17:53:29 <hagbard> is devuan unstable based on debian sid, or on current debian testing? If sid, is there a devian repo, thats based on debian testing?
18:02:46 <sadoon_albader[m> I believe devuan ceres is the equivalent of debian sid
18:04:18 <sadoon_albader[m> So yes unstable is basically sid
18:04:48 <sadoon_albader[m> Testing currently is chimaera which is equivalent to debian 11
18:05:32 <sadoon_albader[m>
18:05:40 <sadoon_albader[m> refer to this if you get lost like I often do
18:06:09 <gnarface> all correct
18:06:44 <hagbard> It was easy before the debian 11 release. So there's no devuan repo that currently tracks debian testing, right?
18:08:45 <gnarface> i don't know for sure it's not present under its name yet
18:08:57 <gnarface> i assume the "testing" link itself won't get changed until chimera goes stable, yes
18:09:32 <sadoon_albader[m> tbh chimaera is stable in all but name now
18:09:32 <sadoon_albader[m> I use it daily on all my machines
18:09:39 <hagbard> so do i
18:14:03 <hagbard> what's the next name for next testing after chimaera?
18:17:13 <sadoon_albader[m> Apparently the release files say Daedalus?
18:19:39 <hagbard> Ah, there's a daedalus repo, nice,
18:20:10 <sadoon_albader[m> I'll install a vm with it just for giggles

19:46:58 <skinnyboy_> Hello
19:54:04 <skinnyboy_> Idk what am i doing wrong i just wanna install a stub grub efi on efi partition ando i cant
19:54:13 <skinnyboy_> I got all perfect
19:55:15 <skinnyboy_> I said yes the first time with gui install but it didnt work
19:55:39 <skinnyboy_> And now i said no but i dont have bootloader xD
19:59:48 <skinnyboy_> It gives me an error with mok
20:02:07 <skinnyboy_> Okey
20:02:59 <skinnyboy_> There is a problem in my UEFI with this bootloader: shimx64.efi
20:03:23 <skinnyboy_> I had It to change It to grubx64.efi
20:03:31 <skinnyboy_> With efibootmgr
20:03:53 <skinnyboy_> Someone can give me light why dont work with shim?
20:08:28 <skinnyboy_> I GOT IT!!!
20:08:32 <skinnyboy_> :)))

---------- 2021-09-19 ----------
05:32:35 <junicchi> it seems like grub is in console mode by default on devuan

05:32:45 <junicchi> anyone know how can i put it into graphical mode?
05:33:47 <fsmithred> you just see the generic blue grub screen?
05:34:05 <fsmithred> did you install a desktop from the installer?
05:34:17 <fsmithred> (is desktop-base installed?)
05:34:41 <fsmithred> is your root filesystem encrypted?
05:35:29 <junicchi> fsmithred: my root system is encrypted and yes, i didn't install a desktop from installer, compiled i3 manually
05:36:00 <fsmithred> put an image file in /boot/grub and run update-grub
05:36:12 <fsmithred> that should give you a background image
05:36:39 <junicchi> i put the image directly to /boot
05:36:56 <fsmithred> I don't know if grub looks there
05:37:21 <junicchi> also while specifying the image path, should i make it /boot/grub/path_to_image.jpg or directly path_to_image.jpg ?
05:37:40 <fsmithred> where are you specifying?
05:37:52 <fsmithred> just put it in /boot/grub/ and grub will find it
05:38:26 <fsmithred> that is controlled by the scripts in /etc/grub.d/
05:38:45 <junicchi> /etc/grub.d is empty in my case
05:39:02 <junicchi> >where are you specifying
05:39:05 <junicchi> on config
05:39:14 <junicchi> export GRUB_MENU_PICTURE="/boot/pics/pic.jpg"
05:39:19 <fsmithred> oh
05:39:31 <fsmithred> so I guess that should work
05:39:50 <fsmithred> no /etc/grub.d/05_debian-theme?
05:40:15 <fsmithred> it's in the grub-common package
05:40:26 <junicchi> oh yeah, i was always checking /etc/default
05:40:36 <junicchi> but it seems like there is also /etc/grubçd
05:40:53 <fsmithred> not here
05:41:48 <junicchi> so yes, there is a 05_debian-theme
05:41:55 <junicchi> how should i set it?
05:42:20 <fsmithred> put an image file in /boot/grub/ and run update-grub
05:42:35 <fsmithred> watch the output and it'll tell you if it finds the image
05:44:06 <junicchi> it found
05:44:11 <junicchi> lemme reboot and see if it werks
05:46:48 <ShorTie> how can i add -fPIC to the build process ??
05:50:51 <ShorTie> i'm trying to rebuild iptables with -fPIC

06:38:43 <ShorTie> got it, CPPFLAGS +=

07:21:59 <xrogaan> anybody knows a slim image editor for linux?
07:23:19 <UsL> imagemagick
07:25:25 <n4dir> mtpaint is said to "run on old hardware" too.
07:26:06 <n4dir> there was a screenshot program for easy simple editing. shutter or such? FotoXX ?
07:29:09 <rwp> Imagemagick is old and shows the older widget library but it still gets the job done. It's what I use for cropping images.
07:29:27 <xrogaan> mypaint is impressive. Don't know about mtpaint
07:29:29 <rwp> display image.jpg; Menu: Transform->crop then click and click and then crop and save
07:29:48 <xrogaan> I need something usable, I'll probably stick with inkscape for my use.
07:30:16 <rwp> There is more than one way to do it. :-) Lots of tools. Lots of different ways.
07:34:13 <xrogaan> mypaint can simulate water colors! Crazy.
07:44:08 <UsL> didn't know about mtpaint. Looks pretty good. I haven't figured out how to make effects for only selected areas yet though.
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