2 Re: News & Announcements » November 27 is a day to celebrate! » 2024-11-28 09:44:46

Happy birthday to Devuan and all the supportive community.
Congratulations to VUA for your willingness and effort to create Devuan.

I hope the spirit of Devuan expressed so eloquently by @jaromill will live a long time.

(ps: a dozen of old issues links are dead)

#3 Other Issues » Do application specific repositories break a distro? » 2024-11-27 09:08:27

Replies: 1

I keep bumbing on that pattern.
Emacs has. its repos.
Firefox has its plugins.
Various programming languages like python,clisp etc have their own package repos
Games like oolite have also their own repos (although oolite is not in devuan).

Anyway. I wonder if one relies heavily on various repos could we say that the more s(he) relies
on them them more (s)he misaligns with the distro used?
And then tasks like system updates or and general sysadmin and maintenance become more complex or error prone ?

In the worst lighting is as if a package act in accordance with a distro's house-rules but only to break them the moment it's installed.

My favorite analogy analogy in similar matter that i think is usefull in a range of similar phenomena (from emac's repos to appimages to containers) is that of a big house that accept regular guests. The initial owners have set a rulebook. Where to put your garbage , how to use common utilities , timetables etc. In that context  a container-like visitor would be analogous to bringing his own appliances (fridge, toilet  , library etc). It kind of remind me of a funny scene of the movie Coming to America with Eddy Merphie as a prince.

I think the discussion is usefull in order to calculate better the merits of each solution we choose.
For example when choosing a webbrowser or a programmming enviroment.

#4 Re: Other Issues » nfs client timeo option not working » 2024-11-21 11:01:21

fsmithred thanks for pointing towards autofs.  I have started experimenting with it:

# nano /etc/auto.master
/nfs /etc/auto.nfs


# nano /etc/auto.nfs

I also added a newline at the end of both file due to a related hint in the archwiki page.

$ /etc/init.d/autofs status
automount is running.

But i can not  access from directory /nfs/filestore my remote files.

How do i troubleshoot that?
I found showmount command and it can find my remote nfs share.

$ sudo showmount -e
Export list for

ok. it worked. But no 'filestore' directory is created . But when in my filemanager (thunar) i entered /nfs/filestore my remote files appeared!

#5 Other Issues » nfs client timeo option not working » 2024-11-18 14:46:34

Replies: 3

I want my devuan pc running an nfs client to be flexible in case the nfs server is not available .
By flexible i mean be able to bootup with no delays and my desktop file manager to work with
no hungups.

With my  (client)/etc/fstab   /nfs/general   nfs   defaults,timeo=900,retrans=5,_netdev       0 0
my client will seemingly freeze at booting at the line:
starting nfs utilities : imapd, idmapd
and file managers freeze also in my desktop.

I tried in (client)/etc/fstab :   /nfs/general   nfs   soft,timeo=30,retrans=5,  0 0
But again the client wont start (i mean booting my devuan pc) for many minutes as in my original settup

My latest try is:   /nfs/general   nfs   soft,timeo=3   0  0
was better but still takes a minute.

My latest try is:   /nfs/general   nfs   soft,retrans=1,retry=0,timeo=1   0  0
worked ok.
I found that on here

Unfortunately although i ve read the nfs man page i cant say that helped me.
For example timeo=30 should amount to 3 sec and not a minute that i experience.

#6 Re: Other Issues » Setting static ip on Devuan » 2024-11-11 18:26:58

Thank a lot Dutch_Master. I wasnt aware of dhcp reservation of IPs. Indeed in my adsl gateway is called DHCP binding
but also 'leased ip' seems a good term.

But why i have to reboot ? Is that due to linux or runit ?

#7 Other Issues » Setting static ip on Devuan » 2024-11-11 15:12:44

Replies: 4

One common case in my home is setting static ip in order to setup
nfs shares on client PCs.
I prefer cabled ethernet lan.

More recenty i tried to set static ip in a devuan(daedalus)+xfce pc.

