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#1 Re: Off-topic » Show your desktop (rebooted) » 2021-02-18 08:11:32


i3-gaps & conkybar
ranger git install


#2 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » SLIM session issue when log-out and log-in » 2021-02-18 02:12:55


Interesting comment Stick.

I have no problem logging with .xinitrc as I only use one environment i3-gaps, but say I had two or more i3 , xfce so on how do you change without F1 from tty.

And from memory Debian's default is lightDM. Slim & F1 is so antiX. smile

#3 Re: Desktop and Multimedia » SLIM session issue when log-out and log-in » 2021-02-17 08:58:36


Just to add to this after updating to Linux devuan 5.10.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.13-1~bpo10+1 (2021-02-11) x86_64 GNU/Linux then rebooting to antiX and updating grub, on booting back to Devuan at the slim login screen, there was only a screen full of colored pixels. So I dropped  to tty logged in then run startx when straight to xfce but slim was broken.

So I removed slim and installed lightDM rebooted and lightDM worked so changed desktop environments to i3wm logged in and all is now good.

By the way Thanks for a nice system.

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