10:45:44 <Xenguy> FriendlyMan, Hello, are you a giant?
10:50:00 <Xenguy> Pardon the whimsy, but of course
10:52:53 <mlsmith> Xenguy, I had to look that up. Never seen the show.
10:53:03 <Xenguy> hah
10:53:15 <Xenguy> It's in the past, for sure
10:53:43 <Xenguy> Look up... Look waaaaayyyyyyyyy up
10:54:06 <Xenguy> He was the most friendly and chill giant ever
10:54:08 <mlsmith> Yeah that is an old show. It ended the year after I was born.
10:54:27 <Xenguy> You could have worse people influencing your child ; -)
10:54:52 <Xenguy> I adored Rusty (the rooster?)
10:55:07 <Xenguy> Anyhow, dating myself here, as it were
10:56:38 <mlsmith> Haha, no worries. age = experience & wisdom
10:57:01 <Xenguy> I'm still a sprite it turns out, mwuhaha
10:57:41 <Xenguy> I'm all for wisdom though
10:57:54 <Xenguy> If we can't learn from mistakes, what's the point?
10:57:59 <mlsmith> Are all sprites mischievous?
10:58:13 <Xenguy> It's a hotly debated topic!
10:58:23 <Xenguy> But yes, I think so
10:58:30 <Xenguy> It goes with the territory
10:58:35 <furrywolf> I've heard of it, but never seen it... never been a tv fan.
10:58:48 <Xenguy> .oO( Are we off-topic yet ? )
10:59:42 <mlsmith> Is there an off-topic channel?
10:59:51 <Xenguy> furrywolf, TV was, and is, shite, but some of us got brainwashed by it before people knew it was a negative influence
11:00:01 <Xenguy> mlsmith, debianfork
11:00:15 <Xenguy> C'mon down
11:00:30 <mlsmith> Okee dokee
11:00:58 <furrywolf> Xenguy: ... I haven't noticed that happening yet.
11:01:12 <Xenguy> hah
11:01:17 <furrywolf> that is, people still don't seem to think it's a negative influence.
11:01:48 <Xenguy> Like Jules said, "It's all Koolio and the Gang"

14:11:31 <panorain> Hello
14:29:20 <fsmithred> panorain, if you have a question, ask, and eventually someone will answer.
14:57:58 <panorain> fsmithred: Thank You

17:20:52 <emdete> hi, can i install a minimal booting (to shell) system to hd with netinst when network is not available?

18:05:47 <Digit> is devuan conf gonna have live streams to watch?
18:06:23 <Digit> oop, asked too soon, just read down to that. yep.
18:07:26 <hightower2> yep
18:24:19 <tuxd3v> Hello Freedom lovers out there
18:24:20 <tuxd3v> :)
18:46:12 <fsmithred> is it still without audio, or do I have a problem here?
18:46:43 <golinux> Where are you?
18:47:01 <fsmithred> at Cor's
18:47:24 <fsmithred> gonna leave here soon and come to bridge
18:47:51 <golinux> Everyone is asking including parazyd
18:48:02 <fsmithred> be about an hour
18:48:05 <golinux> You feeling better?
18:48:25 <fsmithred> a little. I slept well.
18:48:27 <djph> "it'll be livestreamed...", well where?
18:48:48 <fsmithred>
18:49:18 <djph> yay
18:49:27 <fsmithred> um, ok. Maybe I'm not really awake. I was just looking for my laptop to put it in the bag.,
18:50:15 <djph> friday april 6 2019 <-- uh guys, you're off by a day ...
18:52:38 <parazyd> djph: #devuan-conf
18:52:43 <parazyd> See /topic
18:56:10 <djph> heh, i actually meant to paste that in a different window :|
18:56:17 <djph> where'd me coffee go
19:00:48 <fsmithred> oh, I pasted the wrong link. Use this one instead:
19:01:16 <fsmithred> on my way...

