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#1 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] (username) is not in the sudoers file. » 2023-08-24 08:51:00

Thanks a ton, I managed to add myself into sudo. Marking as solved.

#2 Re: Other Issues » [SOLVED] (username) is not in the sudoers file. » 2023-08-23 18:54:19

Thanks for the advice! I managed to find how to get access to root online but when I tried

# adduser foo sudo

it said that adduser command doesn't exist.

Thanks for the advice never the less!

#3 Other Issues » [SOLVED] (username) is not in the sudoers file. » 2023-08-23 14:29:01

Replies: 5

Hello this is my first time using a linux distro and I tried installing tor browerser but it says that my only username on this installation is not in the sudoers file which probably means I can't execute sudo commands.

My question is how do I enable myself to use them? Thank you in advance.

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