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Now i try to restart networking either from the xfce panel or the command line.
Not being experienced in runit i checked for relative network service under runit but couldnt find something:

$ less /etc/network/interfaces

$ sudo sv status /etc/service/*

So i tried with:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

But that didnt worked either so i rebooted and then i got static ip.

$ sudo ip addr show

So my question is : do i have to reboot ?

#8 Other Issues » Better argument handling from apt-cache ? » 2024-11-05 09:26:11

Replies: 2

I think there are various idiosyncracies in apt utilities that hinder their use.
I must do work(1) before using one tool or one of the tool options to be sure
if it uses glob or regex and if it tries to substitute the first with the latter
if the first wont be successfull. And of couse in doing that (using
a failed glob as a regex) more idiosyncracies creep in.

Also that is one class of idiosyncracies (argument type handling) .
I had (have) issues with not knowing what is exactly the search
space of a certain argument . Does it search the package name only
or also in other fields ? My experience again warns me to be
cautios and investigate further many times.

I would hope a utility could be more transparent toward
the sysadm about what type of argument it accepts and
what it does with that.
I wonder if such an endeavor would interest anyone. Also
i wonder if the language implementing the utilities hinders
or not a less frictioned use.

(1) And by work i hopped it meant just looking up the man page .
I find my self doing various tests to understand what happens
in each case.

--------- examples ---------
-------------- search space idiosyncracies ------

$ sudo apt-cache -n search  '.*aa$'      / although i used -n  apt-cache give me in the result package names not matching my regex.

-------------- pattern type handling idiosyncracies ------

$ sudo apt-cache  policy  'freeb.*'     / uses regex
$ sudo apt-cache  policy  'freeb*'      / uses glob
$ sudo apt-cache showpkg '*aaa*    /
$ sudo apt-cache showpkg '^aa.*' | grep '^Package'      // regex

$ sudo apt-get install pattern          / will report in its result if it uses the pattern as a glob or as a regex.  Which i found it helpfull.

#9 Re: Off-topic » Several Russian Linux Kernel Maintainers Removed » 2024-11-05 08:55:19

I wonder if that will impact also further science collaboration. What about the fusion reactor from EU ? Russia contributes parts .
Will that be banned too or politicians do that in piece by piece way and they think linux problems wont hurt the west?
Also i wonder how easy and meaningfull is to align country-level policy changes with a libre license that allows anyone to fork the project.

#10 Off-topic » Can a linux box transform into an gathering (adhoc) network node ? » 2024-10-03 07:53:12

Replies: 0

If i install 10 different linux distros (or devuan only) in 10 different laptops in what level can we achieve the followings :

Each laptop can toggle a communication-collaboration intention state that ranges from : too friendly to too cautious.
That is done accepting that a personal computational device should follow the state(comm wiliingness)  of its owner.
According to that state the laptop calibrates :

  • willingness to be part of a local or near adhoc network
      (a participant can at least see the other participants.
       additionaly could see a topology graph and the distances)

  • the participants with whow it forms that network

  • public announcemt of its presence not

  • willingness to share public files according to various private rankings

  • willingness to be part of applications that run only with participants
      on that adhoc network.
      (that maybe is sth different. Communication between peers is not the same
      as co-accesing through protocols a shared process.Holding shared state
      allowing realtime concurrent manipulation of that state means i think
      a node capable of supporting that digital state.

I ve learned in the libera#networking  about PirateBox. But it seems as having a computer
that belongs to someone of the participants and we decide to connect to that computer
if we want to share files and collaborate digital. That approach reminds me of the DeadDrops
approach in terms of confidence and trust . Its like demanding a leap of faith big of small.