19:41:37 <premoboss> hi, i use the last version of devuan on amd4. everytime i start devuan, no audio present. i must go to pulseaudio control, turn of internal audio and then set the volume level i want. the problem is the system dont take memory of changes an i have to do every time i turn on the system. hany help?
19:48:01 <plasma41> premoboss: The internals of pulseaudio are anything but simple. I wish I could help, but unfortunately that's outside my area of expertise.
19:59:12 * Digit regrets he'll be asleep before he gets a stream download set up... will have to catch it later
20:00:16 <specing> Can't you people just build stuff without pulseaudio?
20:01:38 <djph> heh, they're too busy de-systemd-ifying the whole mess. pulse is next
20:06:11 <specing> there was an interesting proposal a few weeks ago: to have Gentoo's portage operate on top of debian source packages
20:07:06 <plasma41> specing: Where was this?
20:07:27 <specing> in one of the gentoo channels
20:08:45 <specing> I personally think portage needs a redesign, just resolving dependencies on my gentoo systems takes north of 15 minutes (core2duo)
20:09:16 * Digit wonders ... paludis
20:09:33 <specing> right
20:09:59 <specing> there are two replacemtns for portage: paludis and pkgcore
20:10:11 <specing> but so far ... portage is yet to be replaced
20:10:14 <specing> >_>
20:14:25 <Digit> "ERROR: m3u8 download detected but ffmpeg or avconv could not be found. Please install one." gentoo's installing it! gentoo's installing it! calm down youtube-dl! it'll be ready when it's ready. ;3
20:14:55 <Digit> i am still fond of portage tho. :)
20:15:34 <Digit> more fond of it than any other. (tho the stuff guix gets up to is worth investigating)
20:16:32 <plasma41> Guix is pretty cool. I've been meaning to try it out.
20:17:50 <Digit> a novel accompanyment to any distro.
20:18:32 <specing> Digit: it used to be that ./configure took the longest, now its dependencies > configure > compile
20:19:39 <specing> with exceptions of some C++ shits (libreoffice, kicad, firefox), compile time is <30% total time
20:20:00 <premoboss> plasma41, ok no prob.
20:31:17 <golinux> specing wrote: Can't you people just build stuff without pulseaudio?
20:31:39 <golinux> Do you want to be that person?
20:32:26 <specing> dunno, I haven't yet decided whether to switch to devuan or centos or continue suffering on gentoo
20:33:43 <plasma41> avoid centos if you want to avoid systemd
20:38:31 <specing> plasma41: centos has something devuan doesen't: SELinux
20:39:33 <MinceR> good thing devuan doesn't have that
20:39:41 <specing> why MinceR ?
20:39:44 <MinceR> extra bloat in the name of "security", carrying its own risks
20:39:45 <plasma41> really? I just assumed SELinux was in Debian
20:40:06 <MinceR> afaik it was already discovered to have at least one vulnerability which a SELinux-less system wouldn't have
20:40:36 <MinceR> and to top it off, (almost?) nobody can write a policy for it
20:40:48 <MinceR> iirc even red hat's distros had policy issues even though it's their thing
20:45:16 <detha> MinceR: selinux is pretty magic. And against 1 vuln, I have been able to say 'haha, doesn't affect my C6 boxes because of selinux, patching can wait until normal scheduled downtime' many times.
20:46:16 <detha> (and writing policies is pretty simple nowadays. It was an issue in the early days, when tooling was primitive)
20:47:02 <specing> I'm impressed by SELinux
20:47:15 <specing> try rooting >5.0.0 android phones
20:47:43 <specing> go to xda developers and you'll see how rooting-by-exploit drops after SELinux was introduced
20:48:57 <specing> it works and it works well
21:04:57 <MinceR> in that case, i can recommend rHELL to you
21:05:06 <MinceR> it has more of these intricate and beautiful complexities :>
21:08:42 <detha> Heh. There are two things wrong with RHEL: systemd, and the fact that towards EOL of a release the base packages become really ancient.
