09:48:28 <Xenguy_> w

20:33:17 <FlibberTGibbet> hi. 2 questions for the price of 1 :) how stable is beowulf currently, and is there a suggested pin list for upgrading from ascii?
20:35:45 <gnarface> check the fourms
20:35:47 <gnarface> forums
20:36:01 <gnarface> there might be a pin list
20:36:35 <gnarface> stability is reportedly fine for headless stuff, for the most part
20:37:05 <gnarface> gui stuff may still be problematic
20:41:48 <KatolaZ> FlibberTGibbet: you don't need any pin list any more
20:42:36 <FlibberTGibbet> thanks gnarface, KatolaZ
20:44:31 <FlibberTGibbet> sounds like it's worth trying in a fresh VM first to check the components i'm after
21:01:49 <KatolaZ> FlibberTGibbet: installing afresh is easier with the unstable mini.iso
21:02:33 <KatolaZ>
21:02:39 <KatolaZ> ^^ that's for amd64
21:02:39 <FlibberTGibbet> KatolaZ: thanks. committed to upgrading the current VM however fingers crossed :)
21:03:12 <FlibberTGibbet> will give the mini.iso a try as a fresh install for comparison though

---------- 2019-03-28 ----------
00:43:45 <Invader_Bork> hi, is there an s6 install guide for devuan?

00:46:11 <KatolaZ> Invader_Bork: not yet
00:46:16 <KatolaZ> there is an s6 package in the repo
00:46:46 <Invader_Bork> KatolaZ, do I need to run any commands after installing that package?
00:54:37 <KatolaZ> Invader_Bork: you are on your own with that atm
00:54:52 <KatolaZ> any indication I can give would be misleading
00:57:44 <Invader_Bork> are there any plans for it in the future? is anyone tasked with handling s6?
00:58:35 <KatolaZ> Invader_Bork: we are aiming at including s6/s6-rc in a future release, yes
00:58:54 <KatolaZ> if you are willing to help, you are welcome
01:17:01 <Invader_Bork> atm i was just hoping to wrap my head around it
01:17:19 <Invader_Bork> i hoped that i could whip up a devuan s6 vm and start from there
01:17:28 <Invader_Bork> there isn't a lot of information about s6
01:17:34 <Invader_Bork> but it seems to be pretty good
01:17:37 <Invader_Bork> KatolaZ^
01:17:59 <KatolaZ> Invader_Bork: there will be an s6/s6-rc hacking session ad the Devuan conference
01:18:02 <KatolaZ> next week
01:18:54 <Invader_Bork> will it be live streamed or recorded?
01:19:02 <Invader_Bork> i'm in europe but i can't make to ams
01:19:30 <KatolaZ> the conference will be recorded and streamed
01:19:40 <KatolaZ> but how do you stream a hacking session? :)
01:24:38 <tuxd3v> Hello Guys,
01:24:42 <tuxd3v> Good Afternoon
01:24:44 <tuxd3v> all
01:27:27 <ashleyk> did anyone notice this spam?
01:27:29 <ashleyk> -e- [global notice] Hi folks. You may have noticed some spam in recent minutes. We're taking network-wide action to filter this; if you continue to see it, please report it to staff in private message only. You can read more about our server-side filters at <>; feel free to message us if you have any questions. Thanks for using freenode, sorry for any inconvenience and have a nice day.
01:29:49 <sleepingkirby> ashleyk: not here.
01:30:21 <Invader_Bork> KatolaZ, do it like an old school telethon with coders in place of phone operators
01:30:30 <Invader_Bork> lol
01:30:53 <KatolaZ> :D
01:31:00 <nemo> I think most channels are still muted by default due to last year's spam attacks
01:31:16 <Invader_Bork> KatolaZ, i'd pay a dollar for that
01:31:27 <KatolaZ> I guess most channels just went +r
01:31:32 <nemo> on ours I require registration to talk publicly, or else your arrival from an autovoiced whitelist (which is currently only freenode's client)
01:31:40 <KatolaZ> which rules out a lot of spam already
01:31:41 <nemo> I figured that was less hostile