Can a classic unix mainframe deliver all those requirement ?
With a small difference that all people in a gathering should use terminals to log into the mainframe
and see who is logged in , who shares files , who wants to talk etc?
What if some persons share a computational device ? Imagine four people came to a local cyber gathering
with a sized workstation and four dump terminals? Can say that those four people by having a unix installation
have already achieved - access to the adhoc local network facilities in my initial list? Are we playing with words here?
What could happen also if the 10 laptops were modular and i could take off the computational cores of the 10 laptops , hook them into a mother-board workstation running unix and let the participants access the shared workstation have we again achieved a local adhoc lan ? Or rephrasing: do we have the same facilities offered to the cyber -local- gathering ?

What about  lan parties  ?
In lanparties there is usually a server (a central node) that runs an application (game server) where other connect.
That reminds of a starlike topology , akin to using a piratebox to achieve local e-communication.

The last couple of year bic corps have released tech like Airdrop (ios) , NearbyShare (android and windows).
But perhaps due to the small factor of the smartphone device they focus on simple files exchanges (sharing)
and not on general local adhoc collaboration. And that could align conceptually with the small factor of a personal
computation device(PCD) that is not adequate for productive collaboration.

Also i had a look at KDE connect that seems to approach the issue of communication and integration of one's person's

Lastly why it seems that the use case covered by techs like airdrop and nearbyshare seems counterintuitively more difficult than connecting the whole globe via the internet ? What do i miss ? Have we solved the confidence issues in communicating and collaborating in vast wide networks and not in a local one ?  Why it feels that installing a linux distro transform your gear into an isle connected nevertheless  to the internet hyperway  ? Why it feels that the box steers your communication path and not vice versa ? (wow.. that sounds more zen that i intented to :-) )

(ps: if someone read my previous post and find it atleast interesting i apologize for replacing it with that one but i constantly rethink my approach on the matter and i feel that a long philosophical minded post could not help in focusing in the essentials of my  inquiries.)

Bring your own device

#11 Re: Off-topic » The Crappiness of Modern Laptops » 2024-09-13 08:12:52

I have 10 years old Thinkpad T410.

Structurally is in bad shape , but i can still use devuan on it ok.

But for future i made a promise to my self  to go towards laptops that score high not in performance but in repairability, modularity , openness , sustainability ,  and lower ecoprint .

For last years MNT Reform seems to be in good track toward some of these axis. But i dont have the money!

If anyone in greece cares to share the cost and share an MNT Reform please contact me. I propose sharing by turn in 2 months periods per shareholders. No more than 4 shareholders. So the cost could drop to 250euros.
Ofcourse that sharable laptop wont be the main laptop but a secondary one.

#12 Re: Off-topic » Firefox is becoming too chrome like. » 2024-09-13 07:19:11

Blocking ads is just plugging a single hole in a cheesegrater. There are so, so, many other ways in which information about you, your browsing habits, and other such data can be, and are, collected every day.  The moment you stepped online, you've basically already given up privacy.  The only remaining question is the degree to which your privacy will be sacrificed.  That it is non-zero is already indisputable.

I wonder if an analogy with the car's highways would be helpfull.

The moment you deside to go to city B from a main highway , third parties (including indifferent babies inside other cars on the same road) would know that someone with your face was on a certain time on a certain road propably heading towards a certain city. ...

So assuming that going somewhere using a shared network is intrinsically a social activity, that pushes anonymity aside. So maybe the real question is : In a social context where interaction are visible to many parties WHO of that parties is one that has the intention to use the shared info for purposes that we dont aggree with.

#13 Re: Off-topic » How fossil vcs create commits? » 2024-09-12 09:41:47

I did some test in subversion (svn) and in svn after i have edited a single file i can commit it
and a new revision is created of my whole project.

$ svn status
M       hello.c

$ svn commit -m "hello.c small change"
Sending        hello.c
Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 2.

$ svn info 
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /home/chomwitt/SubversionProjects/clang-tut-svn/clang-tut-svn
URL: file:///home/chomwitt/SubversionProjects/clang-tut-svn
Relative URL: ^/
Repository Root: file:///home/chomwitt/SubversionProjects/clang-tut-svn
Repository UUID: d6886743-4710-4964-b599-501d0e4beea0
Revision: 1
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: chomwitt
Last Changed Rev: 1
Last Changed Date: 2024-09-11 16:46:06 +0300 (Wed, 11 Sep 2024)

$ svn update
Updating '.':
At revision 2.