21:12:08 <djph> detha: so, the same problems that Debian has these days :)
21:13:07 <plasma41> "towards EOL of a release the base packages become really ancient" -- that's true of every LTS distro
21:13:26 <detha> Only half. RH has a pretty hard policy of 'No major version bumps in any package'
21:14:47 <detha> And because RH attempts to be a 'stable' distribution, they already start with old-ish packages every release
21:15:42 <sxpert> there are 2 versions of debian... "stale" and "usable"
21:20:10 <MinceR> interesting method of getting to a "stable" distribution, building it all on a piece of software that isn't even nearly mature and probably never will
21:20:17 <MinceR> be
21:22:59 <detha> It works. Until they started giving in to the 'we need newer packages' cries, in >10 years RH/centos I have only had one case where an upgrade broke prod
21:25:16 <MinceR> yeah, except when it just doesn't
21:25:33 <MinceR> like when it freezes on shutdown, or when it forgets to start a service or two at boot
21:25:46 <MinceR> or it waits for some network resource or filesystem forever at boot
21:26:17 <MinceR> i don't know how anyone gets to call a distro release that ships with systemd "stable" with a straight face
21:28:20 <detha> That would be 7.x. We have never put 7 in prod, and even 6 can be made unstable by using SCL stuff.
21:28:56 <MinceR> :>

22:02:40 <jelly> plasma41: yes and no. RH care about some select packages, you
22:03:06 <jelly> will always have latest lvm and device-mapper even on EL6 or EL5 if you keep it up to date
22:03:31 <jelly> Canonical push Firefox release branch into LTS.
22:03:33 <jelly> etc.
22:04:53 <jelly> and both have customers that nag if things break
22:05:44 <jelly> detha: "no major version bumps" really means "we'll introduce new features going from 2.101 to 2.103"
22:08:19 <detha> true. different upstreams have different ideas about what a point version means
22:09:11 <MinceR> most customers seem to be OK with broken things
22:09:27 <MinceR> especially apple and microsoft customers
22:09:27 <detha> RH tries to stick to 'if it worked on x.0, it should still work unchanged on x.15
22:11:49 <detha> Which is a good thing for systems that are certified at 'Using ELx, OS needs to be kept patched, any changes to app means re-certification'

23:29:04 <SigmaTel> Hello! I have a problem with "nvidia-driver" in Devuan ASCII 2.0.0 (amd64, kernel version 4.9.0-8). In the beginning of the init process I get error message from udevd: "Error running install command for nvidia". Is there a way to resolve it?
23:30:40 <SigmaTel> My GPU is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050.
23:32:42 <gnarface> SigmaTel: just a guess but maybe you're missing the linux-headers-amd64 package (or linux-headers-i386, depending)
23:33:14 <SigmaTel> gnarface: linux-headers-amd64 for this kernel is present and installed.
23:35:03 <ashleyk> yo yo yo
23:35:27 <ashleyk> ubuntu 18.10 seems to detect the network card on this intel NUC, but devuan ascii netinstall couldnt
23:35:48 <ashleyk> wat do
23:36:12 <plasma41> ashleyk: What's the pci id of the nic?
23:36:15 <SigmaTel> Does netinstaller request firmware or else?
23:36:25 <ashleyk> plasma41, let me check
23:37:27 <gnarface> SigmaTel: anything else to that error from nvidia-driver?
23:37:56 <ashleyk> 00:1F.6 I219-V Rev30
23:38:54 <SigmaTel> gnarface: It does start up nvidia-drm afterwards.
23:39:40 <SigmaTel> udevd's error with nvidia module is the first message during init process.
23:40:16 <plasma41> ashleyk: what's the hexidecimal Vender_ID:Product_ID from the output of the `lspci -nn` command?
23:40:22 <gnarface> SigmaTel: is nouveau not blacklisted?
23:41:09 <ashleyk> plasma41, 8086:15be ?
23:41:12 <SigmaTel> It is blacklisted.
23:41:49 <SigmaTel> glxinfo -i says "X Error of failed request: BadValue".
