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New Version for Firefox (135), mp4test for checking mp4 files (see … 2024-xii/) a lot of fixes (subtitleadjust), 2D animation (Glaxnimate), new Version of Shotcut and Kdenlive, Enjoy!
Hi, thank you for producing AVMultimedia.
I am having difficulty with German language, I boot in non-uefi mode, I don't see where to change the language to English.
I apologise for my ignorance, but how do I change the language to English, I do not see the separate grub boot screens.
I am competent enough to edit config files.
Thank you for your assistance.
pic from 1993, new guitar day.
I am having difficulty with German language, I boot in non-uefi mode, I don't see where to change the language to English.
I apologise for my ignorance, but how do I change the language to English, I do not see the separate grub boot screens.
I am competent enough to edit config files.
No problem at all, the doc is a bit limited on this issue.
If you use legacy mode, you have to use the following codes (first start screen) to get the desired mode/language:
dhd = german with hard disk
dno = german without hard disk
dhda = alternative mode wtih hard disk
dnoa = alternative mode withouth hard disk
ehd = english with hard disk
eno = english without hard disk
ehda = alternative mode with hard disk
enoa = alternative mode without hard disk
In your case you probably need: ehd
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Last edited by avbox (2025-02-17 13:23:31)
Unfortunately, in the new release (2025+) the data carriers with exFat were not integrated (missing kernel module). This is now the case, exFat disks are mounted normally and are fully usable.
The directory /home/archivista/data has been added to the Flatpak package manager (however, this is only the case if no Flatpak programs are installed. If Flatpak is already in use, please issue the following command with root:
flatpak override --filesystem=/home/archivista/data:rw
The applications Scratch, GCompris, TuxType and some other small tools are no longer included in the 2025 version; however, they can be used via Flatpak.
Last edited by avbox (2025-02-17 13:47:42)
Thank you, my friend, for your efforts and help here.
pic from 1993, new guitar day.