02:01:57 <stripe> hi all installing ascii, how to kill display manager from tty so i can install the latest nvidia driver (service lightdm not recognised) cheers
02:03:41 <ashleyk> stripe, type runlevel
02:03:51 <ashleyk> i think its init 3 will work
02:04:04 <KatolaZ> stripe: which display manager are you using?
02:04:38 <stripe> its the xfce desktop from cd1
02:04:50 <ashleyk> hmm runlevel isnt a command apparently....but i think its init 4? init 5 = X ?
02:04:53 <KatolaZ> as root
02:05:02 <KatolaZ> stripe: /etc/init.d/slim stop
02:05:20 <stripe> ah its slim, thanks guys
02:05:33 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: what are you talking about?
02:05:54 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: runlevel is under /sbin
02:05:55 <ashleyk> changing runlevel from X runlevel to multi-user
02:05:58 <KatolaZ> /sbin/runlevel
02:06:04 <ashleyk> oh, im not root, my bad
02:06:13 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: there is no distinction between multi-user and X in Debian
02:06:20 <KatolaZ> and so in Devuan
02:06:27 <KatolaZ> since I can remember :)
02:06:27 <ashleyk> @_@
02:06:36 <KatolaZ> that is something used by RedHat-derived distros :)
02:06:42 <ashleyk> oh, so its non-standard, nice! lol
02:06:53 <ashleyk> how come it works in slackware
02:06:54 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: there is no standard about that
02:06:55 <KatolaZ> at all
02:07:11 <KatolaZ> just because slackware opted for a different runlevel structure
02:07:12 <KatolaZ> :)
02:07:29 <ashleyk>
02:07:36 <ashleyk> # 5 - X11
02:07:44 <ashleyk> # 3 - Full multiuser mode
02:07:47 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: which standard are you talking about exactly?
02:07:56 <ashleyk> the 20 years old standard
02:08:01 <KatolaZ> which one?
02:08:05 <KatolaZ> can you name it, please?
02:08:14 <ashleyk> AIX?
02:08:49 <KatolaZ> which standard?
02:08:52 <KatolaZ> AIX is not a standard
02:08:57 <KatolaZ> AIX is a sysv implementation
02:09:30 <ashleyk> ok, well, then saying normal things that usually work, dont work anymore, fine, whatever
02:09:33 <ashleyk> who runs X anyway? lol
02:09:44 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: you cited a standard
02:09:49 <KatolaZ> but you can't name it :)
02:10:00 <KatolaZ> this has never been standard
02:10:16 <KatolaZ> the runlevel configuration has always been a choice of the implementation/distribution
02:12:55 <ashleyk> ah, only 0, 1 and 6 were standards
02:13:01 <KatolaZ> ashleyk: :)
02:13:06 <gnarface> ashleyk: you can still make it do that if you want, you know.
02:13:12 <ashleyk> i assumed they were all standard because everyone ued them
02:13:23 <gnarface> redhat used them
02:13:29 <gnarface> that's why everyone used them
02:13:37 <KatolaZ> not everyone again
02:13:41 <ashleyk> im from before redhat existed lol
02:13:57 <KatolaZ> SuSe started using runlevel 4 for X and then switched to 5
02:14:21 <KatolaZ> solaris had runlevel 3 initially, then 5
02:14:31 <KatolaZ> other sysv implementations did different things
02:14:37 <KatolaZ> it's basically down to the sysadmin
02:16:34 <ashleyk> ok
02:16:44 <gnarface> so presets is another update-rc.d feature needed

03:50:12 <_abc_> Hello. fsmithred ? Can you please remind me what that refracta based usb stick thing was called, with multiple bootable things on it?
03:58:39 <watchcat> i just use my cellphone to boot various iso's. 'drivedroid' app.
03:58:57 <_abc_> netboot?
03:59:31 <watchcat> usb
04:01:22 <_abc_> Yeah, ok, I need it on a usb stick.

05:53:48 <golinux> _abc_: refracta2usb
05:54:18 <golinux>
05:55:04 <golinux>
05:55:21 <golinux> _abc_: ^^^
06:06:19 <_abc_> golinux: thanks
06:07:05 <_abc_> Great I already had one of them bookmarked from last time. Duh.
06:07:06 <_abc_> Thanks.

08:07:33 <Bjornn> is there a particular DE that Ascii works best with?
08:12:23 <golinux> Bjornn: The default is Xfce
08:12:51 <golinux> But there are other choices
08:17:26 <plasma41> Impressive. Gentoo now has GNOME 3.30 working with OpenRC init by means of elogind.
08:17:36 <Xenguy> Bjornn: I like MATE, which is like Gnome2
08:19:03 <plasma41> Not that I plan to switch from Xfce, but could this allow Devuan to start supporting GNOME 3?
08:22:00 <watchcat> seems like more trouble than it's worth.
08:22:00 <djph> i think gnome would need to be compile-able systemd-free
08:40:21 <golinux> gnome is more trouble than it's worth and a dead end of complexity
08:45:24 <Xenguy> I recall having a brief look at GNOME3, and thinking it was just awful
08:49:39 <jonadab> Gnome has been getting worse with each new version since 1.0
08:49:57 <jonadab> At this point, it's not worth messing with at all.
08:51:09 <jonadab> I think a lot of young people today would be astonished if they got a look at how flexible Gnome 0.x was, though. It could do stuff that most desktop environments today cannot.
08:51:51 <jonadab> Just for example, I used to have a small clock applet on a floating, always-on-top panel positioned so that it would be to the left of the minimize button on a maximized window, covering up an otherwise completely unused portion of the titlebar.
08:52:20 <MinceR> indeed
08:52:32 <MinceR> gnome used to be nice, then it jumped the shark and became absolute trash
08:53:10 <jonadab> They got somebody in their leadership who bought into the "options confuse users so don't give them any options" nonsense.
08:53:27 <MinceR> indeed
08:53:29 <Xenguy> Yeah, exactly. We know better than the users, etc.
08:53:38 <MinceR> and also into the rest of the apple ideas about UI
08:53:47 <MinceR> they even adopted the apple HIG
08:54:30 <jonadab> My own view is that the *defaults* should be designed for the sorts of users who are confused by options.
08:54:51 <jonadab> So they don't have to look at them.
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