23:43:10 <gnarface> all this should work
23:43:26 <gnarface> dunno what you meant about nvidia-drm though, i don't have that here
23:43:47 <gnarface> i don't think that's the part we're overlooking here though
23:45:01 <gnarface> can you think of anything else weird about the hardware or the install?
23:45:19 <SigmaTel> I have fresh installation of Devuan.
23:45:51 <gnarface> hmm. i wonder if that 1050 is actually new enough you need the backports kernel and nvidia-drivers
23:46:12 <SigmaTel>
23:46:17 <gnarface> i wouldn't have expected the hardware to fail though
23:46:23 <gnarface> er, the install command
23:46:30 <gnarface> i would expect it to error later
23:46:59 <SigmaTel> It errors right after the startup.
23:47:34 <gnarface> anything in dmesg?
23:47:49 <SigmaTel> That *is* dmesg.
23:47:56 <plasma41> ashleyk: Those are the IDs I need. Unfortunately I can't find reference to that nic in the database.
23:48:37 <gnarface> SigmaTel: sorry i didn't look at your jpg. i can't be that cavalier about what i click on. try instagram
23:49:06 <SigmaTel> I don't use Instagram, I don't need it.
23:54:53 <plasma41> ashleyk: What kernel version are you running?
23:56:10 <ashleyk> plasma41, 4.18.0-17-generic March 13 2019
23:56:37 <plasma41> hrm
23:57:57 <ashleyk> anyway, im up and running...may just have to roll with this because of time constraints
---------- 2019-04-05 ----------
00:00:18 <ashleyk> oh...while im thinking about it....

00:00:55 <ashleyk> what is the deal with having ethernet and wifi both connected to the same network/subnet, and why cant i ever get it to work right (especially dhcp makes the devices start trading ip addresses @_@)
00:01:22 <SigmaTel> gnarface: What do I have to do with this udevd error?
00:01:26 <ashleyk> seems like dhcp renew responses come into the wrong network
00:01:32 <ashleyk> device*
00:02:22 <ashleyk> originally i was going to force a setup where ifplugd will make only one active at a time (plug in wifi adapter and ethernet shuts off), but this new board has both wifi and ethernet at all times, so no option to limit it that way
00:02:59 <gnarface> SigmaTel: no idea, just based on the information you've given me, but to be clear, i haven't seen the jpg
00:04:24 <ashleyk> are there nightly install images with newer kernels i should try though, before i ...deploy ubuntu
00:05:04 <gnarface> ashleyk: backports
00:05:15 * SigmaTel sighs
00:05:45 <ashleyk> gnarface, what does that mean
00:06:21 <gnarface> ashleyk: there are newer kernels available in ascii-backports, along with newer mesa, nvidia-drivers, and several other things. threatening to install ubuntu won't get you a different suggestion.
00:06:45 <buZz> > 17:00:55 < ashleyk> what is the deal with having ethernet and wifi both connected
00:06:47 <ashleyk> no, i already installed ubuntu, i just dont have a lot of time
00:06:56 <buZz> if you do so, you get two default routes for the same network
00:06:57 <plasma41> ashleyk: might be worth a shot
00:07:01 <buZz> over two different interfaces
00:07:13 <ashleyk> plasma41, thanks
00:08:00 <ashleyk> buZz, i just know its screwy and..i dont know if there is a way to fix it...slackware didn't seem to have the problem but i cant figure out why
00:08:10 <buZz> ashleyk: wicd is really nice for network interface management , imho
00:08:21 <buZz> it can disconnect wifi on eth connection, at least
00:08:24 <ashleyk> my software writes /etc/network/interfaces
00:08:27 <buZz> probably also the reverse
00:08:38 <gnarface> SigmaTel: did you install nvidia-kernel-dkms? there might still be missing nvidia-* packages
00:08:41 <buZz> oh ok, wicd actually manages the interfaces
00:08:54 <ashleyk> buZz, yeah, i need programmatic control...
