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#1 Re: Off-topic » KeepassXC » 2024-07-02 04:52:16

I can understand both sides. I don't use the unstable branch so I doubt I will get affected by this but if I were the App Image and Flatpack options are there. Each camp has options at their disposal to gett he result they want.

#2 Re: Hardware & System Configuration » What working environment would you recommend? » 2024-07-02 04:46:33

You won't be limited by hardware so the best bet will be to try a few out and see what you like the best. It's a very personal and subjective choice.

#3 Re: News & Announcements » Devuan on Fediverse » 2024-07-02 04:44:09

Just followed. Thanks for having this. I have never had a Twitter account and will never have one so it's nice being able to keep up with the project.

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