So if i am not mistaken i didnt have first to 'add' the changed file to the repo and then to make a commit for my project.

#14 Off-topic » How fossil vcs create commits? » 2024-09-10 18:00:38

Replies: 1

Trying to find a vcs perhaps more intuitive and more simple that git i tried lately fossil.

Now suppose i have a certain project tree that i work on.
I'd like to have a command: $ fossil commit project-tree
That command would seems intuitive. We have made some changes and we want to save our project's tree state.But no. In fossil we must do (like in git)
$ fossil add files
and after we have added all the files with changes to our fossil repo THEN
we can make a commit.

$ fossil help add
Usage: fossil add ?OPTIONS? FILE1 ?FILE2 ...?

Make arrangements to add one or more files or directories to the
current check-out at the next commit.

(isnt that strange way to explain what a cvs command does? ''Make arrangements' ?..
make arrengement to add a file to the current check-out at the next commit ? Is that explanation or a cvs riddle ? )

So it seems that we have to tell Fossil to construct the Artifacts (Artficats are the equivalenf of blobs in git). But why should  i worry about constructing the artifacts? It seems to me like plumbing that shouldn't bother the end user. The end user is interested in his project.

A project could be various things. Composed of things of various types. But it seems to me that a programmer when using a VCS is interested in the project's state. Not in the project's various subunit's states.

note1: vaguely i remember that in git there is a command to do a commit bypassing all the ''plumbing' steps.

note2: Darcs also handles changes to files by  'addiing' first a file to the vcs's repo. ( ref )

#15 Re: Other Issues » How does LTSP work ? » 2024-04-04 06:01:41

I just realised that devuan has ltsp5 . Not the newest ltsp incarnation. 

Announcing LTSP 19.08   
LTSP has been redesigned and rewritten from scratch as part of a GSoC 2019 project,
The new LTSP comes with a new goal:
Linux Terminal Server Project helps in netbooting LAN clients from a single template installation that resides in a virtual machine image or a chroot on the LTSP server, or the server root (/, chrootless). This way maintaining tens or hundreds of diskless clients is as easy as maintaining a single PC.

I.e. the focus now is in ease of maintenance, not in recycling old hardware. New technologies like diskless fat clients with UEFI, Wayland etc are supported, while thin client support is now reduced to "remote desktop with xfreerdp / x2go / VNC".

The old LTSP will now be called LTSP5 (it was first released in 2005), to distinguish it from the new versions that follow the year.month numbering.

..and i may add that newest ltsp has a systemd depedence.

A link to ltsp site would create confusion since the installation guide there refers to the newest ltsp.

So should i try to use a possible unsupported version or maybe try x2go ?

#16 Re: Other Issues » How does LTSP work ? » 2024-04-02 19:46:42

isnt that strange? Unix is multiuser. Unix uses simple tools to do the job. What do i miss ?

#17 Other Issues » How does LTSP work ? » 2024-04-02 05:53:44

Replies: 5

------------ update ------------
Devuan uses LTSP5 (not the ltsp19 from 2019 onwards) .(see related announcment of that change).

For documentation for newbies ,like me, i think the best entry point so far that i have searched is :

Devuan wiki / LTSP5

Also since ltsp5 is a devuan stable package and not in debian stable see:
devuan git page of ltsp5


I try to understand how LTSP works and ideally make it work in my Devuan system and it would be also cool to test devuan thin clients with qemu. Ideally i would like to administer a couple of home devuan pcs from my computer minimizing the fuzz to must admin each of them individually.
So i would prefer to install software in one system and the network-clients to access a unified root filesystem shared by all users but of course with access restriction do each user.

I found in the internet a distinction between ltsp with thin cilents and ltsp with fat clients(1).