00:09:00 <buZz> yes, wicd is a program :P
00:09:04 <gnarface> SigmaTel: (nvidia-kernel-dkms is the thing that needs linux-headers-amd64)
00:09:45 <SigmaTel> It depends on nvidia-driver, so it it installed.
00:09:52 <SigmaTel> it is*
00:10:11 <gnarface> and linux-headers-amd64 was already installed before that?
00:10:25 <ashleyk> is this normal? This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
00:10:33 <SigmaTel> Yep, for 4.9.0-8 amd64.
00:10:49 <gnarface> ashleyk: their https is messed up i think
00:10:54 <ashleyk> k
00:11:02 <SigmaTel> Maybe I need CUDA thing installed also?
00:11:35 <plasma41> I think is one of the mirrors in the round-robin
00:12:12 <ashleyk> all good, im downloading
00:12:52 <SigmaTel> I notice that nvidia-driver-libs-nonglvnd is installed but the nvidia-driver-libs.
00:14:16 <ashleyk> buZz, do you know what directive or rule i need to prevent that?...
00:14:57 <ashleyk> like whatever wicd is doing, i should be able to do it manually.....somehow
00:15:20 <buZz> to prevent what?
00:15:22 <buZz> setting a route?
00:15:44 <ashleyk> whatever is causing screwyness when ethernet and wifi are dhcp on the same network subnet
00:16:01 <buZz> screwyness? it should cause any issues
00:16:04 <buZz> shouldnt*
00:16:11 <buZz> what exact issues are you seeing?
00:16:37 <ashleyk> the most obvious one is that when a dhcp renew happens (lease expires) the devices will either get new ips or trade ips
00:16:39 <buZz> you cant prevent 'whatever' , you need to define what you want :P
00:16:43 <ashleyk> so wlan will switch ips with eth0
00:16:48 <buZz> ashleyk: thats a dhcp server config
00:16:59 <buZz> it should be giving the -same- leases to the -same- mac addresses
00:17:06 <ashleyk> is it? or is the renew response coming into the wrong device
00:17:07 <buZz> and not flip them around willynilly
00:17:12 <ashleyk> ah..hrm...
00:17:22 <ashleyk> so it could be my router being dumb
00:17:29 <buZz> could be, yeah
00:17:39 <ashleyk> or my dhclient
00:17:44 <buZz> no
00:22:06 <ashleyk> buZz, see what this guy says, but of course he doesnt expound on it:
00:22:23 <ashleyk> regarding /etc/network/interfaces: "It's not complicated if you know what you are doing, if you know where to get info (i.e. reading man pages over who knows how old tutorials) and know what to expect from it, especially if you have 2 interfaces (i.e. wired+wireless) connected to the same network."
00:22:53 <buZz> ashleyk: i dont get wtf that forumthread is about
00:23:30 <buZz> my best tip would be ; never use NetworkManager , its -hell-
00:23:34 <buZz> and dumb as f
00:24:23 <ashleyk> oh yeah i know... im going to find out if its just my dhcp server causing the issue as soon as possible, i dont want to use anything other than e/n/i
00:25:44 <ashleyk> ok trying this mini.iso on the intel nuc to see if i can run devuan within my time constraints
00:29:27 <ashleyk> yup! this mini.iso detected the network, and also told me which firmware was missing for the wifi! thanks
00:32:58 <ashleyk> it says it cant find kernel modules, but im going to install it anyway and see what happens
00:36:38 <ashleyk> gnarface, well, it cant detect a disk drive because of missing kernel at least it had ethernet...
00:43:18 <gnarface> ashleyk: do you know about backports?
00:44:06 <ashleyk> gnarface, not really
00:44:38 <gnarface> ashleyk: i didn't recommend them because it was stupid to do so
00:44:56 <gnarface> ashleyk: let me rephrase that: i wouldn't have recommended them if i didn't think it would work
00:46:15 <gnarface> if ubuntu is working, it's highly unlikely to have anything to do with anything other than their newer kernel
00:46:24 <gnarface> which is something you can get from backports instead
00:46:31 <gnarface> but only you can decide to do that
00:47:21 <ashleyk> well the mini iso worked to detect the network card, but it says it couldnt find the kernel modules (in general) and couldnt detect the disk drive
00:47:58 <ashleyk> i guess im not sure how 'backports' is going to help me install
00:48:27 <ashleyk> or id have to install from DVD image, and then copy backports files via flash drive to get online?
