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#1 Installation » Updating kernel on arm64 ascii raspi3 installation » 2018-02-15 15:05:42

Replies: 1

Hello everyone!

I have a raspi3 which has been running ascii for some time, currently using kernel 4.10 from the “first” (?) raspi3 aarch64 images (dates seem around April 2017).

In the ascii beta release notes, it's mentioned that kernels in the images are updated to 4.14. I'd like to bring my system's kernel forward to 4.14 (in particular to work towards resolving a known problem with raspi3 WiFi with older aarch64 kernels (it doesn't work).

How do I do this?

Nosing around reveals that there's a linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.3-arm64 package available. Should I just bite the bullet and install it? It pulls in “apparmor eudev initramfs-tools initramfs-tools-core irqbalance klibc-utils libapparmor-perl libklibc linux-image-4.14.0-0.bpo.3-arm64 udev”, and I'm feeling like being wary and treading carefully.

Is simply installing this package the correct approach? If so, where do I then reconfigure things to boot the new kernel? All advice welcomed … looking forward to freeing this particular raspi3 from its tether smile

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