It seems that an LTSP server offers (creates certain types) of images of installed systems to clients . And a client can use ipxe to boot with those images.

And a client while running an image (lets say Devuan stable) will be used AS a standalone pc with the difference that the filesystem resides in the LTSP server .

If my description covers correct the casual way ltsp is used today then the server is not a unix server for user in a traditional sense with each user having a home folder under a common root fs and sharing all the server's installed software but each client is practically another root filesystem installation with  the ltsp server acting as a file server ?

And then each user of a fat client must be his own sysadmin ? I mean , the LTSP server's sysadm is responsible only for setting a central server for distro images and the 'file server' ?

I guess a crucial question that helps to differentiate various setups it what are the responsibilities of a user ? Do we have one sysadm and many users or do we have one sysadm and many other 'sysadms'.
(1)By fatclient i refer to a pc that has cpu and main memory and can run programs but it does not necessarily has a secondary storage.

(a) How to create a Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTSP server with 32bit thin clients  // 2011 LTSP5 tutorial .

#19 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » A devuan wiki page on virt-manager » 2024-03-17 05:30:36

I started using virt-manager and it kind felt ok . But it has that irritating config setup.
I wouldnt have problem trying command line. A small push with a link to a good tutorial
would help. I dont mean fancy one in a website that welcomes you with a thousand cookies
harvester companies. A simple one laying out simple concepts would be ok.

#20 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » A devuan wiki page on virt-manager » 2024-03-16 06:21:06

stopAI thanks for the suggestion. Searching recursively in virt-manager dependencies  ... ->

$ apt-cache depends --recurse --no-suggests --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances virt-manager | grep "^\w" | sort -u | grep 'virtinst\|libvirt-clients\|libvirt-daemon\|qemu-system-misc\|bridge'

...-> i see that  bridge-utlis  is the only that is not pulled.

#22 Desktop and Multimedia » A devuan wiki page on virt-manager » 2024-03-15 09:24:26

Replies: 7

---- UPDATE ---
I stopped the wiki page on virt-manager and instead i started a new one
on using Qemu in CommandLineInterface. Using QEMU from a CLI
---- endupdate ---

I started a wiki page on virt-manager in the

It's in the sandbox in .

I occasionaly use virt-manager and in now as in the past i had again difficulties in setting
it right in devuan. So i think a wiki page could function as focus in order to collect
instructions and tips to smooth things out.

devuan wiki needs i guess some thinking about how to organize things so for
time being i put it in the sandbox.

Also for now i choosed to  use as name the package name that i used for installation.

Any corrections and suggestions are welcomed .

#23 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » virt-manager works only when started as root. » 2024-03-15 06:36:15

Sorry. I guess you are right in guiding towards a pemission issue because eventually i had to change permission
related libvirtd options:

$ sudo nano /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf

unix_sock_group = "libvirt"
unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"

$ sudo nano /etc/libvirt/qemu.con
user = "chomwitt"

group = "chomwitt"

And it was essential  to do also:

Upon opening Virt-Manager, it will default to the system variant (root) of the QEMU connection.
This can be changed to the user connection by going to: File > Add Connection.
Now select QEMU/KVM User session as the Hypervisor and click OK

#24 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » virt-manager works only when started as root. » 2024-03-14 23:21:49

GlennW thanks for the ideas but i think virtualbox is a different virtualization program .

For time being i followed the  instructions and it worked.

#25 Desktop and Multimedia » virt-manager works only when started as root. » 2024-03-14 20:45:32

Replies: 6

$ dpkg -l virt-manager
ii  virt-manager   1:4.1.0-2    all          desktop application for managing virtual machines

I have added myself to the libvirt group (to pass another error : unable to connect to libvirt)
but now starting virt-manager as a regular user i see 'QEMU/KVM - Not connected' and left clicking on the create a new virtual machine
i see a error window "Error : No active connection to install on."

But $ sudo virt-manager doesnt display that issue.

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