00:48:54 <gnarface> you could complete the netinstall without a network connection, then just copy the newer kernel package and related dependencies over manually
00:48:59 <gnarface> with a usb key or whatever
00:49:03 <gnarface> or the wifi
00:49:11 <gnarface> or another external ethernet device
00:49:20 <gnarface> since you're here in IRC i assume you have a working network connection
00:50:20 <gnarface> or i dunno, maybe that's all too complicated and you'd just be happier running ubuntu. i really don't think so, and in fact i think having to pretend it does might damage your brain permanently. but that's your choice to make
00:51:58 <ashleyk> id rather not run ubuntu, but i dont really have a lot of time to try different things. i didnt know i could finish netinstall without internet
00:52:15 <gnarface> yea it will still leave you with a bootable system if you complete all the steps
00:52:55 <ashleyk> at that point if i had to i could just compile my own kernel
00:52:58 <gnarface> the only thing it couldn't detect was your ethernet right?
00:53:24 <gnarface> if so, it should boot
00:53:32 <ashleyk> though id have to install lots of crap to compile. heh. well as far as i know the stock ascii netboot iso just complained about ethernet, i didnt go further
00:53:47 <ashleyk> ill try it
00:55:54 <gnarface> what kernel version was that ubuntu using?
00:56:44 <ashleyk> 4.18.0-17-generic
00:56:55 <gnarface> backports has something similar
00:57:02 <ashleyk> yeah the ascii netinstall found the disk, so im installing without ethernet and then ill see what i need to do
00:57:37 <ashleyk> looking for my usb ethernet adapter in the meantime
00:58:18 <gnarface> heh, yea you should have listed that amongst your assets far sooner than now
01:01:34 <gnarface> ashleyk: do you not actually have wireless? the wifi might be easier to get running in that thing with the stock kernel.
01:01:40 <gnarface> (usually this isn't the case though)
01:06:37 <ashleyk> gnarface, heh yeah, i was just thinking if the hardware isnt supported by the installer then probably it isnt supported at all yet, but, i found my usb ethernet. the system does have wifi but its an intel iw9000 or something so, i bet the usb might be easier
01:07:10 <gnarface> the usb device might be easier. but the wifi device should work with the stock kernel and the firmware-iwlwifi package, afaik
01:07:11 <ashleyk>
01:07:22 <ashleyk> ok ill know in a few minutes, brb
01:10:27 <ashleyk> yeah onboard wifi and ethernet not detected, but usb device came up right away as enx923402384098234
01:10:52 <ashleyk> cool, so i can just compile my own kernel if worst comes to worst
01:11:04 <gnarface> yes, but the backports kernel probably will work
01:11:18 <gnarface> for the wireless you probably need firmware-iwlwifi, which may or may not also have to come from backports
01:13:02 <ashleyk> ok, so...i put it in e/n/i and i am online now. so, do i just uncomment backports lines in /etc/apt/sources.list or w/e?
01:13:13 <ashleyk> ive never done this before
01:13:49 <gnarface> yes, first uncomment them
01:13:55 <gnarface> then re-run "apt-get update"
01:14:16 <gnarface> then, you'll have to add "-t ascii-backports" to any further commands where you want to use them
01:14:27 <gnarface> it is recommended to just get what you need then comment it out again
01:14:57 <ashleyk> awesome thanks
01:15:00 <ashleyk> im doing it now
01:15:14 <gnarface> so like "apt-get update && apt-get -t ascii-backports install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64 firmware-iwlwifi"
01:15:37 <gnarface> if you plan on using opengl and that thing doesn't have a nvidia card, you'll probably want to get mesa from backports too
01:15:52 <ashleyk> nah i dont need graphics
01:15:52 <gnarface> but probably not anything else
01:16:02 <ashleyk> hah, first problem. /etc/apt/sources.list only has CDROM
01:16:25 <gnarface> there's example backports lines in here
01:16:32 <gnarface> actually example every line
01:16:38 <ashleyk> ok great thats what i need
01:17:27 <gnarface>
01:17:35 <gnarface> here is an example of what your sources.list should look like without backports
01:17:40 <gnarface> just append the 2 backports lines to that
01:17:49 <gnarface> but again, comment them back out when you're done
01:18:11 <ashleyk> thanks a lot, with any luck ill be good to go soon
01:18:19 <gnarface> good luck
01:25:46 <tuxd3v> Hello freedom lovers out there
01:25:53 <tuxd3v> Good Afternoon
01:26:21 <unixman> Good morning.
01:27:59 <ashleyk> gnarface, it worked, thank you :)
01:28:10 <gnarface> you're welcome

05:47:57 * Digit wakes, turns on the stream, wonders if he missed it
05:56:08 <ashleyk> Digit, tomorrow
05:57:04 <fleeky> anyone here tried installing on devuan
05:57:05 <Digit> the site says "Starting: Friday, April 5th 2019, 13:00 CEST"... so, was today just people hanging around chatting?
05:57:18 <ashleyk> Digit, seems so
05:57:26 <fleeky> has a debian guide for installing but i am unsure if it would translate to devuan or not
05:58:59 <ashleyk> it should
05:59:10 <ashleyk> just not the systemd stuff
06:02:38 <ashleyk> fleeky, and i guess some people today would use the "docker image"
06:02:41 <ashleyk> whatever that is
06:03:46 <fleeky> fuck a docker image :)
06:03:54 <fleeky> alright well ill just see if it translates ,,
06:03:55 <ashleyk> :D
06:29:06 <_abc_> Hi. Is there any devuan vs debian choice advantage in choosing a lamp / lampp stack to install on devuan ascii?
06:31:11 <Digit> so, i'm guessing the stream's started back on a loop...? or is this still live?
06:32:28 <ashleyk> Digit, nothing is live...heh do you not know how to tell if something is live on youtube?
06:32:58 <ashleyk> the day zero video says 4 hours old
06:33:07 <ashleyk> and its 40 minutes long
06:33:31 <Digit> ah. i rarely look at youtube. i just plug the youtube urls into mpv
06:33:38 <ashleyk> if it was live and you scrolled all the way right, it would show a red thing tht says Live
06:33:43 <ashleyk> ah
06:34:09 <Digit> idk where the 40mins comes from... what i'm seeing is over 2h
06:34:41 <ashleyk> the 4 day old one?
06:35:07 <Digit> just toggled to this 20m ago, and was watching the prior for something near an hour before they switched stream.
06:35:08 <ashleyk>
06:35:26 <ashleyk> hmmm, not sure...i dont see anything
06:36:04 <Digit> is what i plugged into mpv. was when it started, now
06:36:25 <ashleyk> yeah thats from april 1st
06:36:30 <Digit> nothing much happening but mulling around and prep... looks like a talks about to start tho.. looks like it might indeed be the morning.
06:36:37 <Digit> hrm
06:39:07 <Digit> okies. as you first said then. :/ "tomorrow"
06:40:44 <ashleyk> Digit, #devuan-conf
06:45:20 <Digit> thanks. (tho methinks could have done with mention of that chan in ( ) or in the topic here)
06:45:35 <Digit> oops! i missed it is in the topic here.
06:45:44 * Digit gets breakfast
06:49:41 <_abc_> What's #devuan-conf ?
06:52:00 <gnarface> _abc_: devuan conference channel
06:52:02 <Digit> a conference happening this weekend for the distribution of gnu/linux whos chan you're in.
06:52:18 <_abc_> ok
search in #devuan logs: